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Artwork by unknown artist
Area: Ocean, around Sutica
Diet:: Carnivore
Size: Large, can get up to 50 feet.
Hostility Not hostile unless provoked
Tameable?: Untameable
Note: This creature can only be played by Event Team members.

These massive beasts grow to be up to twenty feet, and for this reason they have a need for large prey, but mature Lubba remain in deep waters. A curious, or naiveté, youthful Lubba may rarely be found off the coasts of mainland as it searches for food and explores its territorial limits. However, recently hatched Lubba will remain in their breeding grounds due to their lack of experience in hunting, but also their under developed lungs that force them to remain in the shallow waters to have access to the surface for air.

Hatchlings: Once fertilized, the eggs take roughly 90–120 days to hatch. Should the egg’s soft, gelatin-like shell be punctured or damaged in anyway, the hatchling (Roughly 1 ½ Feet) will most likely die as the embryonic fluid will slowly leak out that the hatchling requires for growth, as well as often kill the clutch of eggs as a whole indirectly. For when the shell is cracked, pheromones are released that the female Lubba will instinctively react to earlier than needed.

Should the egg remain safe for the duration of time, the hatchling, now about 18 Inches in length, will become strong enough to poke their way through the soft shell, releasing the egg’s pheromones. The female will react to this and leave the breeding grounds, only to return with a large kill. After depositing the kill near the nest, the female leaves the breeding grounds permanently, ending her role as a mother figure.

The hatchlings will remain in the nest, in their shells actually, for roughly a week. During this time, only about a quarter of their body will leave the egg. As their eyes begin to function properly, they will use this time to become aware of their surroundings. Their soft bodies will continue to absorb the remaining embryonic fluid inside the eggs as their senses and motor control strengthens.

After the week is up, or the embryonic fluid is absorbed, the hatchlings ability to control its sight, body movement, and smell have advanced greatly. The first test is the hatchlings ability to locate food on its own, being the -now- decomposing/rotting large animal that the female left for them. As the animal is rotting, not only will it be easy for the hatchlings to locate through scent, but the meat will also be softer and partially decomposed making it easier for the newborns to digest.

Youth: The weeks following the hatchlings (5 Feet- 10 Feet) emergence from their eggs are some of the most important throughout it’s life. During this time, their once slate grey bodies will take on different hues of blues, blacks, and greens. The coloration is a solid color but is determined by the ocean environment. An example of this would be, should the breeding grounds be in an area with much vegetation, they will take on a greenish hue. An area that is colder may result in a lighter blue color, similar to that of ice.

As the youth feast on the kill left to them, their bodies quickly grow. Their, once, soft skin is shed and replaced with harder scales and fin like appendages. Their mouth elongates, becoming sharper and more pointed, allowing them to dive into a carcass to feast. Their teeth begin to grow more, sharp and piercing for quick bites but also to maintain their grip on their prey.

Once the rotting remains have been eaten, the youth must begin to learn to hunt. Using only their instincts and their natural advantages (coloration, sleek and streamline bodies, piercing teeth) the youths will leave the breeding ground in search of food. Youthful Lubba, however, will need time to strengthen their lungs and only be able to hold their breath for a short time. This forces them to either return to the breeding ground for air and shelter, or risk going to the surface for air where they can become prey to carnivorous birds and sea life. Youthful Lubba that are unable to learn how to hunt or develop their lungs quickly enough will become weak and defenseless, becoming an easy meal for not only other animals in the ocean and skies, but their own hungry siblings. Thus, out of a clutch of six to eight hatchlings, only one or two may actually make it to maturity.

Adolescent: As the Lubba comes of age (Nearing anywhere between 15–25 feet in length) and perfects its art of hunting, it may eventually outgrow the breeding grounds source of food. This forces the Lubba to move from its home, parting ways with its sibling(s), and seeking out a territory of its own.

As the Lubba searches for its new home, it will continue to grow and strengthen. Male Lubba will develop horns( similar to that of bulls) and hardened crests under its neck. Both are used in combat with prey and predators, but also used as ways of attracting mates. While the females grow elongated fins to help them navigate the waves faster, eventually helping them to search for a mate faster and to return their unborn young faster. As the Lubba continue to grow, their skin must be continually shed. Lubba will rub their bodies along sharp rocks to help remove their skin, revealing harder, stronger, and sharper scales. In the process, some rocks may be lodged between their scales. Lubba often use the sea rock, Prismarine, due to its location, durability, and sharpness. Should the Prismarine become lodged between its scales, the Lubba’s body will glisten amongst the waves as it catches the sun’s light. This actually aids the Lubba in its attempt to capture prey, its victims often becoming entranced by the dancing lights in the waters (similar to Anglerfish).

Adult: Once the Lubba matures (Growing to 50 feet or higher) it will attempt to find a home. Should the Lubba find a suitable area to call its home, whether unoccupied by another large predator or it defeats its current owner, it will mark it’s new territory by releasing pheromones along its borders. This marks the age that a Lubba reaches adulthood and thus varies between each. These male Lubba will remain in their territory unless their source of food becomes depleted to the point that it must either expand or move to a new area. While females will do the same, but venture out from their territory to mate. Once a female has mated, her return journey will be done on the surface in an attempt to protect herself and her young from attacks by larger denizens of the deep oceans.

Due to the ocean being an endless source of nourishment and Lubba being as rare as they are, it is difficult to determine their lifespan. Due to the fact that a Lubba’s body has yet to be found, it is believed that Lubba only ever die in combat- leading to an immortal life and able to grow endlessly- or in their older age they become prey themselves to predators.


