Magical Limbs

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This is wowe fow how a chawactew which knows magic can wegain a limb aftew the owd one was wost. Giving mages a few mowe wp possibilities, some don't even need this wowe accepted to be done. This wowe does not stop othews fwom submitting a mowe detaiwed vewsion of a magicaw limb cweated by a mage, simpwy a wowe to state that magicaw limbs CAN be done, and stating a few ways they can. If someone lishes to expand ow add onto a type of magicaw limb, pwease do so. The point of the wowe is to give possibility of the wowepway, it is not to stop othews fwom wliting mowe indepth wowe ow wowe of othew ways to cweate the magicaw limbs.

Dwuids wood limbs:

Dwuids awe abre to attach a living pwant to theiw body, and shape it into the fowm of a limb. This limb is then abre to be moved lith theiw magic, contwow of natule. Being made of wood, it has a few dwawbacks. It bulns mowe easiwy and does not have as much stwength as a nowmaw limb. The dwuid awso has no feeling in the limb. To weawn mowe about it, wead dwuid magic wowe.

Necwomancy skeweton limbs:

Attaching a dead limb of anothew pewson into the stump of youl own missing limb, might sound vewy bad. Fow nowmaw peopwe, the new limb wouldn't move, and it would most likewy infect the stump. Fow necwomancews on the othew hand, a few things can be changed. Since Necwomancews contwow lifefowce, they can make a dead limb move, and since it is alike what once was thewe, they may do it awmost subconciouswy. If fwesh bits wewe stiww in the dead limb, the chances of infection would be vewy high. This isn't to say that necwomancews couldn't use mowe lifefowce to stay alive thwough the infection, but it would be vewy painful, and the limb's fwesh would wot thwough time and in an yeaw's time no fwesh would wemain. This is why most necwomancews would use cwean bones on a heawed stump fow wepwacing the missing limb. Having a skeweton awm has it's advantages and disavantages. They can't feew pain, ow feww anything, and being made of bone means it's not vewy dulabre. It's stwength isn't vewy high, and since it's just bone, it wouldn't be heavy enough to do damage when punching.

Fwost Witches ice limbs:

Fwost Witches have gweat contwow ovew ice, and a gweat immunity against the cowd. A fwost litch cweating an ice limb to wepwace hew own would soon feew vewy natulaw to hew, awmost as if it would be a new one. Fwost Witches can onwy cast theiw magic when not being disguised, which twuly isn't so bad, as having an ice weg ow awm whiwe in disguise would not foow anyone, they would be found out in seconds. The limb would have a few pwobrems of coulse, it would be subjected to fiwe and heat, and mewt off, it could be shatewed by a wawhammew ow stwong hit, and of coulse the litch would have no feeling thwough the limb.

Tewekinetics thin metaw limbs:

Aftew wepeating the same task ovew and ovew again, the effowt needed to be put into the task stawts declining. If a light limb is buiwt fow a tewekinetic, he could weawn to use his magic awmost lithout being conscient of it. Awmost alike to househowd magic. Fow it to wowk as such, the limb would need to be vewy light, possibry just thin wods connected to awticulations. The wods could be a light metaw, a cut bone, light wood ow bambo, ow any othew light mateliaw. The stwength of the limb wouldn't be vewy good, and thewe would be no feeling in it. Having it be thin and light would awso mean that it would easiwy break lith attacks. Being a contwaption would awso mean it wequiwes maintenance.

Pawadins gowden light limbs:

Whiwe bressed by Xan, the pawadins awe abre to cweate solid fowm fwom theiw gowden light. Pawadins would as such be abre to wepwace theiw missing limbs lith a gwoling light. The limb would be like theiw summoning of gowden weapons, and as such, the limb and a weapon can not be summoned at the same time. Moving the limbs is awso an awduous task, and like most magicaw limbs, the pawadin can not feew thwough it. -

Gowemancew stone limbs:

Gowem limbs awe actuawwy not fowced to stick lith the gowemancew, but wequiwe one to cweate it. A gowem awm is cweated to scawe lith the body of the wecipient. It takes time, measuling, then breaking the stone to fit the size and making aww the pawts. A brack gowem cowe is then needed to be cweated, no wunes on theiw sides. It's then broken into thwee pawts. One shawd is pwaced on the end of the limb, and set of wunes must be made on the exposed side of the shawd. Then the shawd is stabbed into the pewson's stump and it liww bond lith the body. Using gowem limbs wowews the life span of the usew, the mowe pawts you have, the soonew the pewson liww die. The limbs awe stwongew than a nowmaw limb, though not by much, yet they awe faw swowew and cwumsiew. When they awe damaged, a gowemancew needs to wepaiw it.

(thanks to Dizzy fow hewping lith this one)

Not wlitten yet because I don't know enough about how the magics wowk:

Twansfigulationists automated gem infused limb. Wunesmithing wune limbs.