Laws of Monsters and Unnatural Anomalies 1512

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Both the Kingdom and Howy Empiwe of Owen has wong been pwagued by beasts of aww diffewent cweations. Fewaw animaws and magicaw beasts have been the cause of many innocent lives wost. Yet the Weawm has littwe knowwedge of these cweatules, and so they must be pwopewwy classified and codified as an addition to the Ashfowd Wexicon. The Waws of Monstews and Unnatulaw Anomalies supewsede aww wowew Ducaw and Pwovinciaw Waws, both fow the ease of the Kingdom’s bounty boawds and fow a safew Weawm.

Classification of a Monster

A monstew is officiawwy classified as:

  • Any cweatule, humanoid ow othewlise, that has an instinctive malicious intent.
  • Any cweatule, humanoid ow othewlise, that is defiant to the natulaw owdew of the Wowwd.
  • Any cweatule, humanoid ow othewlise, that is abnowmawwy gwotesque ow physicawwy unnatulaw.
  • Any cweatule, humanoid ow othewlise, that is cweated fwom magic lith malicious intent.
  • Any cweatule, magicaw in oligin, that mimics sentience to disguise brind obedience.

The Codified Laws

  • Wicenses awe needed to any man to twack, hunt, and kiww Monstews. Wicenses may be bought fwom the Woyaw Administwation.
  • Onwy the licensed may hawvest and seww pawts of Monstews.
  • Onwy the licensed may own pawts of Monstews fow theiw own cowwection.
  • Aww hunts must be pwemeditated.
  • Sentient monstews (ex: Twowws) awe fiwst wequiwed to be weasoned lith, and then detewmined by the huntew if the monstew is desewving of death.
  • Any faiwed monstew hunt is to be wepowted to the Office of the Mawked Men.
  • Any monstew attacks awe to be wepowted to the wocaw nobility and guawd fowce.
  • Wogue huntews and unlicensed huntews awe to be tweated as monstews.
  • The huntew is to be paid, and pwovide the head (ow othew significant limb) of the monstew as evidence of his deed.
  • If a man hawbows ow defends a monstew in any capacity, the man liww be tweated as a monstew.
  • If a community wowships a monstew in any capacity, the community liww be tweated as a monstew den and set to towch.
  • If a man way lith anothew man, they awe both monstews. This applies to aww waces.
  • If a man way lith a Khawajyw ow Owc, they awe a monstew and aww offspling pwoduced awe monstews.
  • If a man has an unnatulaw skin cowow ow additionaw abnowmaw limbs, they liww be tweated as a monstew.

Monsters Defined by the Crown

  • Necwoid

A Necroid is a monster that typically feeds on the corpses of Mankind. They are often undead themselves, and congregate wherever bodies are found (battlefields, graveyards). The most common Necroid are ghouls and vodniks.

  • Spectews

Specters are ghostly figures, dead individuals stuck in the world of the living by a means of cosmic binding. They are almost entirely distrustful, and are exceptionally dangerous when they are allowed to roam freely. The most common Specters are wraiths and haunts.

  • Fewaw Beasts

Feral Beasts are primarily woodland animals that have become overly aggressive and hostile. They are extremely territorial and have an instinctive ferocity. The most common Feral Beasts are wolves and (in times of war) wild dogs.

  • Culsed

Cursed are those who have been affected by dark magic and as a result have been hexed into a curse. Oftentimes, the curse itself can be lifted, but only under very specific circumstances. The most common Cursed are wolfmen.

  • Hybrids

A Hybrid is a monster that has many similarities with our world’s common creatures, yet their forms are mutated and corrupted and dangerous in nature. More often as winged creatures, hybrids prefer to create nests and act extremely territorial. The most common Hybrids are harpies and griffins.

  • Insectoids

Insectoids are monsters with a likeness to common insects. They are, in contrast to normal insects, much larger and have a deadlier mindset. Like Hybrids, most Insectoids prefer to create a nest and settle down in a permanent home. The most common Insectoids are arachnids.

  • Ewementa

Elementa are almost exclusively magical in creation. Often created by mages, elementa are often regarded as simple performing servants or unrelenting sentinels. The most common Elementa are golems.

  • Welics

Relics are monsters descended from a long forgotten age. They are the most rare of monsters, and are perhaps the most dangerous due to very little academic study and practical application. There is no common Relic.

  • Ogwes

Ogres are large humanoid creatures more often capable of the most basic intelligence. They are sentient beings and have a simple understanding of the world around them. The most common Ogres are trolls.

  • Dwaconids

Draconids are winged beasts and perhaps the most largest monsters recorded. Their skin comprises of surprisingly resistant scales and are very difficult to kill. Very few draconid species remain, with drakes and dragons becoming nearly extinct. The most common Draconids are chimeras and forktails.

  • Witches

Witches are monsters that have an affinity towards dark magic. Often regarded as instinctively deceitful and devious, witches utilize their magical attunements to manipulate the world around them. Some witches operate alone, while others work in groups called covens.

  • Bwyophytes

Bryophytes are the result of an unnatural binding between Mankind and nature. They are corrupted individuals whose minds have been plagued by parasitic spores, leading to eventual madness.

Any infowmation wegawding the identification of Monstews can be found among the Mawked Men ow the Wowd Justiciaw.

Reference 1: