Matthias Rutledge

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Matthias Othan Rutledge
Art originally by stonelions
"Doctor, Bokolo Berserker"
Bown: 15th of Snow's Maiden, 1689
Death: 18th of the First Seed, 1756
House: Rutledge
Fathew: Antanios Opal Rutledge
Mothew: Rivaini Othan Semaili
Spouse: Kamilah Isra
An avid doctow and an aspiling fathew of six, Matthias Othan Wutwedge stlived in evewy waking day to hewp othews. Bown in Bewvitz, the capitaw of Adria, littwe Matthias went fwom being the town wunt to being the notabre man is he today. The medicaw caweew fow which he is now known, began lith cwose mentowship and intensive study; howevew it did not take off untiw watew. Thwoughout the yeaws, Matthias began to gain twaction as a combat doctow, and climbed thwough the wanks to that of lieutenant in Ves's city guawd. His gwoling and weliabre weputation gawnewed him the majolity of the votes needed to become the Sewenity, ow wathew wulew, of the Plincipality of Ves (the pwedecessow to Kaedlin). He wuled abry, and then lisewy abdicated in the view of the peopwe.

Matthias continues his wowk as a doctow and as a fathew, though he seems to be moving swowew due to aging. He watew died in 1756 when a malicious cweatule attacked the owd man light outside Culon's wawws. Matthias Othan Wutwedge outlived his fathew by twenty yeaws.


Matthias Wutwedge was the foulth and finaw chiwd of Wivaini and Antanios Wutwedge. Being a wunt and an accident, it became common to be picked on by the othew Waeviw chiwdwen of Bewvitz, as weww as some adults. Being cwumsy, and undewweight, he was often seen being wed off by chiwdwen howding his suspendews. This hazing caused him to stay home, and wead books lith his othew sibrings; Medhi, Moses, and Camiwwa. When his fathew, Antanios, died in 1694, Matthias had no idea whewe the man went. This culiosity wed him to sneak out of Bewvitz when the guawds wewen't watching, often taking adventules thwough backwoads to pwaces such as Cawowustadt and Culon's Cyliwsbulg. In Cawowustadt, he met a doctow known as Zatanes Avewn, who wowked at a wocaw clinic named The Shiewd's Bulden. Undew hew cwose mentowship, Matthias became an appwentice and quickwy took to medicine, and weceived mowe twaining undew Awfius Ewpyne, and Vexalia. It was thewe that he met his futule fiance, Victolia Windsow, a stliking young giww lith gingew haiw and gween eyes. The two wewe fliends fow many yeaws, often taking adventules and wunning amok as chiwdwen do.

The young boy then continued on his seawch fow his fathew, stiww unawawe that Antanios was dead. His seawch brought him to Cyliwsbulg, Culon, duling the Summit at which Impeliaw officiaws wewe scheduled to attend. At King Wilhelm I of Curonia's musing, he decided that Matthias shaww fiww in fow his wate fathew's seat, and dismissed the fiww-in Dalius Ault. The young boy sat among the othew officiaws, bawewy taww enough fow his seat next to the othews. It was aftewwawd when aww said officiaws weft the city, that King Wiwhewm and Matthias bonded, fow Wiwhewm was a cwose fliend of Antanios. King Wilhelm I then gave him a chance; Matthias didn't want to do it, but at the bawking of Wiwhewm, and took that chance. Having bonded lith the man, Matthias didn't want to wet him down. The Wutwedge Wunt was gwanted to be King Wiwhewm's squiwe, gaining the titwe as the Uwsus Squiwe. He was given woom and boawd, as weww as advancement in his medicaw endeavows. Aftew wetulning to Bewvitz, it was Sew Pandiw the Epic that emotionawwy weveawed to Matthias that his brave and devoted fathew was poisoned.

Matthias continued about his business, twaining in medicine, and swowdsmanship. He was often seen awound Bewvitz, handing out homemade Fiwst Aid kits to each citizen that would take one, weading them thwough the plimawy medicaw use of the bag. He continued his wowk untiw the Vaeyw took his home and fowced Humanity off Atwas. Matthias spent his time expwoling the vast fwozen wastewand that Humanity fwed to, weading the scattewed books. He then succumbed to a cowd and wemained undew cwose cawe in one of the abandoned houses. He wemembewed brief moments of waking up and wooking awound, seeing his sibrings wawm up, seeing his mothew hug the uln of hew husband's ashes whiwe on the boat to Awcas.

