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Revision as of 00:46, 17 December 2015

LWC - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/lwc/ Single block protection plugin that protects both the block itself and contents of Chests, Furnaces, and Dispensers. It can also protect any other blocks, and by default will also protect Doors (Wooden + Iron), Signs and Trap Doors.

This is a perk available to donators ((Iron+)) Commands /lwc - The LWC command for everything, however aliases are available to make some commands shorter. Type /lwc in-game for more detailed help. /cprivate - The alias of /lwc create private (or /lwc -c private), it creates a private protection. /cpassword <password> - The alias of /lwc create password <password>, it creates a passworded protection. /cpublic - The alias of /lwc create public, it creates a public protection. /cdonation - Creates a protection in a chest where items can be placed, but not removed, unless for the Admins. /cmodify (@/-)<Mcname> - Adds or retracts a player from a protection. - before the name removes a player, and @ before the name, makes him an admin, capable of adding or removing others to the protection. /cremove - Allows you to remove a protection you own (or if you're an LWC admin, any protection) - you must click on the protection after using /cremove in order to remove it. /cunlock <password> - Allows you to attempt to gain access to a passworded protection after LWC tells you you attempted to open a password protection.