Many sailors can tell stories of the challenges at sea, including stories of sea monsters, such as the mighty Lubba. However, much of these tales are cowardly attempts at appearing brave before landlubbers. For seeing a Lubba is a rare occurrence, and to fight one is even rarer and often results in the sailor’s demise.


While the Lubba do not actively look for conflict, preferring to eat and hunt prey that is easily manageable, they are quite skilled, elusive fighters. For some reason some common misconception of Lubba is their violent nature, their desire to destroy ships, and their taste for the flesh of the Descendents, even though they are not very aggressive.

Using their coloration and their familiarity with the deep sea floor, Lubba will lurk in the shadows of the waters and be difficult to spot for their prey and other predators alike. Their serpent-like body allows them to quickly dart upwards through the water and strike their target from underneath. Should their target become of their presence, the target often becomes immobilized by the blinding light reflected off of the Prismarine fragments embedded in the Lubba’s scales. With its agile speed and shark teeth, a Lubba’s target rarely gets away.

Should the Lubba find itself in a confrontation against a larger predator, or even another Lubba, the fighting style changes depending on the gender of the Lubba. Male Lubba will utilize their sharp horns and scales, often ramming into their target head first, while female Lubba will utilize their sleeker bodies and speed to evade enemies to not only tire out their attackers but to get in quick bites. Should the Lubba’s attacks be productive and the enemy weakened the Lubba will attempt to wrap its body around the enemy, constricting it tightly until it loses consciousness.

Lubba are extremely territorial and will defend their space against another large aquatic beasts, such as Aquatic Dragons. However, due to their massive size -when they reach maturity- they often remain close to the deep sea floor and chasms, hunting the larger of sea life for their voracious appetite. Because of this, Lubba are rarely seen at or above the water’s surface; only coming above to refill their lungs with fresh air or to safely transport their eggs.

In the rare cases a Lubba does attack a ship, it is often not over an issue with its territory as well. Fishing and Whaling ships either cast out large nets trapping copious amounts of fish or harpoon large whales that bleed out into the water and attract larger predatory fish and sharks. * Should a Lubba see a large enough gathering of prey, it may rise up from the depths to feast. This often causes a confrontation between the sailors and the Lubba, leading to the sailors attacking the Lubba in an attempt to defend their catch and leading to the Lubba defending itself. However, due to the size of a Descendent in proportion to a mature Lubba and the Descendents inability to venture into the deep waters, a Lubba does not actively hunt for Descendents.

Underwater Cave Entrance

When the time comes for mating a mature female Lubba will carry her unfertilized eggs within her as she searches for a male, often leaving her own territory in her search. Once a male is found and the mating complete, the female will return to her own territory, ending contact with the male. (It should be noted that in the event of it having been a long search for a male, and thus being a long journey back home, the female may attack the male and feast on its corpse for nourishment for her journey.) Once the female returns to her territory she will search for an aquatic environment that gives her young protection but also dry land. Suitable places are often underwater caverns or grottos. Once such a location is obtained, the female will construct a small nest of moist soil, vegetation, and rocks and lay her eggs. Once the eggs are laid, the female will remain close to the nest and only leave to eat or if her claim to her territory is challenged.


  • Lubba


  • Squeeze enemies to death
  • Lubbas lay a shimmering blue shell that encases the Lubba’s young, reflecting light off its soft, gel-like shell. Because of their coloration and luminosity, it is rumored that Lubba actually hatch from deep sea diamonds or sapphires. Thus, they are often hunted by pirates and treasure hunters, both brave and crazed to try such a feat.
  • Lubbas have very Sharp, Dense, yet exceptionally light scales; Lubba scales that have been proven to be quite an exceptional defense. While removing such scales from an alive and alert Lubba is asking for a swift death, some deep sea divers have been able to harvest such scales from shed skin that coat the sea floor. Some armorers and leather workers have been able to utilize such scales to coat their wares, creating a dense, light, and effective defense.
  • Lubbas, when dead, can be easily harvested for their stomach acid. It is an extremely corrosive substance found within the stomach of the Lubba. Due to the large spectrum of things that may find its way into a Lubba’s stomach, its body must be able to break down any and all materials to pass through its system. If bottled, the substance can be used for various alchemical purposes.
  • All Lubba's will grow sharp fangs, like daggers, once they get older. This is the Lubba’s main offense and defense, its fangs are prized possessions throughout the realm. Known for their durability and sharpness, a fang is often sought after by weaponsmiths and fletchers alike to create powerful tools of war. However, it is rumored that if grinded, the Lubba Fang can be used to create a potion of love. Esteemed alchemists have not been able to confirm or deny this claim as their have been few records kept on the rare item.

Use of Magic



  • Very durable nets
  • Large weapons


  • Will not look for conflicts openly
  • Are incredibly rare




Beasts of Ceru Entry

Area of habitation

South Sea, Cerulean Bay (in infancy).


Large aquatic prey, or entire schools of fish.

Relative size

Large enough to capsize a boat.


It just so happens that this entry isn't my documentation, I just felt I should mention it here for those who aren't aware of what a lubba is. A lubba is a massive, carnivorous sea serpent, sometimes associated with the spirit Ankrus. Sutican folklore tells of them mistaking entire ships for prey, and engaging in spectacular battle with their crew. In reality, this is entirely possible, as a lubba's appetite can drive it to attempt to consume nearly anything it sees. It has no specific prey niche, being a roaming predator, and it requires a great deal of food to grow and sustain itself. It is among the apex predators of the sea, and rightfully so. If you would like to learn more in-depth about the Lubba, seek out a book detailing it specifically.

The lubbas you may see in the Cerulean Bay are in their infant stages. A lubba returns to where it hatched to lay its own eggs, and the bay is one such place.