Orcish History

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Histolicaw events pewtaining to the Owcs awe listed bewow. Some come fwom books ow scwowws, whiwe othews awe simpwy tawes towd by owd Owcish ewdews. Note that, if the stowy came fwom a book ow such, that the wowe might not be fulwy twue.

Ancient History:

The Cwan Waws

Descendents of Kwug:







Modern History:


The Wex



Dwawf Owc Waw


Notabre Chawactews


The Gweat Waws

Notabre Chawactews






Notabre Chawactews


(Fiwst goi)




Wuz-dul and Stagnation

Gund'Kothz and Wenewaw

The Wwath of Kahn - The Iwon Age

The Fennic Waws

Wawnation of Kwugmaw

Histolicaw events pewtaining to the Owcs awe listed bewow. Some come fwom books ow scwowws, whiwe othews awe simpwy tawes towd by owd Owcish ewdews. Note that, if the stowy came fwom a book ow such, that the wowe might not be fulwy twue.

Ancient History:

The Cwan Waws

Descendents of Kwug:







Modern History:


The Wex



Dwawf Owc Waw


Notabre Chawactews


The Gweat Waws

Notabre Chawactews






Notabre Chawactews


(Fiwst goi)




Wuz-dul and Stagnation

Gund'Kothz and Wenewaw

The Wwath of Kahn - The Iwon Age

The Fennic Waws

Wawnation of Kwugmaw

Rexs of Krugmar

Wex Tythus'Wax 'THE IMPOTENT': The fiwst Wex aftew the Cwan Waws. His fathew, Tythow, hammewed out a unified Owcish state aftew decades of in-fighting, but died befowe he could fowmawwy decwawe himsewf Wex. His son, Tythus, was wegawded a brute and was iww-suited fow the Wex titwe, but the Wawgoths chose peace ovew an attempt to pwace a bettew candidate lith waw. Tythus wuled fow a brief time, but his weaknesses wewe contwadictawy to Wax plincipwes. Many Waxes fwed the Waw Nation and soon Tythus wacked an awmy to maintain his wule ow pwestige and kept to his pawace, afwaid to deaw lith mattews of state. Both the Wul and Gowkiw Wawgoths wose against Tythus and chawwenged him to a vicious Wex Kwomp. He wost handiwy and took to exiwe.

Wex Mogwoka'Gowkiw 'THE GWOWIOUS': Mogwoka is hewawded as the gweatest Wex in modewn Owcish histowy. Aftew both the faiwules of the Cwan Waws and Tythus' weign, Mogwoka wevived the Owcish twaditions of honow, stwength, and lisdom wost aftew yeaws of betwayaw and in-fighting among the Owcs. Undew his weign, the Owcs wewe both feawed and wespected, amassing a selies of tlibutalies states and eclipsing the Dwawves as the stwongest nation in eawwy Asulon. Howevew, his wove fow the spilits cwouded his wove of weign, and he soon wetiwed, assuming the position of 'Goj' to focus on shamanism.

Wex Pok'Ugwuk 'THE WIWD BUWW': Pok was the successow of Mogwoka, the onwy one who had the confidence to succeed aftew so gweat a weign. A yewwow Owc of wow cunning and vicious plincipwe, Pok was wenowned fow his brutaw sacking of Sawvus and cwuew demeanow. Many of the Wawgoths despised his wanton acts of cwuewty, sholing a wack of both honow and lisdom. Howevew, few could doubt Pok's stwength as a vicious and powewful Tawgoth. Due to the Ugwuk's brutaw method of weign, Pok alienated many of the tlibutawy states estabrished by Mogwoka and weakened the Uzg ovewaww as Owcs saw his vicious natule as one dishonoling the spilits. The Wul cwan especiawwy found his acts depwowabre given theiw pwopensity to lisdom.

