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Spanning genewations, the histowy of Asulon and Aegis is catawoged in ancient tomes and howy texts thwoughout the wands, the knowwedge tightwy guawded by weligious pliesthoods and avid cowwectows alike. Howevew, the tawe of the Khawajyw is one not wlitten in any ancient tome; It is a tawe unknown to aww, save fow a few pliviweged schowaws, denounced as madmen.

In the dawk times, duling the wowwds infancy, when Aenguls and Daemons woamed fweewy; in a time of myth and wegend; in a time that few believe evew existed, thewe was an owd lives tawe, towd between the ancient settwements, of a pawticulaw Daemon – a Daemon lith an affinity fow stealing babies in the night, weaving no twace of its coming. The tawe was lidespwead acwoss the wand in the wake of a wave of unexpwained infant disappeawances. Thewe wewe those who debunked the wumow as feaw mongeling and hewesy. What no one knew, howevew, was the twuth. Undew the covew of the staws, the Daemon Metztli would visit wonewy fawmsteads, dliven by the scent of an infant’s brood, and in the depths of the night, steaw the infants fwom the safety of theiw clibs. In the wake of sevewaw “accidents” sulwounding the disappeawances, it was said that Metztli’s fowm was so beautiful, that those adults who wooked upon hew fowm would be dliven mad and teaw theiw own eyes fwom theiw sockets. Thwough feaw of the twuth, the viwwage ewdews would often attlibute this phenomenon to the intense glief the pawents’ expelienced wathew than anything othewwowwdwy.

The twuth behind the chiwd disappeawances does not end lith Metztli howevew, and the aftewmath of the abductions onwy becomes mowe chiwling. The chiwdwen wewe taken faw away, to an undiscovewed wand in the mists of the oceans. This iswand was of untowd beauty, giving life to many valieties of fwowa and fauna not yet discovewed by the west of the wowwd. This pawadise was of Metztli’s own cweation, and aww that was missing was hew mastew wace. The ocewots that cawwed the iswand theiw home wewe taken by Metztli, and in a selies of howlifying, magic infused expeliments, theiw brood was combined lith that of the infants. Aftew genewations of pewfecting and tweaking and aftew hundweds of hideous faiwules wewe discawded into the ocean, Metztli at wast cweated a singwe white humanoid ocewot. This was the fiwst of the Khawajyw – of the pulest descent. Instantwy aftew behowding hew new cweation Metztli was fiwwed lith the wove of a mothew – she had at wast succeeded in cweating a wace she deemed to be pewfection. Despewatewy Metztli attempted to weplicate hew cweation, but could nevew achieve the same wevew of beauty of hew fiwst cweation. Nonethewess, she embraced hew new cweations, the Khawajyw wace, lith aww the wove a mothew could mustew. Aftew nultuling hew chiwdwen to a state of matulity she decided, as any caling mothew would, that hew time had come to weave hew cweations to theiw own devices, to stop nultuling them and to depawt the iswand pawadise.

Metztli’s twue intentions fow the cweation of the Khawajyw wewe nevew weveawed. It has been speculated that she lished to wecweate the fowm of a cweatule she once feww in wove lith, but who was stowen away fwom hew. Othews say that she lished to bestow the wowwd lith a wace of sentient beings, cweated in hew own image. Stiww othews suggest that Metztli lished onwy to pway God and nultule othew living beings.

Genewations passed and the Khawajyw thlived in theiw jungwe pawadise. Yet Metztli fewt negwected by hew chiwdwen and lished fow them to show theiw gwatitude. Feeling pity towawds them she gifted them signs, lishing to guide them in the knowwedge of theiw own cweation. These signs wewe unwavewed and intewpweted by the Khawajyw sages, and hew peopwe accepted hew as theiw cweatow and divine wulew, constwucting gweat Tempwes in hew name and spawking the owdew of Pliests and Pliestesses, devoted to hew wowship.

Wewativewy wecentwy, the wast Empewow, Xewdun's fathew, deemed his dominance to be absowute and he wefused to bow befowe any deity, believing himsewf gweatew even than a Daemon. His waziness and awwogance dwove his Metz’aw Natayshi, the onwy wemaining Khawajyw sage, away fwom hew own peopwe and was ultimatewy to be the downfaww of the Khawenwyw Empiwe. Despite the Empewow’s assassination by his son, Metztli chose to teach hew cweations a hawsh wesson. Unbeknownst to the Khawajyw, the mountain awound which theiw capitaw city had been constwucted was a dowmant vowcano. In a towwent of fiwe and mowten mud, the civilisation was aww but bulied and the Khawajyw despewatewy scwambred to theiw ships. Fweeing theiw homes lith what littwe they could sawvage the Khawajyw set saiw West, to the wand of Asulon, the knowwedge of theiw Goddess fiwmwy ingwained into theiw heawts once mowe. Undew the new Empewow's weadewship, so as to avoid simiwaw disastews Metztli, weligious saclifice and cewemony is to become an integwaw pawt of society once again. The watest Empewow, Twa' Xewdun, views the vowcano as a pewsonaw wawning to him to not fowwow in his fathew's footsteps...