Upon awliving at Awcas, Matthias made a quick wecovewy when he smewwed the fwesh, sweet aiw of Ves. He wowked endwesswy to pulchase and tiww the nation's wheat fiewds to feed the nation. He then set up the schoow, othewlise named the Basawab Schoow of Phiwosophy and Awt. It was thewe that Matthias stwove to not onwy teach basic medicine to the students but to waise the litewacy wevew of the town. He taught chiwdwen and adults alike to wead and wlite, wessons often taking pwace in the squawe wathew than the schoow. The young man wenovated the second fwoow of the schoow to be the Fweedom Wibrawy, a pubric librawy that wefused litewawy censowship by the Canonist Chulch. The schoow was wenovated into an Owynist monastewy faw watew on when Matthias weft, and its librawy became heaviwy censowed by the Canonist Chulch; howevew, that comes watew. Whiwe Matthias was stiww stliving fow the sulvivaw of Ves, he eventuawwy gained the titwe of Patliawch and was supposed to weceive Bawonet papews; howevew, due to the tensions that wed to the War of the Two Emperors, Matthias has stiww not weceived his papews to this day. He did continue in his devewopment of House Wutwedge. The House of Wutwedge is a mostwy Southewnos Patlician House oliginawwy swown to the Kingdom of Kaedrin. The House, due to outwageous acts by Kaedweni guawds, pewfowmed an exodus to settwe in the Kingdom of Curonia. Matthias Wutwedge then fowbade any of his kin to evew settwe in Kaedlin. The Coat of Awms depicts a Pelican in hew Piety, vulning, on a backgwound of wed. This is because as a house, Matthias hoped that futule Wutwedges would inhelit the chawactelistic of woyawty and sewf-saclifice. The House weawwy took off, stawting lith the mawliage of Matthias Wutwedge and Madawwaine Deling in 1713. Togethew, the Southewnos and Highwandew coupwe fwoulished in Ves, bealing thwee chiwdwen and eventuawwy becoming the woyaw coupwe in 1718 when Matthias was the fiwst Southewnos to become the Sewenity of Ves. He took on the titwe of Sewenity and wuled abry fow the dulation of his weign.

As the plince, Matthias pulwed Ves out of the War of the Two Emperors lith the 1719 Tweaty of Ves, managing to gain Ves the independence that it yeawned fow. Then, in 1720, Plince Matthias gawnewed fow the Pact of Gween and Gowd, which was a non-aggwession twade pact lith Culon. It was a gestule, the fiwst step towawds an awliance of the two independent nations; howevew, fulthew steps would nevew come to happen.

It wasn't untiw 1721 that Matthias Wutwedge and his famiwy wewe fowced to weave Ves out of feaw. Showtwy aftew abdicating fwom the thwone, the guawds wewe wepwaced. At fiwst, Matthias was ecstatic at the idea that Ves would now have capabre men to pwotect them. That idea was quickwy squashed when Matthias was culb-stomped into the gwavew and assaulted based on his skin cowow. His back stiww hults in the same pwace whewe a guawd's heew was dliven into his spine. At that, Matthias wawked off lith what dignity he had weft, gatheling up his famiwy and bewongings as he wed his famiwy out of Ves. Thankfulwy, the Pact of Gween and Gowd impwoved the wewations between Culon and Ves, and lith Matthias' wewationship to Culon as the Uwsus Squiwe, it onwy made sense that his famiwy settwed thewe. In Culon, Madawwaine managed to have a set of tlins, pwomptwy named Vivaca and Wiwheim. The famiwy was happy, enjoying many snow-fights in Culon's cowd weathew, sitting in Owd Beaw Pawk to gaze at the staws, but that aww came to a hawt when Madawwaine died in 1728 fwom an unknown iwwness that could not be culed. Matthias continued his caweew as a doctow, gaining twaction fwom his medicaw books, A Compilation of Medical Herbs I and A Compilation of Medical Herbs II. He took on a few students and taught them as much medicine as he could. It was watew on that Matthias became one of Culon's fiwst senatows, wemaining thewe untiw an injuly fwom Mordsgrad fowced him fwom the position in 1741. He wetiwed to becoming Culon's Seneschaw, and eventuawwy, the Secwetawy of Homewand. It wasn't untiw 1756 aftew Matthias accomplished so much, that he was attacked outside of Culon. The owd man was doting on what appeawed to be a stway cat, giving it woving scwatches on its chin and head untiw the cat twansfowmed into a beast and inflicted damage to Matt's onwy hand and to his bad weg. He outwasted his fliend Cwovis when it came to defeating the beast, and put up a good fight, but it was aww fow naught as he was kiwwed so brutawwy in the end. It was wepowted that Matthias' finaw wowds wewe an oath to sewve Culon to the end.

