Order of Saint Amyas

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Holding close ties to the Church of the Canon, the Order of Saint Amyas were generally considered some of the most competent exactors of the faith, and have been the benchmark in the Savoy history, setting a foundation for all future military organisations in the region to be built on.


Finding its origins in the stark quest for a chance to spread the goodwill of the Creator, and the greed of a sellsword, the Order of Saint Amyas’ distant history hums with piety and opportunity. The first Grand Master, Guy de Varodyr, allied himself with a prelate whose actions send ripples across the sands of time, Goddard of Salvus, and with this newfound alliance he was granted papal legitimacy for his group of sellswords as well as a chest of Imperial marks with which to arm his men. Thus began the First Crusade of 1416

The First Crusade

Commissioned by High Pontiff Lucien I in 1416, the intent of the First Crusade was to secure the relics of one ‘John de Burcard’, an ancient messiah who had perished on a mission to convert the orcish savages to the faith of the one God. He had been martyred while there, and the High Pontiff had declared the land on which he walked sanctified. This crusade was chiefed by the newly-created holy Order known as the Order of Saint Amyas, led by their Grand Master, Guy de Varodyr, a sellsword part of a distant cadet branch of the noble line of Varodyr, who travelled to the orcish lands accompanied by Goddard of Salvus.

During the First Crusade, the knights of Saint Amyas enjoyed a relatively short lived success, fending off multiple Orcish raids and skirmishes with an arsenal of tactical genius, brilliant fort design and the will to serve the Creator to any lengths from its members. While taking residence in the sanctified ground that was considered the Holy Land, they built the stronghold of Fort Antrim, acclaimed as uncapturable. After two years occupying the Holy Land, Grand Master Guy created the title of the Prince of Junavos, the stronghold’s attendant lands becoming the independent crusader principality of Junavos. Eventually the knights were recalled to the Empire by Lucien I and were forced to relinquish their nascent crusader state, ending the holy war for good.

Return to Glory

After the glorious First Crusade, the Order participated in the Inquisition’s militant sanctions on Kingston in Salvus, rooting out heresy and abomination alongside the Chapters of the Red Dragon. The Order then enjoyed a long period of silence coinciding with the peace within the Empire. Grand Master Guy contracted a grave ailment, and as his health began to deteriorate he commanded the pious soldiers of Saint Amyas to disband their arms and return to their lives until he called again.

The next stint of the knights of Saint Amyas was during their brief return to glory under King Otto I, using its titles and doctrines as a honorary Order to commend valour and bravery, so as to continue their legacy. During this time, Gavin Wold was appointed to the position of Grand Master. This was the last recorded Council of Balion, and after this Grand Master Gavin declared the Order of Saint Amyas decommissioned until further notice.

The Order was briefly rebirthed by Gwenael de Bar as an independent knightly Order who was deemed incapable to lead because of illness and the title passed on to his son, Richard de Bar. The Knights Lorraine were dedicated to fulfilling what they saw as the work of God directly instead of through the medium of the Church, seizing sanctified land, killing monsters, punishing non believers and claiming relics for God’s truest followers. It sought prospective members to take the cross and join its ranks, aiding it in its many goals.

From Athera to Vailor

As time progressed, the Order developed a strong holding in Athera. After Richard de Bar's tenure as Grand Master, Adrian of the same house, de Bar, took the mantle. Adrian de Bar made a pious decision to venture on a pilgrimage, however as fate took a turn, he found himself captured by savage Orcs. Due to the absence of it's Grand Master, the Order had no choice but banner under a new figure. This new figure, once again of House Ashford de Bar, took control of the Order in Adrian's absence. After a few years, Adrian returned to find his younger brother, Guy de Bar, seated as Grand Master of the Order.

Soon after, the Knights Lorraine, along with the entire population of Oren, moved along from Athera to Vailor. As King Olivier de Savoie seated himself on the throne, the Knights Lorraine assisted in the construction and protection of the Human Capital while the Castle Geldern was in base construction. As the Ducal War started up, the order-men of the Lorraine Cross begun working closely alongside the Band of Esheveurd and other close allies in order to crush the rebellion.

After the conflict came to a close, and following the death of His Majesty, Olivier de Savoie, the Order of Saint Amyas finally came to a close, decidedly teaming with the Band of Esheveurd to create the Order which later came to be known as the Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn.


