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Magic is an important part of the flavour of the Lord of the Craft. It has been roleplayed for as long as the Server has existed, beginning chiefly with the Druidic Magic that grew the original Elven city of Laurelin. There are now many different forms of magic that are open to be roleplayed by anyone.

The Ascended and the loyal Undead of Iblees' followers had a magic plugin through the use of golden hoes. These provided such tantalizing spells as calling lightning from the sky upon a target, hurling balls of fire, and summoning foul beasts. To better represent the power of these players, some were also given use of server commands that could make them temporarily invincible, able to fly, and even invisibility. Aside from the magic plugin of these two opposing forces, and an experimental plugin that never received a full release, the practitioners of magic have never had a minecraft mechanic representation of their roleplay until the Nexus Magic Combat plugin of 4.0.

Magic Applications have recently been re-instated and are required to learn magic in Lord of the Craft. All users of magic are overseen by the Magic Application Team. The Magic Application Team (MAT for short) keep track of all the magic users on Lord of the Craft. They examine all magic applications, answer all magic-based questions and occasionally remove magic from players who abuse its power. The power of magic was also drastically reduced in the hope that it would discourage those who simply wish to have magic to give their characters an edge over their opponents.Any mage can only ever become as strong as an elite soldier (whereas previously a master Mage could take on upwards of 3 enemies at once), such that a duel can be fought using PVP mechanics if necessary.

Every magical subtype now requires to be taught by a registered teacher or it can be self-taught if you are found to have sufficient knowledge on the topic.

For former magical systems see the Archives.


Magic is an anchored part of our world. When The Creator pulled all things from nothing and breathed life upon an endless Void, He did so with magic. When he created the first of the mortal beings he did so with magic. And when the Four Fathers of nations were blessed with peace, strength, honour and eternity, their sons and daughters received those blessings with magic. And so, since the beginning of time, magic has always existed and within every living thing exists the ability to use that magic. Though for some their souls may be less inclined towards the pull of magic, or their minds be consumed with the work of the simpler things, yet all of this world are born with the ability to connect with magic.

Sources of Magic

The source of most magical power comes either from the Void or from a higher power.

    • Void** or **Arcane** based magics tend to be easier to learn, depending upon mental ability and supply of mana to establish a void connection. The Void is a separate plane of existence that exists everywhere, all the while never being perceived. It is simultaneously nothing and everything. Nothing exists in The Void except for endless potential. Void magics operate by firstly abandoning mental perception of our world to open one’s mind up to the limitless nothing. Once a connection with the void is made, the individual’s mana is required to wield the Void’s energy for magical purposes. Using mana to connect to The Void is a very unnatural process, and the body will show some physical sign of the action that it is undertaking, whether it be a physical tick, twitch or tremor. A Mage will use their studies of their particular subtype to manifest the void’s energy into the form of magic they desire. Once a connection with the void ceases, either voluntarily, by distraction, or from exhausting a supply of mana; the magic ceases to exist, returning instantaneously to nothing within the void. Void Magics are also refered to Arcane Magic.

The Void Magics are: Domestic Magic, Evocation (Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Electrical, Arcane), Conjuration (Primordial, Morphon, Perennial), Alteration (Transfiguration, Telekinesis, Void Translocation, Beardmancy) and Illusion (Sensory Illusion, Mental Magic, Cognitism, Bardmancy)

Deity-based magics borrow the power of higher beings to perform a set list of spells, as defined within each deity subtype. They are much more restricted to learn as the deities will only acknowledge an individual’s desire for magic under certain circumstances. Deities can be very sensitive about whom they bestow powers onto, and this can limit the other types of magic that one may pursue in tandem. Individual spells must also be taught, other by the deity directly, or through a more experienced Follower.

Deity Magics are: Druidism (Nature's Communion, Control of Nature, Blight Healing, Nature's Healing, Shapeshifting), Shamanism (Latauman, Elementalist, Witchdoctor, Farseer), Cleric (War Cleric, Priest Healer), Frost Witch, Monk and Muun'Trivazja

There are also Other magic types that do not fit into these two sources, having their own source of power. For some of these types the power behind the magic may actually be a deity or the void, though this has never been fully investigated. Most Dark Magics are in this category.