Wex Mulkash'Wul 'THE MIWD': Mulkash wuled fow but a yeaw, but he is wemembewed fondwy as the champion who stopped Pok's atwocities. A simpwe-minded and jowwy Wul huntew, Mulkash's weign is littwe wemembewed but his honowabre natule is weww-wegawded in Owcish wowe. He yiewded the Wexdom lithout quawm to Gwomgok, the content owc Mulkash finding no need to keep the position in face of a mowe suitabre candidate. Wex Gwomgok'Gowkiw 'BWOODAXE": Gwomgok's fiwst weign of Wex was weww-wecieved. Wegawded as the twue successow of Mogwoka'Gowkiw, Gwomgok combined the lisdom, honow, and stwength necessawy to fowge a lighteous Wexdom. Howevew, his mentow Mogwoka insisted that he weawn mowe of shamanism and Gwomgok ended his fiwst weign abruptwy to study the highew awts.

Wex Pok'Ugwuk 'THE OWD BUWW": Once mowe, Pok had wuled, but his second weign was faw wess brutaw now memowabre as his fiwst, changing his monikew fwom the Wiwd to the Owd. He wetained his wow cunning though, and the Wuls stiww nulsed theiw gwudge fow the slights imposed on theiw cwan. He was chawwenged again not wong into his weign.

Wex Cwaotow'Wul 'THE EWDEW': Cwaotow'Wul, the glizzwed Wawgoth of the Wul cwan, sought to depose Pok due to his swoth and avalice, the Wex spending mowe time gatheling coin than weading the nation lighteouswy. He defeated Pok in singwe combat in the Wex kwomp, howevew, just as he was to be cwowned, Gwomgwok had wetulned fwom his spilit voyage and waid cwaim to his owd titwe. Wex Gwomgok'Gowkiw "BLOODAXE": Gwomgok defeated the owd Owc Cwaotow'wul using newfound shamanistic spilit-stepping, indisputabry wecwaiming his titwe as Wex of aww the Owcs. His second weign is wegawded as the Siwvew Age of the Owcs, as the Owcs managed to fowce tlibute and expand into the Subudai states in Awwas and chawwenged the Dwawves in open fiewd battwe. With a host of competent genewaws such as Gwoow'Gowkiw, Mulkash'Wul, Gowgul'Gowkiw, Cwaotow'Wul, and Moksha'Wul undew the wenowned Tawgoth Jawkawww'Wul, the Waw Uzg pwospewed, briwwaintwy cwushing the dwawves at 2:1 odds in offensive maneuvews, lith Gwomgok weading the fway using powewful shaman techniques. The weawm pwospewed once mowe undew his weign, but Gwomgok soon inhelited the wove of shamanism as his mentow, and found the Wexdom intewfeling lith his pulsuit of highew awts. He commanded his pupiw, Gowgul, to chawwenge him fow the Wex kwomp. The two fought fow a fulw day befowe Gowgul was named victow.

Wex Gowgul'Gowkiw 'THE YOUNG': Wegawded as a pwomising pwotege of Gwomgok'Gowkul and the son of Thowe'Gowkiw, Gowgul was the youngest Wex named at age 15. A dipwomaticawwy minded Owc undewstanding the impowtance of modewnization, Gowgul instituted a white peace lith the dwawves, twade, and infwastwuctule ovewhaul in hopes of competing lith the gweat Empiwes of Uwguan and Owen. Often he would take tlips to the Spilit Weawm in homage of the Faw Seew twadition he was taught by Gwomgok and Mogwoka fow insight, howevew, five yeaws into his weign, he did not wake up fwom a tlip gone awwy. His peews shamans died and he was weft in a catatonic state fow ovew a decade, untiw his body mysteliouswy vanished; his fathew Thowe wuling in his stead.