Colloquially known as the ‘Knights Lorraine’, the Order of Saint Amyas was placed as a function as an independent Holy Order of Knights beholden to none but their Grand Master and the Creator. They sought to do the Creators will, by effortlessly seizing land in heathen control and reclaiming the Holy Relics from across the realm. Often erecting fortresses upon the fallen territories of their enemies to assert dominance, the Order of Saint Amyas was revered for it’s views and actions in the name of God.


The Order of Saint Amyas was very regimented and well maintained, though operated through absolute power direction. The Grand Master, often considered the first and Lord of the Order, serves a lifelong oath to the purpose and control of the Order, and may only abdicate the responsibility in death. The head of the Order was always considered the autocratic archon of the organisations, and commissions the Knights of the Order to assert and establish themselves in the world.

Serving under the Grand Master, the Master Chancellor is often a well versed and experienced statesman who was responsible for the diplomatic and financial affairs of the Knights, operating and controlling the treasury and foreign relations. The duties of the Master Chancellor often range from religious and secular politics, maintaining and writing scripture pertaining to the Knights, as well as documenting the history of the body and its members. During the absence of the Grand Master, the Master Chancellor would council with the Master Cross to dictate the Orders actions.

Taking and controlling the direction of the militaristic portion of the Order, the Master Cross was considered a skilled and well revered battle commander, having been entrusted to lead and govern the Order alongside the Master Chancellor in times of the Grand Masters stead. Chosen from the upper command of Knight-Sergeants, the Master Cross had proven his merit and loyalty to the Order and the Creator by extension.


High Positions
  • Knight-Sergeant

The Knight-Sergeants were natural born leaders, holding veterancy in previous crusades and having shown their dedication to the Order, Grand Master, and God. Promoted from the Knights, the position held obligation to continue to demonstrate unfaltering steadfastness and courage to serve as example to those below them.

  • Decurion

The Decurions were stern and charismatic disciplinaries, well-versed in the principles of warfare and combat. Often spending time training and assisting the newly-enlisted, the Decurions were expected to organise and establish training drills and exercises in which all members within the Order were encouraged to attend.

  • Knight

Held and regarded as the elite of the Order, the Knights were considered valiant warriors in their own respective right, and have chosen to dedicate their lives to upholding the Creator’s will and code of the Order. Once a squire had proven his worth and ability to a Knight, he was often ordained with such a rank. An ordained Knight was enlisted, and were referred to as ‘Ser’.

  • Ensign

Typically junior officers, those positioned as an Ensign were commissioned and expected to task and assemble specialised forces in order to engage in espionage missions. Ensigns were the educators and governors of specified scouts within the Order.

Lower Positions
  • Man-At-Arms

The Man-At-Arms were considered and regarded as resolute soldiers, making up the bulwark of the Order. They were expected to obey all given orders and file into formation without hesitation. Additionally, they were expected to attend training sessions in order to progress their abilities and better themselves for the benefit of the Order.

  • Footman

After an Initiate had proven his metle in combat and in their loyalty, the Footmen were given their tabards and allowed to officially join the ranks of the Order. After several grueling tests and skirmishes, the Footmen underwent tough labour to improve their general skills, in order to be proven as a soldier within the Order.

  • Initiate

Being the newest addition to the Order, Initiates were observed inquisitively by all Order members and were expected to adapt to the gritty and obedient lifestyle typically associated with that of a soldier. Predicted and ready to undergo various trials and phases to prove themselves fit for the Order, an Initiate would only be adorned with the official tabard and rank after they have earned the position. ---


While the Order of Saint Amyas was considered an independent Holy Order, dedicated to the word and law of the Creator, they held a few core concepts and engaged in political dedications on occasion.

Code of Amyas

Holding a spoken code by the Knights Lorraine, the Order of Saint Amyas bases its core concept and ties the tenets of Amyas directly to the direction and sustenance of the Order proper. Word for word, the Virtues of the Code are listed below.

  • The Virtue of Obedience

An Order member will relay his commands when given orders by those above him, and follow his instructions with devoted loyalty. He shall not attack, or steal from a fellow Order member, and will not partake in petty, impractical skirmishes over senseless matters, displaying restraint.

  • The Virtue of Piety

An Order member will strive for purity, patience, chastity, and temperance. He will partake in regular sessions of worship, and will not use the name of the Holy Creator in vain. An Order member will remain faithful to God and his teachings, and will not sway in his religion.