Rune Smithing, Contract Magic (Contracts and Okar), Necromancy, Shade, Soul Puppetry, Fi'hiiran'tanya (void and deity)

Magic Types

Alteration [Changing physical properties of objects].

Transfiguration [Includes enchanting, transmutation and warding/abjuration]

Telekinesis [The manipulation and lifting of objects]

Void Translocation [Dematerialising matter in the Void for later use]

Beardmancy [People able to manipulate and move their hair with magic]

Illusion [All spells that involve tricking or manipulating the subconscious/mind.] Sensory Illusion [A form of illusion in which the mage attempts to influence the mind to fabricate senses and emotions.] - This magic is considered open, and anyone may learn it without the guidance of a teacher.

Cognitism [A specific form of Illusionism that uses visual aids and mental manipulation to increase intelligence and imagination.] - This magic is considered open, and anyone may learn it without the guidance of a teacher.

Mental Magic [Involves the manipulation of memories and individuals to make illusions.]

Evocation [This includes all creation of the elements in the void and pulling it into reality.]






Arcane Shielding

Arcane [Pure energy evocation]

Conjuration [Spells that allow you to conjure animals or any creature.]

Primordial Conjuration [Conjuration of elementals. This requires a strong understanding of a particular element and thus only a mage which is both a conjurer and evocationist can summon a morphon].

Morphon Conjuration [Conjuration of animals.]

Perennial Conjuration[Conjuration of plants, often mistaken for druidism].

RuneSmithing [Rune magic, rune smithing, magical engravings]

Shaman [Typically an Orc Magic]:

Witchdoctor [Stranger and oddity rituals and experimenting. Delve in potion making and other]

Farseer [Work with the Immortal Spirits, can travel to the spiritual plane and converse with spirits on a neutral field.]

Elementalist [Work with the elemental spirits, masters of changing and shaping the physical world.]

Lutauman [Avatars of the ancestors. Converse with the spirits of people themselves and invoke their power and blessing.]


Nature's Healing [All spells that involve Druidic healing methods.]

Control of Nature [All spells that have to do with growing/manipulating plants/nature.]

Blight Healer [Blighted land, burned land, destroyed plant life, these are tended by a Blight Healer. Druids are called upon to heal scarred land that has been ravaged by battle, swept upon by wildfire, or salted by angry warlords.]

Nature's Communion [The Druid has spent their career focusing on their connection to Nature and the Aspects above all. The Druid would be able to speak with the trees, sing with the animals, and share their knowledge with the forest.]

Shapeshifting [All spells which involve the specific shapeshifting into a single animal a druid has made a connection with.]


Priest [All spells that involve clerical healing. Healing of great or minor wounds.]

Battle-Cleric [Spells that involve the Orbs of light to aid you in battle. Clerics can also daze and have a myriad of different protective spells.]

Dark Arts:

Necromancy [All spells that involve the dark art of Necromancy]

Shade Magic [Shaping Aura as an instrument of darkness]

Frost Witch [All the magic used by a frost witch]

Contract Magic [Magical contracts written upon the skin of a living animals to bind one to an agreement. ]

Soul Puppetry [The creation of puppets out of various materials used to set temporary curses upon individuals they resemble.

Phobism/Al'Bhakthal Zu'Skaldn [The snapping of minds and discovering people's greatest fears]

Dark Shamanism [A practice that involves bending Orcish spirits to your will, and mutating living organisms]

Muun'Trivazja [Kharajyr magic from healing to rituals, moon-gazing and chronomancy]


Fi'hiiran'seth [All spells that involve the draining of void magic]

Fi'hiiran'acaele [All spells that involve the draining of deity-based magic or dark arts]

Learning Magic

Learning magic takes a very long time in character (it takes years IC to even begin understanding concepts of magic). How fast a character learns the art is many times up to the teacher of the magic, since he knows what the character still has to learn and how, or in the case of magics that are considered free, and the character learns without a teacher, are up to the player to figure out the best speed that he believes his character would learn.

There are a few institutions where one could learn magic. The oldest being the Mages Guild, though it is not the easiest to join as they guard their knowledge, keeping it only for the clever to learn. The Mages are masters of Arcane Magic types (Void based) while other forms of magic are available only through certain groups, like the Druids or Clerical Order.