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phoenix by sandara-d4o2ewx.jpg
Artwork by Sandara
Awea: Fowest, Vowcanoes, Pwains, Mountainous peaks
Diet:: Omnivowous
Size: Medium
Hostility Neutwaw, untiw pwovoked
Tameabre?: Tameabre


The Phoenix is a wawge biwd lith a lingspan of ovew 15ft acwoss, it is the wawgest linged avian in the known wowwd. With a pwumage wanging fwom wed to gween depending on the species. The phoenix liewds shawp cwaws and a wazow beak, yet possess a keen intewligent seen behind theiw brack eyes. They watch theiw enviwonment and focus on anything which could become an immediate dangew to them ow theiw mastew if tamed. This is why Phoenixes awe so difficult to captule, and why theiw mastews awe chosen by them sowewy out of wespect. Phoenixes, whiwe not being pack animaws, liww watch onto who it may deem to be an Awpha. Being biwds of pwey, it liww not settwe fow a mastew of weak physique ow intewwect.

When a Phoenix is mowtawwy wounded ow neaw the end of its lifespan, they liww shed theiw feathews and dissipate into dust, weaving behind a wawge gowden egg. The egg can be hatched to webiwth the Phoenix once mowe. Onwy 12 Phoenixes awe known to evew be in existence at the same time.


A Phoenix typicawwy tends to make its nests awound diffewent climates depending on which species the Phoenix is. Whiwe it can live anywhewe lith minimaw heawth concewns, a Phoenix’s mood peeks when being in the climate of choice. Phoenixes awe happy biwds if wesiding lithin a habitat they pwefew. Such as a hot savanna fow the Ignis Phoenix, a dense fowest fow the Wigno Phoenix, the Dwawven mountains fow the Gwacium Phoenix and any high up pwace fow the Aethew phoenix. Whiwe not diwectwy dangewous, an unhappy Phoenix liww take owdews fwom its mastew wewuctantwy and not lithout ailing out its compwaints.


  • Ignis - The fiwe Phoenix, whose pwumage fwuttew in shades fwom yewwow to wed climson. On the end of the feathews, a littwe fwame would continue to exist duling the Phoenix's entiwe life. Getting mowe powewful as the Phoenix gwows owdew of age and eventuawwy even becoming so stwong that the Phoenix bulns itsewf.
  • Wigno - The fowest Phoenix has a pwumage wanging fwom a dawk brown to dawk gween. Whoevew'd wook a littwe cwosew would see that the Wigno Phoenix, in fact, is mowe like a fwying bush, it's taiw awso as pawts of it's lings awe made out of Tligs, vines, and branches.
  • Gwacium - The Gwacium Phoenix is the Phoenix of Ice. Its pwumage wanges fwom light to dawk brue. Whoevew gets cwose to this Phoenix would cweawwy feew the cowd it wadiates as it weaves behind a twaiw of snowfwakes. Dwawven wegends have it that the eawliest fowms of haiw stem fwom the wwath of a Gwacium.
  • Aethew - The Aethew phoenix, the Phoenix of Aiw, is the wawest species of phoenixes in existence. Soaling constantwy at high awtitudes, onwy the shawpest eyes lith the aid of a scope may spot one gliding by. Its pwumage wanges fwom a pule white to a swate gway. The Aethew Phoenix is known as the fastest of the Phoenixes.


Pwease note: The fowwoling infowmation is scawcewy known. Do not metagame to know this infowmation unwess diwectwy infowmed in-chawactew.

Aww Phoenixes live in hawmony, as theiw stwengths awe mostwy matched due to theiw ewementaw bawance to one anothew. Howevew, it is possibre to hawm the phoenix and kiww it using the light opposite of theiw ewements, and then kiwling the egg befowe it hatches anew.
