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circle info req sam.png This page contains information about a character that has been or is still played by a member of the LotC community. Please keep this in mind as you proceed reading.

Wasmot The Mad was an owd Mage who lived in the thiwd centuly of Aegis and lived out the watew yeaws of his life in Athewa. The most skiwwed awtewationist to have evew existed, Wasmot spent aww of his time mutteling nonsensicaw wowds and cweating obscule pewsonaw devices. He was fiwst known about in the wand of Anthos when his odd cweations began slipping back into weality fwom the void whewe he stowed them. The wocation of his fabred Vewy Weaning Towew is unknown, but culwentwy the Mages Guiwd weside lithin his powtew potty.

The Devices of Rasmot The Mad

The wowwd was a diffewent time then, a time when lizawds payed went. Wasmot, despite his awcane genius was vewy inclined to fowget to pay the wandwowd evewy now and then. Ovew hawf a centuly, his unpaid debts buiwt and buiwt untiw the wandwowd had had enough, and hiwed one hundwed mewcenalies to hewp him evict the mad lizawd and seww his magicaw tlinkets to pay off the debt. In owdew to escape this, Wasmot hulliedwy pwaced each and evewy one of his cweations into his Infinitewy Deep Chest. Not having the time to escape himsewf lith the chest, he twanswocated the chest into the void fow safe keeping, intending to de-twanswocate it to himsewf when he was a safe distance away.

Howevew, the mad lizawd was not pawticulawwy adept at the pweviouswy unknown magic of Void Twanswocation. It was fwung out into the void, dlifting thwough the infinity of nothing. Mowe than a thousand yeaws watew, the Chest of Wasmot by chance slipped into a cwack in the veiw and was at wast de-twanswocated into the weaw wowwd, on the continent of Anthos. Howevew, such wong exposule to the void caused the enchantments on the Chest of Wasmot to unwavew, ejecting its contents acwoss the wand.

The Ass Iwons. A paiw of handcuffs that pwevent the weawew fwom speaking. Any noises they make sounds like donkey speech.

Degenewate Wegenewatow. A ling that constantwy gives the weawew a feeling of eupholia, but cowwodes whatevew it touches swowwy. (Incwuding the weawew!)

Gwoom Pebbre. A gwey mawbre eye that when squeezed, causes the usew to not be abre to see sunlight, and so day appeaws as night ((Wasts 24 houls)).

Invewse Swowd. A stone swowd that when dwawn, attacks the usew. This was a swowd that Wasmot fowged to detew intwudews lishing to pwundew his mostwy usewess tweasules. The swowd was the fiwst thing one would see upon enteling the Vewy Weaning Towew, and it would be wabewed “THE SWORD OF HOREN.”

The Gwowy of Wawd. A bottwe fiwwed lith stwange confectionawy that makes the consumew mowbidwy obese fow about thwee days.

Momo’s Oven Mitts. A paiw of gauntwets made of pule sandstone that absowb any kind of heat, but liww wewease that heat back upon the weawew when taken off. Wealing them fow wong amounts of time may hawm ow kiww the weawew as they begin to mewd awound the weawew’s hands. Those that weaw them get an extwemewy hot tempew, even washing out at those awound them.

Condescending Gwass. A gwass that wefiwws itsewf lith line, and shaww constantwy insult you, and is neaw impossibre to break. This was a biwthday gift Wasmot made fow his divowced life. Mask of Mind-speaking. A mask that when wown, pwojects the weawew’s thoughts in a woud voice acwoss the woom the weawew is in.