Nevaehlen Realm Guide

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Nevaehlen, home to the Wood Elves and Father Circle, sits in the Heaven's Peak mountain range to the West, part of mainland Aevos. The village was settled in the ruins of Talar'nor by the surviving Nevaehlii of the Silver Subjugation, led by Dyonne Alusa. This move allowed the Wood Elves to not only restore the lands from the lingering voidal blight, but to also reforge their culture and perspective; seeking to make amends with the cities of their elven brethren. Their military, the Halerir’elame, emerged from an informal citizens-militia, restructured to protect their way of life. Key leaders include Dyonne Alusa, Nalinor Caerme'onn, Gul'ash, Isurus Lamandae, and Yra'lissa. Nevaehlen began to thrive once more in its unrestrained status, reconnecting with the kin they had lost from prior reigns.

Current Leader: Dyonne Alusa

Peak Times  The Vale contains both GMT and European players, though the peak hour is typically around 5pm EST when the remainder of the EST community is active.

Cultural Values of Nevaehlen

KINSHIP ~ "Through struggle, the cords grow tighter and through fire we are forged." The survivors of war and violence, the mali (elves) of Nevaehlen form a tightly-knit community who are suspicious of outsiders. While it is not uncommon to be invited in for a drink, those who manage to enter the gates of the city can expect to undergo a significant amount of questioning and prying before the locals fully trust them. However, those who manage to endure the trials and tests will find themselves fiercely protected and deeply valued by the residents.

FREEDOM ~ Freedom to live as one pleases is key to the people, with only a very lose governmental structure. While the laws of the land are iron-clad, they are few and come from the values of the people at large, not the decrees of a monarch.

BALANCE ~ The city where the residents decided to call home was once a home to powerful mages. Left full of scars from those times, the land needed to be healed, so the people of Nevahelen took on the job to restore nature's balance to the land. Most residents are druids, servants of nature.

FAITH ~ The Wild Faith is key to the life of Nevaehlen citizens.


The Wild Elves of Nevaehlen are all initiated into the Halerir’elame, Those Pledged to the Forest. The arrival to Almaris had been a trying time for the Mali’ame and their ability to unite and fight against greater forces. T


Mali’ame seeds are the ancient families of the Wood Elves. Each of these tribes carry with them a unique cultural identity. Many bear sacred markings, known as Ilmyumier, which is a way of visually upholding the values of an individual, or of the tribe itself. Each Seed has a chieftain who is responsible for guiding those that have become part of their family, or wish to take their trials. Some find their identity as hunters, others as crafters, and others still - sticking true to the nomadic nature of the Mali’ame - are wanderers

Seeds of the Vale: Alusa, Caerme'onn, Aurë'naerï, Sirame, Terin


In the Nevaehlen village, Wood Elves uphold the Wild Faith of the Mani (Elnarnsae’ame), and Aspectism, centered on nature, deities, and rites of passage. These beliefs, rooted in their forefather Malin's teachings, treat forest gods and spirits as intrinsic to daily life. The Aspects include Cernnunos of the Hunt, embodying survival and chaos, and Cerridwen of the Harvest, representing life, nurturing, and emphasising nature's evolving cycles. Mani, the wild animal spirits, serve as protectors and representatives of fauna. The Nevaehlii make offerings to specific Mani and the Aspects, and often have patron Mani they devote themselves to in prayer and worship.