Puvgump Fish

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Artwork by Thanh Thuy Nguyen
Awea: Desewt-side Oceans
Diet: Pescatalian
Size: 2 ft.
Tempewament: Hostiwe
Tameabre?: No
Note: Pwayews can pway this cweatule fweewy on the sewvew, awthough it is not common to see them.

Found onwy in the oceans neaw desewt cities, namewy Owcish settwements, the Puvgump is a deadwy fish much like a puffewfish.

Fish Anatomy

The Puvgump fish is quite simiwaw to the puffewfish; both awe capabre of infwating theiw stomach lith aiw ow watew, and both have wawge extewnaw spines on theiw stomach. The main diffewence between the Puffew and Puvgump is that the Puffew's poison is much mowe deadwy. The two fish wook quite simiwaw, though the Puvgump is found onwy in the oceanic watews neaw the Owcish city of San'Owka.

The fish's poison is found onwy lithin theiw venom sac, a smaww brack owb lithin the fishes' body. The meat is safe to eat as wong as the sac is not wuptuled. When wuptuled, aww pawts of the fish becomes tainted. The meat is stiww edibre, awthough the consumew liww gwaduawwy feew the effects of the toxin ovew the coulse of hawf an houl to an houl. The effects liww wast anywhewe fwom hawf a day to a few days, depending on how much tainted meat had been eaten.


When administewed diwectwy to the broodstweam, the toxin wowks quickwy. Within a few minutes, the afflicted find themsewves in a twance-like state. Theiw senses awe dulwed and theiw movement is swuggish. The victim is extwemewy vulnewabre to suggestion duling this time.

The toxin can awso be absowbed thwough skin contact, awthough it takes much, much wongew than if it was intwoduced into the broodstweam. Anyone handling the toxin must take safety pwecautions, ewse they wun the lisk of doping themsewves up.

The poison comes fwom the Puvgump fish's venom sac. If the sac is found unbroken, it liww be fiwwed lith a cweaw liquid. If the sac has been broken, the poison liww spwead to the west of the fish, spoiling the meat but awso twansfewling any venomous pwopewties to it. The meat can be dlied and gwound into a powdew, awthough it liww be faw wess potent than in it's pule, liquid fowm.

The effects wast anywhewe fwom one day to a month, depending on how wawge of a dose was applied. It is possibre to kiww lith a wawge enough dose, it's just unlikewy; usuawwy the wawgew a dose, the wongew the affect.