Mental Magic

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Mental magic allows a mage to use the void to connect to the mind of their target. The mage can only be connected to one mind at a time and will have two tells. Their abilities range from telepathy to illusions and even wiping memories. Mental Barriers and wards can serve as a defense against this magic but you must learn how to form your mental barrier or have an enchanted item creating the ward for you.


The mental magic lore was posted on February 22nd, 2013 by Jon Evaglno.

It describes a feared place in Asulon known as the Wretched Grove. Here once lived a people known as the children of the forest, whose ancestors were the trees and who had power over minds of trees and animals alike. Unfortunately a war with an invading nation who wished to fell the forest wiped these people out, leaving only the eldest tree standing. This Tree of Minds forced most creatures out of what now was a near lifeless forest. However, some would be allowed into the tree’s inner grove to learn the ancient art of the children of the forest. The chosen ones were picked for their curiosity, knowledge, wisdom, or intelligence, and were granted the power to see into other’s minds or change their senses. These few students were then cast out to keep the tree safe from any who might wish to cut it down. However, calamity soon destroyed the native Asulonians leaving the tree alone. Unable to find intelligent beings.

When the descendant races arrived from Aegis the tree saw them as war-like people, fixated on destroying. Finally, one day a tall, twig-like person appeared. This person had not intelligence, nor wisdom, nor even knowledge in any great degree but it had curiosity and thus was taken to the inner grove. The twiggy mind taught the art of mental magic and sent away, never to find the tree again.


The more creative the mental mage the more uses they'll find from the magic.

For example, the most basic and commonly used spell is telepathy. All the mage must do is connect to the target's mind and think of what they wish to share. These thoughts are then heard by the target as one of their own thoughts, thus unable to identify the mental mage. Compared to other abilities telepathy doesn't require much energy at all yet mages generally only use it to create private conversations while missing out on other possibilities. For the mental mage who likes to cause a bit of trouble telepathy could be used to play as someone's conscience. Telepathy could also be used to gather information, whispering to the target about a certain person or thing then watching to see what they think of in return.

Mental magic is often seen simply as a way to gather information or try to cause terror in another's mind however it can be used combatively as well provided the mage takes on a supportive role. Telepathy could be used to try getting the enemy to make a wrong move. Mental illusions as well could be used to trick the enemy or hinder their senses. A creative mental mage is a fearsome mental mage. This of course is not all that one can accomplish with this magic.


Mage level 1
  • Form a mental barrier (you do not have to be a mental mage to learn how to create mental barriers however mental mages will always learn this trick).
  • Telepathy
  • Simple illusions created by altering stimuli.
  • A level 1 mage is just starting out, thus in order to reach level 1 they have to first find a teacher, learn how to meditate, how to connect to the void, and then how to connect to a mind. If the new mental mage knows other magics already then obviously they skip the meditation and void connection lessons.

Mage level 2
  • Mind melding
  • Getting past a target's barrier or ward.
  • More advanced illusions, creating stimuli now from nothing.
  • Basic stimuli removal. This is a very difficult ability that similar to normal mental illusions should be covered in stages.
  • The student should be working diligently on practicing their magic, by now a mental mage for around one month at least. Once the teacher has decided they're ready lessons can advance. The student must at least know about very simple illusions before learning of mind melding and how to get past barriers.

Mage level 3
  • Cataleptic illusions
  • More advanced stimuli removal.
  • Memory wipes
  • Only once a student has mastered the previous abilities and shown great dedication to their magic will this level open for them (generally takes two or three months to reach, more if the student slacks off). Some teachers may be wary of spreading the knowledge of these advanced spells, particularly to students they find undeserving or dangerous.


Mage level 1
  • Positive

The meditation required to connect to the void should teach the student how to control their emotions, clearing their thoughts and finding calm. The lessons on barriers will also teach them how to defend their minds from other mages.

  • Negative

Time spent learning will impede on other jobs or hobbies, often making the student have to give up certain things. If the student was previously a soldier or had large muscle mass they'll see this slowly start to decay as they have less time to devote to keeping their figure. As they progress through the level and connect to the void more they'll also feel the effects of its corruption sapping at their strength.

Mage level 2
  • Positive

By now the mage has gotten stronger, easier lessons taking less energy as time goes by and hopefully they've started to experiment. Creativity should be encouraged and even reflect into other aspects of the mage's life such as work or relations.

  • Negative

Lessons are more difficult now, wearing out the student and taking longer periods of rest between practices. Mind melding alone, even for master mages, takes high amounts of energy and mana meaning one cannot jump from using it to suddenly running about. These recovery times mean a mage must decide which ability to use when and could put them into bad situations while recovering from something complicated.

Mage level 3
  • Positive

A mental mage who reaches this level should have developed into a focused, calculative, yet creative thinker. Their lessons finally winding down they can now focus on new things or resume any dropped hobbies.

  • Negative

Even with extra time the mage's muscles are corrupted by the void thus preventing any substantial muscle mass from being regained. Being able to look into and alter someone's mind, making them into a plaything, might also corrupt the mage's own personality turning them manipulative or arrogant if they weren't before.

How to Apply

To learn mental magic originally you had to either be taught by a master or somehow find the Tree of Minds and learn from it. Of course since we’ve now moved on from Asulon the Tree of Minds is inaccessible.

If you are interested in roleplaying a mental mage simply have your character find a teacher. Mental magic at this time cannot be self taught, it’s too complex, and thus requires guidance. Once you’ve found a teacher fill out the student application on the forums.

Random Tidbits

  • Mental mages cannot force any thought or actions, merely using suggestions and influences. So no mind control.
  • All mages have a tell for when they connect to the void (usually a random twitch). However, a mental mage gains a second tell for when they connect to a mind.
  • Every mind is different, a good mental mage is one who oocly asks the target what their character's mind will look like.
  • Teachers will often have their students practice on animals before moving on to people since animal minds are considered more simple.

Mental Magic Lore

Mental Magic Guide

Memory Removal Addition

Tips for The User and Usee

Written by: Tiliena

Template made by: Tahmas