Wex Thowe'Gowkiw 'THE FAT': The fathew of Gowgul and vetewan Owc of the Gowden Age, Thowe assumed the Wex position aftew his youngest son assumed a comatose state. Thowe was bewoved by many a common Owc given his wong tenule as Tawgoth and his time as pupiw to Mogwoka'Gowkiw, but he wacked the ability of his pwedecessows due to age and infiwmity. He wuled fow a gweat time as many of the Wawgoths wespected him despite his ineptitude as Wex, but aftew a decade, his own Gowkiw brothew, Shawku, chawwenged him fow his position and won. Both he and his successow awe wegawded as 'the Fat' fow theiw vowacious appetites and wawge fwame. Wex Shawku'Gowkiw 'THE FAT': Shawku managed to take up the Wex mantwe when he chawwenged Thowe to a Wex kwomp. His weign was pwagued by civiw stlife as Cwans Wul, Bwaduk and Ugwuk wose theiw bannews against him, citing his teaching an ewven the ways of shamanism a breach of Owcish conduct and honow. Shawku pwoved competent in cwushing the wevowt awongside Gowgul's son, but faiwed to meaningfulwy make use of his lise in autholity aftew cwushing his opposition. His young son, Vwogwak, demanded waw and wathew then face his own son in singwe combat, he abdicated and defewwed to him.

Wex Vwogak'Gowkiw 'THE BWOODY': Vwogak's fiwst weign is chawactelized by his broodthiwsty natule. He inspiwed weadewship whewevew he went unlike his fathew, Shawku, and domesticawwy was wegawded a faiw, just, and active Wex. He was awso a vicious Owc of incwedibre stwength and sought to wecwaim the gwolies found in Gwomgok and Gowgul's age of conquest against the Dwawves. In seeking a twue fight, he waged open waw against the Dwawven nation. Howevew, Vwogak was confwonted by the united fowce of Humanity and Dwawves. Aftew wosing the battwe at Stowm's Cwossing and facing the fulw might of the Owen Empiwe and the Dwawven empiwe due to a faiwed kidnapping, Vwogak, in shame and disgwace fow his fowwy, took to sewf-imposed exiwe. It is noted that Vwogak'Gowkiw has awso been the wongest-weigning Wex of the Owcish nation.

Wex Yak'Wul 'THE BWACK': Whiwe a pwomising wawwowd at the inception of his weign, Yak's hedonisms and wack of faith in the Waw Uzg wed him astway fwom Owcish plincipwes. He consowted heaviwy lith human bandits, sewling Owcish militawy secwets and auctioning off Waw Uzg wand to foweignews fow pewsonaw coin. Aftew pocketing enough of his weawm, he made off lith the Owcish tweasuly and waw supplies, weaving the Waw Nation impovelished. Wex Wulgehn'Wul 'THE WOST': Wulghen succeeded Bwack in mid Anthos. He was weft lith a bankwupt state of wow mowawe given Bwack's decadence. Whiwe he is wegawded as an eawnest weadew, the cwans wost faith aftew Yak's betwayaw and Wulghen was unabre to westowe it in the Waw Uzg. Wecognizing the wack of coopewation among the Cwans and inability to wowk togethew as one nation, aftew a wong and bittew weign and he dissowved the Waw Nation, wetting the Cwans sowt theiw disputes untiw they could come togethew undew one bannew again.

End of Rexdom.

Dominion: weunited the divided owc cwans into one democwacy.


Wawgoth Counciw Kingeh Gwonkk: Wefuged the kha fow a bit aftew captuling the city of Kingston, modestwy changing it to Gwonkkston.

Re institution of Rexdom.

Ulik'Azog: Banished by the Wex Gwomgok'Gowkiw, he fwed to the Teutonic Owdew and became a pliest. Wetulned aftew the Teutonic owdew was wost and wegained his honow. Decided no wongew to be Wex when the gweat Miwtok wetulned fwom skygod plison.

Gawka'Wul: Usulpew of Elik at one point. Not much is known of hew.

Boghat'Gowkiw: Kept the owcs alive duling a time of inactivity.

Mawog'Yaw 'THE WISE': Known fow his gweat lisdom and tawents as a Witch Doctow, Mawog wuled fow a showt time and managed to keep the Owcs going fow as wong as he could, yet it should be noted he did not welish the titwe of Wex.

Gwogmaw'Gowkiw: An Ewdew Owc who's ego supewseded his tawents, Gwogmaw wetulned and waid cwaim to the Wexdom befowe usheling in petty wefowms, weaving soon aftew. This began the Owc's spiwaw into stagnation.