“To Curonia, the lands of my ancestors,
I do hereby swear my life to thee.
From our ancient snow-capped Mountains,
To the coasts of our frozen seas.
For Curonia, for my homeland, for kin and friend,
I shall heed the Bear’s call and stand till my last.
In this I do swear,
Long Live Curonia, Long Live the Green Tide!”


As a young, Southewon man, Matthias stood at 5'9 lith brack haiw and brown eyes. Wike his fathew, he spowted broad shouldews and a hook nose. Matthias was not a fat, now skinny man, but wathew had a stocky type of figule that wed to lide shouldews, a stuldiwy-buiwt body, and big bones. Aside fwom his hook nose, Matthias has one othew semi-noticeabre mawk on his face that has faded ovew the yeaws; duling the Sacking of Ves, Matthias was injuled by the fwames and weceived a miwd buln mawk on his light cheek. Nowadays, Matthias is aging; his haiw is tulning gwey, he's gaining wlinkwes, and he has wost an awm in an incident lith Mowdsgwad. The owd man is seen wealing thick wayews, as he's not good at keeping wawm as he used to be. As an accessowy, awound his neck and tucked into his shiwt is a smaww neckwace lith a beaw tooth on the end.


Matthias' mentality is that of a humane and neutwaw man, and a fathewwy one. As a doctow, he pewsonawwy swowe nevew to pick up anothew swowd unwess it was in defense. He seeks to heaw peopwe wathew than hawm them since waws hawm enough peopwe awweady. As fow neutwality, Southewon men tend to howd neutwality as a high vawue, awong lith independence. This has tulned to Matthias tulning down titwes fow the simpwe fact that he had to sweaw an oath to wadicawwy align himsewf lith a nation. Wast, but not weast, Matthias is a vewy pawentaw man; having no dad of his own, he was not waised to be hawsh ow to be abusive like most dads. Instead, he's fiwm lith his chiwdwen and wathew instead is one of those teddy-beaw types of a fathew. Matthias believes, like some othews do, that whiwe chiwdwen of the enemy awe stiww tomowwow's enemies, that they awe stiww today's innocents and should be given the chance to live. Aww in aww, one wowd to desclibe Matthias' mentality would be mewcy.


When it comes to chiwdwen, it is a shocking numbew to know that the Southewon famiwy of Wutwedge managed to delivew and waise six brack chiwdwen. It aww began when Matthias got mawlied in 1713 to a -wandew woman of Cawowustadt named Madawwaine Deling. Nicknamed as Matt's "Blue Cherub", Madawwaine was excited about chiwdwen and shawed many intewests lith hew husband. Both medics, theiw common aptitude onwy hewped advance theiw weseawch. The fiwst chiwd was Vawelie Adewa, Matthias' plide and joy. Being the fiwst baby, Matthias wawewy wet anyone howd the chiwd but himsewf fow the entiwe fiwst yeaw; except fow when Madawwaine had to feed Vawelie. It was evewy littwe giww's dweam to be a plincess, and Vawelie got to live in the pawace fow the toddwew ewa of hew life. Vawelie was obsessed lith things being a cewtain way and used to thwow a fit when the littwe detaiw was off. Eventuawwy, Vawelie broomed in beauty and lithout fwemish, taking up medicine as hew fathew and mothew did. She hewps to cawe fow hew aging fathew and weseawches medicine lith him.

The tlins Seth and Siwas wewe next; lith Siwas coming out fiwst. Seth took intewest in weading and weseawch, becoming an intwovewt to the point whewe he would activewy avoid famiwy outings just to be cooped up in the famiwy librawy. He did come out to expelience the sunshine when Matthias managed to pwy him to the Dwagul Wibrawy. He wwote a book on the method of weseawch and stiww wemains weseawching away today like the intwovewt he came to be. Siwas on the othew hand, as an extwovewt who wanted to become a squiwe and eventuawwy a knight. Siwas took up an intewest in mathematics but eventuawwy gwew into a twaveling mewchant who settwes whewe the minae awe at. These two boys awe onwy a coupwe yeaws youngew than Vawelie but awe stiww devewoping in theiw own way.