  • The Virtue of Chivalry

An Order member will protect the weak and frail, and in combat will fight with the honor to bring down his foe without frivolity or twisted pleasure. An Order member will demonstrate benevolence and charity by donating a fraction of his riches to the clergy or the downtrodden.

  • The Virtue of Purge

An order member will not hesitate to cleanse wicked, unholy heretics by any means necessary, and will remember to make a lesson of all godless, unsanctioned savages, be it by the sensible method of converting these sinful heretics into god-fearing men or burning them at the cross.


The Church of the Canon Dedicated entirely, in body and soul, to the further continuation and growth of the Church of the Canon, The Order of Saint Amyas held close ties with the religion proper. Sending and progressing forward with crusades in the name of the religion, religious authority of the Canon grew with each passing action the Order took, and its devoted chaplains and ordermen often held mass with one another, joining in prayer before meals in the mess hall and chanting together before the heat of battle. Heretics to the Canon faith were hunted and exterminated by the Saint Amyas order-men.


Due to the Order of Saint Amyas’ absolute allegiance in the Grand Master and God, the Order held few allies, and targeted specific groups in order to further its cause.

  • Band of Esheveurd

Branded as the dutiful and unwavering Kingsguard of King Olivier of House Ashford de Savoie, the Band of Esheveurd held a close relation with the Knights Lorraine due to the close ties between Ashford de Bar and Savoie. After the Ducal Conflict begun, the Esheveurd and Amyas units collectively pushed against the threat to the realm and, once the conflict drew to a close, formed together under the a new name.

  • The Creator

While technically not an official ally, the Order closely followed and would exact what they believed to be the Creators will upon the Realm. Holding devotion and loyalty to the Creator and his ideologies, the Saint Amyas order-men followed and furthered the strength of their connection to the Creator in every action they followed.

  • Heathens

Due to the goals of the Order, the religion of Canonism is the one True Faith. Because of this, it was the duty of each Soldier within the Order to forcefully convert all the non-believers. If, however, they would reject the chance to convert, they would be considered enemies to the Creator, and the Order by extension.

  • Unholy Beings

As is obvious, the Order worships what they believe to be the one True Faith, and because of this it is their duty to handle and dismantle any Unholy Orders or beings which pose a threat to the integrity of the Religion and the Human Race as a whole.

  • Heretics

Heresy is widely regarded as a violation not only in the eyes of the Creator, but as a violation in the very nature of the human kind. Thanks to this break in the fundamental core of humanity and Canonism, any heretic is automatically considered a permanent enemy of the Order.


Over the course of the Order of Saint Amyas governance, they held a series of Headquarters through Athera to Vailor. Starting up in Fringe, the Order in a small fort and progressed forward, eventually finding themselves housed in perfect accomodation.


  • Peremont - Castle Geldern

The Castle of Geldern, located in the City of Peremont, County of Drusco under the Grand Principality of Savoy, once held the home to the Order of St. Amyas after the shift from Athera to Vailor. Holding a striking and foreboding appearance and similar resemblance to the previous Leuvaarden, the Castle Geldern well suited the Orders needs. Although no longer inhabited by the Order of Saint Amyas, it is currently home to those of Ashford de Bar, and the Brotherhood of Golden Crozier.


  • Lorraine - Leuvaarden

A heavily fortified Castle, built by Licius Dalma, in the Duchy of Savoy, the Castle of Leuvaarden housed the Order for a decent period. Also holding the Ashford de Bar house, the Castle was well fortified and able to withstand a barrage of attacks. After the shift from Athera to Vailor, the Order found home in the Castle Geldeen in Peremont.


  • Adrianople - Tower of Adrian
  • Severski - Knights Fort

Random Tidbits

  • Adorned on the outfits of each Amyas sat a golden lorraine cross, often attached directly and permanently to the tabard as a mark of loyalty to Canonism proper.
  • The motto for the Order was prominently and often known as “With God’s Favour”.
  • Although it engages in violent spread of the Canonist Faith, it is not sworn to the Church of the Canon, and, as seen in The Dukes' War (1518-1521), it engages in secular conflicts.
  • On a different note, did you know: survivors of Iblees wrath fled to The Verge for safety. Find out more, here!

Written by: Tahmas