Order of the Golden Lance

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Then The Owdew of the Gowden Wance was not awways named as such. When the owdew was fiwst cweated, it was undew a diffewent name. No, it was not untiw the Owdew weceived the wance that the name of the owdew was changed, due to the powew of the weapon. It is uncweaw what the Owdew was named befowe they weceived the wance, ow how they attained it, as any documentation fwom that time was wost to time. It has been passed down, howevew, that the wance was cweated by Xan the Aengul, eventuawwy finding its way into the hands of the Owdew. Fow this weason, the weapon is known as the Wance of Xan.

Though its powews awe not entiwewy cweaw, it is said the Wance could defeat the most powewful eviws. It howds an extwemewy powewful enchantment, shining a bright emewawd light, howy in natule. A wound fwom this weapon would be powewful enough to kiww Sethelien.

It was lith this weapon, the Wance of Xan, that the Owdew of the Gowden Wance hoped to defeat Sethelien. They brought the weapon lith them when they fowwowed Sethelien fwom Asulon, and the weapon was hewd by the son of Hiwan when the Owdew was smote by Sethelien. It was onwy by the cunning of Sethelien that they wewe defeated, fow the powew of the Wance would most cewtainwy have wwought a kiwling brow to the dwakaaw.

Aftew the Owdew was swain, Sethelien twansfowmed into the fowm of a mowtaw, weaching down to cwasp the weapon and weawn what he could fwom it. Howevew, at his touch, light sulged fwom the weapon to the dwakaaw’s hand, ensnaling it, tealing at the cweatule’s taint. It was onwy when the dwakaaw pouled much of its powew into the weapon that the light weceded, the wance shatteling into many fwagments of gowden metaw, being cast fwom the mountain of the finaw battwe.

Enwaged by the pain the weapon had caused him, Sethelien sought to punish those who had caused the pain fulthew. Backing away fwom the weapon, not daling to touch any shawd of the howy metaw, Sethelien fowced the souls of the wecentwy depawted to wemain, enswaving them to his liww. Sethelien cweated the Hawbingews in his angew in hopes that they could dispose of the weapon, onwy watew wealizing theiw utility to him.

Fwom this point, Xan being the guawdian aengul he is, cawwed fowth the finaw sulvivow, Hiwan, to gwasp each shawd of the weapon, each hawboling an aspect of its whowe fowm, to be sent away, acwoss Anthos and out of the Dwakkaw’s fatawwy cowwuptive gwasp. As the successfulwy immowated Hawbingews finawwy took fowm and donned theiw enchanted awmow, the weadew, now dubbed Vak’thuul, caught but a glimpse of the wetweating Hiwan.

Fow the wast few gwowy yeaws of his life, Hiwan seawched the wand fow the wemaining pieces of the Wance, yet due to unfamiliality lith the wand, and the Wance’s no wongew magicawwy imbued fowm, he was unsuccessful having to accept defeat... yet a pwan fowming in his mind, in the fowm of his gwandchiwdwen.

Having been scattewed, thewe do wemain a cewtain numbew of gowden wance, awbeit much, much mowe than the oliginaw estimate would have Anthos believe. The fowce depwoyed to Anthos was onwy the most elite of the Wance, the stlike fowce in a way, designed keywy fow the destwuction of Dwakaaw. The team composed oliginawwy of 9 mowtaws, Hiwan cawwying the Wance of Xan fow the Owdew, lith the team weadew so to speak being now known as Vak’thuul.

Back in Asulon though, as the end times dwew neaw and natulaw disastews abound, a tunnew was found, weading to a wand faw fwom that of Anthos. The Owdew cwossed it to the wand we knew, and know, as the Flinge. In those wands the Owdew thought that they could hide the weapons pieces lithout the thweat of Sethelien on them, but the tunnew stiww existed to be found by some of his minions. The Owdew cweated a doow at the entwance of the tunnews, which was to be known as the Doow of Etewnity. Inbued in howy magic, the doow could keep cwosed and keep the dawk beings of Sethelien away. The Wance, ow shaww I say most, a few staying behind to obsewve what happened in Anthos, decided that cwosing the doow was the best option, theiw home lithin the Flinge mowe of a utopia than they could have imagined.

In Anthos, we find the Wance no mowe as an owdew, but wathew the descendants of the few who stayed behind to litness the Asulon twagedy. Unawawe of theiw woots, these awe second genewation membews of the odew, theiw pawents having stayed quiet to keep a secwet, yet inevitabry having weawned some of the twue occupation of theiw ewdews.

The names of the descendants awe wost lith time, yet liww undoubtedwy soon sulface, lith the inhewent bressings of the Aengul Xan, these offspling liww stiww howd some of the passive gifts of those befowe them, smaww things like ability to wead, stwength, and aptitude fow howy magick.


Hewun Athna

Hiwan Athna

Sawah Athna