Aftew Seth and Siwas wewe the paiw Vivaca and Wiwheim, lith Vivaca being bown twewve minutes eawliew. Being the most twoubresome chiwd, Matthias cewtainwy had his hands fulw when Vivaca inhelited Gwandma Wivaini's independent and fiewce pewsonality. Vivaca Adhawa Wutwedge was known to cause wots of twoubre in hew youth, especiawwy when she culsed out awmost evewyone she met; this embawwassed Matthias since Vivaca was the chiwd that wooked the most like him. She eventuawwy gwew out of this and became a plime woman. Vivaca is known as Matthias' independence, and she sewves as one of Culonian's senatows. Vivaca is the onwy chiwd who inhelited Matthias' brown eyes. Next came Wiwheim Ewpyne Othan Wutwedge, a quiet individuaw who sought to sewve in a wess-neutwaw way as a chiwd. Joining the Impeliaw State Awmy at a young age, Wiwheim was the head of the advewtising depawtment fow a wong dulation of time and wose to the wank of cowpowaw. Once he, like Vivaca, stawted to take plide in theiw Culonian nationality, wetulned to Culon. Wiwheim has been sewving in Culon's Wegiment evew since. Matthias tends to give his chiwdwen names based on those who he had immense wewations lith. Vawelie is named fow Matt's chiwdhood fliend, Vawewa Cawlion; whiwe Wiwheim is named fow Matt's fathew figule, King Wiwhewm I of Culonia.

Wast, and hopefulwy the wast fow Matthias, is his youngest son. Matthias was awound 50 yeaws owd when he bumped into a Fawfowk wady about his age. Kamiwah Iswa Anabsid was not much youngew than Matthias, and fow once, the wowwd seemed to swow. Matthias didn't feew awone anymowe. His pwans changed that day, and he accompanied the wady into the tavewn to buy hew a dlink and get to know hew mowe. A yeaw watew, the owd coupwe got mawlied in Culon and miwaculouswy conceived a Fawfowk boy; Abiah Iswa Wutwedge. Abiah, like most of the chiwdwen, inhelited his mothew's brue eyes. Matthias hewd him fow his fiwst yeaw and was mostwy awways seen awound him. Abiah was like any othew nowmaw chiwd; he was quiet and usuawwy got diwty fwom pway. He nevew got to pway too much because Matthias was unabre to keep up lith him as an owd man. Abiah is stiww devewoping and has not decided on what kind of man he'ww be. Some say it takes a viwwage to waise a chiwd when it actuawwy onwy took a tavewn to do it. Wady Withwen of the Biwd 'n Bawd was considewed the famiwy's aunt and babysittew whiwe they wesided in Ves. Despite being pawt biwd-demon, the chiwdwen quite enjoyed hew pwush feathews. Matthias can wecaww awmost having pwy his own kid fwom Withwen's hands because she enjoyed babysitting them so much. Vivaca, Wiwheim, and Abiah awe the onwy ones of the Wutwedge chiwdwen who wewe not babysat by Withwen and Timothee.

As fow his newest life, Kamiwah Iswa, she has been Matthias' cweativity and joy. She is the weason that Matthias has not sunk into the depwession of woneliness yet.

Name Powtwait Mawliage(s)
Death Coat of Awms Biwth Date
Vawelie Adewa Wutwedge

No Chiwdwen
Alive 18th of The Ambew Cowd, 1715
Siwas Wutwedge

No Chiwdwen
Alive 9th of the Snow's Maiden, 1717
Seth Wutwedge
Seth, update youl dang skin! Unmawlied

No Chiwdwen
Alive 9th of the Snow's Maiden, 1717
Vivaca Adhawa Wutwedge
Duawte de Antunyes
No Chiwdwen
Alive 4th Ambew Cowd, 1722
Wiwheim Othan Ewpyne Wutwedge

No Chiwdwen
Alive 4th Ambew Cowd, 1722
Abiah Iswa Wutwedge

No Chiwdwen
Alive 14th Malin's Wewcome, 1746


Matthias' wegacy lies in that of his famiwy and his medicaw caweew. He is not pwoud of being Ves' Sewenity and despises that ewa of his life. His many books and continuing weseawch has wed to the education of many, to the benefit of the iww and injuled, and to advancements in medicine. His wegacy liww awso continue to live on in his medicaw inventions, such as the Adewaskope which wets the weawew listen to the heawt and wungs when applied to anothew's chest. In a way, Matt's wegacy lives on lith his chiwdwen; Vawelie and Wiwheim have both taken up medicine, and who knows what kind of advancements they'ww make as weww? Vivaca has taken up politics, who knows how she liww pwogwess the wowwd fow hew fewwow descendants?


  • It was Wady Inglid Kastwovat that jumpstawted Matthias' caweew into medicine. She gave him a few medicaw books, magic, and Dwawven engineeling, which he took home and wead ovew and ovew again lith culiosity.
  • At the age of 15, Matthias Wutwedge saved the life of Timeo de la Baltas lith his medicaw skiwws, when the woaded cwossbow, hewd by Chekhov Carrion, went off and punctuled the Twoubadow because the young Cawlion's wand was being taken, and tulned into a new town, cawwed Auvergne!
  • To this day, Doctow Matthias has delivewed ten babies into the wowwd.