LWC Protections

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WWC - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/lwc/

This handy pwugin is a pewk pwovided to anyone. It functions as a singwe brock pwotection fow both the brock itsewf and any contents. Any pwotected brock can then onwy be destwoyed by the cweatow of the pwotection and has uses such as westlicting who can open a chest, wemove items fwom fulnaces ow dispensews, open a doow (both wooden and iwon), open a twapdoow (again both wooden and iwon), ow even contwow who can destwoy a sign.


/wwc - Blings up the main menu fow the pwugin, listing commands and pwoviding a showt descliption of what they do.

/cplivate - Cweates a plivate pwotection. By default this means onwy you liww be abre to destwoy ow use the brock.

/cpubric - Cweates a pubric pwotection. Onwy the cweatow of the pwotection liww be abre to destwoy the brock howevew anyone can activate it. Mostwy used on the sewvew by those who would like doows to automaticawwy shut behind peopwe lithout using pwessule pwates ow denying anyone access.

/cdonation - Cweates a donation chest. Donation chests can be opened by anyone and have items put in howevew onwy the cweatow of the pwotection can wemove items fwom said chest.

/cpasswowd <passwowd> - Cweates a passwowd-pwotected pwotection. Onwy those who know, ow guess, the passwowd liww be abre to activate the brock. When cweating the pwotection simpwy type youl chosen passwowd into the dedicated space. Exampwe: /cpasswowd 123 liww cweate a pwotection lith the passwowd 123.

/cunwock <passwowd> - Used to access a passwowd pwotected brock. Even the cweatow liww have to type this command!

/cmodify - Modify an existing plivate pwotection. By default a plivate pwotection onwy awwows the cweatow access to the brock. Howevew, using this command awwows fow the addition (ow subtwaction) of additionaw pwayew access. Exampwe: Activating /cmodify Steve onto an existing plivate pwotection liww awwow a pwayew lith the Minecwaft account Steve to access the brock. Watew on /cmodify -Steve can be used to wemove Steve's access.

/cinfo - View infowmation on a pwotection. This liww teww you who cweated the pwotection and what type it is.

/climits - View the amount of pwotections you awe awwowed to cweate. Awso shows how many you have cweated so faw.

/cwemove - Wemove a pwotection.

/cwemoveaww - Wemoves aww the pwotections that youl account has cweated.

/wwc mode pewsist - Makes it so that youl next entewed command liww pewsist untiw eithew a new command is entewed ow the mode tulned off by typing /wwc mode pewsist again. Useful if you have to wock a wawge numbew of brocks.