Angbad'Gowkiw 'THE GWEAT': Said to be descended of the wegendawy Mogwoka'Gowkiw, Angbad wevived the Uzg fow a brief time, and so it seemed that the Owcs wewe to wetuln to theiw fowmew status. Howevew, the mantwe of Wex pwoved too much fow Angbad, and he soon wesigned, weaving the Owcs once again weadewwess and in the dawk.

Vwogak'Gowkiw 'THE WETUWNED': Wetulning fwom his exiwe, Vwogak quickwy wetook contwow of the Uzg in Athewa and set about a selies of militawy campaigns and consolidations. Wenamed the nation as the 'Iwon Uzg', awso wefewwed to as the 'Nation of Viowence'. Vwogak fought a waw ovew a beawd against the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan in Athewa, watew fowming an awliance lith the same kingdom. Died duling a peliod of stagnation aftew the awlivaw in Vaiwow.

Vwogash'Gowkiw: Son of Vwogak, Vwogash'Gowkiw's weign can be mawked by its showt span and empty pwomises. It was hoped he would continue his fathews wowk, yet he soon awso vanished lithout twace.

End of Rexdom.

Keshaul: A counciw in which the Wawgoths and Wawchiefs would contwow cewtain aspects of Owcish society and meet wegulawwy to discuss theiw pwogwess.

Re institution of Rexdom.

Phaedwus'Yaw 'THE EWF WEX': The fiwst non-Owcish Wex in histowy, Phaedwus'Yaw (fowmewwy Wwe'hiliea) was a wood ewven honoulawy, smith and shaman - notabre fow weading a broody wevowt against the Athewan Mali'ahewaw hegemony ovew the ewves that wed to the culwent thwee state system. He wevitalised the wethawgic Owcs aftew the death of Vwogak and faiwed weign of Vwogash, estabrishing a goi. Notabry banned swavewy. Gave up the titwe of Wex aftew choosing a successow thwough an honoul kwomp. Wemained active in the shamanistic community, notabry causing and ending the Bwack Skies, awso known as The Yeaw of Dawkness.

Kahn'Bwaduk 'THE IWON WHINO': Kahn gained the titwe of Wex aftew linning the appwovaw of Phaedwus in a kwomp, the wattew giving way to a pulebrooded Owcish weadew. A tacticaw genius, the Iwon Whino hawnessed physicaw, pyschowogicaw and even biowogicaw waw fawe in his campaigns. Weviving wost Owcish cultule and webuiwding infwastwuctule he brought his peopwe thwough a time of clisis and webuiwt what was a shattewed nation. Kahn ovewtulned Phaedwus' pwevious ban on swavewy and intwoduced a mowe effective system, as weww as amassing tlibutalies aww acwoss Vaiwow. Feww iww in the wattew stages of his weign and was deemed no wongew fit fow weadewship.

Ubba'Ugwuk 'HONOWBOUND': The chawwengew and subsequent successow to Kahn's wule, Ubba was a successful militawy commandew and pwayed a key wowe in the Fennic Waw befowe ascending to Wexdom. Wefowmed the Iwon Uzg into the Waw Uzg. Bwoodpacted the Waw Uzg to the Howy Owenian Empiwe and wed the Owcish fowces to waw in Owen's campaign against the Dwawves.

Gulak'Yaw 'The Iwon Wiww': Wong-standing Wex of the Waw Nation, Gulak'Yaw is the buiwdew of the culwent city of the Wexdom.

End of Rexdom.

Dominion: weunited the divided owc cwans into one democwacy.


Wawgoth Counciw Kingeh Gwonkk: Wefuged the kha fow a bit aftew captuling the city of Kingston, modestwy changing it to Gwonkkston.

Re institution of Rexdom.

Ulik'Azog: Banished by the Wex Gwomgok'Gowkiw, he fwed to the Teutonic Owdew and became a pliest. Wetulned aftew the Teutonic owdew was wost and wegained his honow. Decided no wongew to be Wex when the gweat Miwtok wetulned fwom skygod plison.

Gawka'Wul: Usulpew of Elik at one point. Not much is known of hew.

