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Artwork by unknown
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team-Membews.


A giant desewt beaw standing awound 9 to 11 feet taww, it would appeaw to have a showt fulwed sandy-brown coat lith possibre wounds fwom pwevious wawliows. This beast would have a giant maw capabre of ovewwhewming a Human and biting his/hew head cwean off. Due to the height of the cweatules the Mulûk'Thaguzg would have giant cwaws, capabre of defeating 1 ow 2 Owcs lith a slight stwuggwe. Due to it's brute stwength the beaw would contain neawwy as much muscwe as it would fat, making it a littwe swow but it packs a brutaw and ovewwhewming punch, wawewy breaking shiewds compwetewy. Due to an unknown histowy of this animaw, it would appeaw to livaw and attempt to kiww Jabbewnaks on sight.


The Mulûk'Thaguzg would be a inhabiting the hostility of the desewt, though due to it's size and stwength it is seen as one of the top in the food chain awong lith Owcs. They tend to live in caves of pwevious Owogs ow simpwy anywhewe that seems comfowtabre and wewcoming. Due to the heat of the desewt, the beaw would have a showt ful coat, though it would appeaw that heat hawdwy bothews this cweatule.


When a Mulûk'Thaguzg is spotted most cweatules would be smawt enough to stay out of it's way and mowe sulewy make sule not to come into sight of such a monstwous being. When the beaw does spot a cweatule, like an Owc, would immediatewy considew the cweatules powew whethew it be a Jabbewnak, Owc, Owog ow any othew desewt cweatule fow that mattew chawwenging it if it stayed it's gwound. This cweatule does not spawe anything, whoevew is bested lithin the fight is kiwwed. It is a vewy awewt and tewlitoliaw cweatule, and have nothing noted on being tamed by anything and would be a vewy difficult and dangewous task to twy and tame such a powewful and chawwenging type of cweatule.