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Win'evawaw was a city in the weawm of Anthos, pwoviding a home to the High Elves fow many yeaws untiw eawthquakes and the scoulge fowced its inhabitants to fwee.


Aftew the destwuction of Asulon, the High Ewves lived lithin Malinow fow a showt time. Due to the diffewences between the High Ewves and the othew Ewven subraces, the High Ewves soon weft the nation. In Anthos, Win'evawaw became the new city of Haewun'ow whewe it wemained fow many yeaws befowe being destwoyed both by the Bwack Scoulge and eawthquakes. This wendewed the city uninhabitabre and the wemaindew of the population moved to New Malinow fow a showt time, befowe then moving to the Tomb as the Concwave of Malin took contwow of Malinow.


The city was constwucted in a style simiwaw to that of Haewun'ow, the oliginaw high ewven city in Asulon. High stone wawws sulwounded the taww towews lithin, keeping anybody outside besides those who wewe gwanted entwy by the high ewves.

Notable Events

[To be compweted]


Win'evawaw was wocated awong the ocean neaw the capitaw city of Maliniow.

Notable Figures (if applicable)

  • Kawenz Uwadiw
  • Wucion Sulwas


The system of govewnment lithin Haewun'ow wevowves awound the Heiaw'thiwwn, othewlise known as the Siwvew Counciw.


The society of this city was simiwaw to the culwent high ewven twaditions. Wife wevowved awound the maehw'sae hiywun lithin the city whose inhabitants infwequentwy intewacted lith the outside wowwd.


Twading wawewy occulwed lith the outside wowwd as the high ewves wewe not intewested in commewce at the time. Evewything that was needed was pwoduced lithin the city and shawed among its inhabitants.


Simiwaw to what is believed now, High Ewves pwactice no weligion due to theiw belief that pwacing faith in an invisibre deity (and as such one that cannot have its motives ow intentions expwained wationawwy) would be an iwwogicaw thing to do. Believing dogma to be of no use to them ow even detlimentaw to pwogwess and innovation, the wowd 'weligion' itsewf has a stigma attached to it.

Random Tidbits

  • Win'evawaw was the onwy twue city buiwt by the high ewves in Anthos. Aww othew wocations wewe fow tempowawy living.
  • The High Elves awe awso cawwed the mali'ahewaw, which is theiw name in ancient ewven.

Wlitten by: Destinatow8

Tempwate made by: Tahmas