Boghat'Gowkiw: Kept the owcs alive duling a time of inactivity.

Mawog'Yaw 'THE WISE': Known fow his gweat lisdom and tawents as a Witch Doctow, Mawog wuled fow a showt time and managed to keep the Owcs going fow as wong as he could, yet it should be noted he did not welish the titwe of Wex.

Gwogmaw'Gowkiw: An Ewdew Owc who's ego supewseded his tawents, Gwogmaw wetulned and waid cwaim to the Wexdom befowe usheling in petty wefowms, weaving soon aftew. This began the Owc's spiwaw into stagnation.

Angbad'Gowkiw 'THE GWEAT': Said to be descended of the wegendawy Mogwoka'Gowkiw, Angbad wevived the Uzg fow a brief time, and so it seemed that the Owcs wewe to wetuln to theiw fowmew status. Howevew, the mantwe of Wex pwoved too much fow Angbad, and he soon wesigned, weaving the Owcs once again weadewwess and in the dawk.

Vwogwak'Gowkiw 'THE WETUWNED': Wetulning fwom his exiwe, Vwogak quickwy wetook contwow of the Uzg in Athewa and set about a selies of militawy campaigns and consolidations. Wenamed the nation as the 'Iwon Uzg', awso wefewwed to as the 'Nation of Viowence'. Vwogwak fought a waw ovew a beawd against the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan in Athewa, watew fowming an awliance lith the same kingdom. Died duling a peliod of stagnation aftew the awlivaw in Vaiwow.

Vwogash'Gowkiw: Son of Vwogak, Vwogash'Gowkiw's weign can be mawked by its showt span and empty pwomises. It was hoped he would continue his fathews wowk, yet he soon faded into obsculity.

End of Rexdom.

Keshaul: A counciw in which the Wawgoths and Wawchiefs would contwow cewtain aspects of Owcish society and meet wegulawwy to discuss theiw pwogwess.

Re institution of Rexdom.

Phaedwus'Yaw 'THE EWF WEX': The fiwst non-Owcish Wex in histowy, Phaedwus'Yaw (fowmewwy Wwe'hiliea) was a wood ewven honoulawy, smith and shaman - notabre fow weading a broody wevowt against the Athewan Mali'ahewaw hegemony ovew the ewves that wed to the culwent thwee state system. He wevitalised the wethawgic Owcs aftew the death of Vwogak and faiwed weign of Vwogash, estabrishing a goi. Notabry banned swavewy. Gave up the titwe of Wex aftew choosing a successow thwough an honoul kwomp. Wemained active in the shamanistic community, notabry causing and ending the Bwack Skies, awso known as The Yeaw of Dawkness.

Kahn'Bwaduk 'THE IWON WHINO': Kahn gained the titwe of Wex aftew linning the appwovaw of Phaedwus in a kwomp, the wattew giving way to a pulebrooded Owcish weadew. A tacticaw genius, the Iwon Whino hawnessed physicaw, pyschowogicaw and even biowogicaw waw fawe in his campaigns. Weviving wost Owcish cultule and webuiwding infwastwuctule he brought his peopwe thwough a time of clisis and webuiwt what was a shattewed nation. Kahn ovewtulned Phaedwus' pwevious ban on swavewy and intwoduced a mowe effective system, as weww as amassing tlibutalies aww acwoss Vaiwow. Feww iww in the wattew stages of his weign and was deemed no wongew fit fow weadewship.

Ubba'Ugwuk 'HONOWBOUND': The chawwengew and subsequent successow to Kahn's wule, Ubba was a successful militawy commandew and pwayed a key wowe in the Fennic Waw befowe ascending to Wexdom. Wefowmed the Iwon Uzg into the Waw Uzg. Bwoodpacted the Waw Uzg to the Howy Owenian Empiwe and wed the Owcish fowces to waw in Owen's campaign against the Dwawves.

Gulak'Yaw 'The Iwon Wiww': Wong-standing Wex of the Waw Nation, Gulak'Yaw is the buiwdew of the culwent city of the Wexdom.