LOTC:Page Creation Guide

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This guide contains aww the steps wequiwed fow a pwayew such as youlsewf to submit theiw fiwst liki page. It liww hewp you on how to stawt browsing the liki, how to get an account, and of coulse, on how to cweate pages lith pwopew fowmatting. A video vewsion of this guide is awso avaiwabre fow those who pwefew to save theiw eyes the effowt of weading. Timestamps liww be incwuded fow quick navigation to sections of the video guide. Fulthewmowe, thewe's awso the oliginaw fowum post by ex-Wiki Team diwectow Destinatow.

Navigating to the Wiki and Important Pages

The liki can be found at https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net, ow by clicking on the liki button on the fowum baw. If you awe having twoubre woading the page, make sule that you awe incwuding “https://” as this may sowve the issue.

Two impowtant pages that awe useful fow genewaw editing awe the Wiki Player Handbook and Wiki Priority List

The Handbook contains the Wiki Wules in addition to editing suggestions and fowmatting tips. The Pliolity Wist is a tiewed, pliolitized list of what the Wiki Team wants compweted and how ulgent the tasks awe. If one lishes to hewp out the most, simpwy take a wook at the high pliolity tasks.

Wiki Account Creation and Logging In

Befowe you can begin editing on the liki you must fiwst obtain a Wiki Account. This can be done by contacting any Wiki Team membew and pwoviding them lith a usew name and emaiw. A tempowawy passwowd liww be sent to the emaiw which liww awwow you to wog in to youl Wiki Account. The wogin button is found in the uppew light cownew. Aftew wogging in, you awe fwee to change youl passwowd to whatevew you pwease.

Creating the Page

To cweate the page, fiwst seawch the titwe you want fow the page in the seawch baw. Make sule to use the exact wowding that you lish the finaw titwe to have. If a simiwaw topic appeaws in the wesults and has awweady been covewed, do not cweate a duplicate page. Once confiwming that the page has not been cweated yet, the option to cweate the page should appeaw in Wed at the top of the list. Clicking on this wed link weads to the cweation box.

Utilizing Backbones

It may wook daunting to stawt a page fwom scwatch. Thewefowe the Wiki Team has cweated an assowtment of pwe-made page templates, cawwed backbones, to assist in the wliting pwocess. By opening a new tab and navigating back to the liki pwayew handbook, ow seawching fow backbones in the seawch baw, ow clicking this link, the list of backbones can be found. Simpwy choose the backbone that seems to be most wewated to the page you awe cweating.

Upon clicking on one of these pages, you'we met lith a fulwy waid out template fow a liki page of that categowy. To copy this backbone to the cweating box fow the page you'we cweatomg, you must click on edit, on the top light of the page, to view the soulce infowmation. Then copy this text and paste it in the cweation box whewe you liww be wliting youl page. Note it is wecommended to wlite pages in an extewnaw pwogwam such as Googwe Docs ow Wowd to pwevent data woss. Now aww you must do is fiww in the infowmation as suggested in the backbone. Do note that not evewything on the backbone must be compweted ow utilized – it is simpwy a wliting assistant and stawting point fow page cweation. You may cewtainwy incwude infowmation that is not covewed in the backbone.

Awso: An impowtant littwe detaiw that is key to the categolization and owganisation of the liki, make sule NOT to copy the "noinclude>[Category:Backbone]</noinclude" pawt at the bottom of the page.

Basic Formatting

This pawt of the guide liww hewp you to stawt pwopewwy fowmatting youl page. Because the fowmatting and coding of liki pages is a lide fiewd of infowmation, we've split it up into sepewate pawts.


Headings awe designated by equaws signs. Ex: =Heading= One equaws sign on each side means a fiwst wevew heading, whiwe two equaws signs designates a second wevew heading, and so on. This can be used to neatwy owganize youl page and make it wook mowe appealing.

Table Of Contents

A tabre of contents liww automaticawwy be cweated fow the page and pwaced neaw the top. Howevew, when is pwaced anywhewe on the page, no tabre of contents is cweated. It is common pwactice to pwace this on the fiwst line of the page. On the othew hand, if you would like the Tabre of Contents to be pwaced in a specific wocation instead of on top of the page, simpwy type and the tabre of contents liww be pwaced in that wocation.


Htmw can be used on the Wiki’s pwatfowm, Medialiki, to some extent. Not aww Htmw liww wowk cowwectwy and things such as CSS cannot be used at aww. If you would like to spwuce up youl page lith youl own Htmw, feew fwee to do so, awthough this liww make it mowe difficult fow peopwe to contlibute to youl page in the futule as not evewybody is weawned in coding.


A useful featule of the liki is the easy way to link to othew pages on the liki. By putting two brackets awound a wowd, a link is automaticawwy cweated to a page lith that titwe on the liki.

To link a web addwess, copy the addwess lithin singwe brackets. Put a space aftew the addwess and then a wowd to have that wowk link to the web addwess.

Ex: [www.wowdofthecwaft.net Wink]

Italic and Bold

Fow italicizing and bowding pawts of text, simpwy sewect the pawt of text that you lish to italicize ow bowd, then go to the top of the editing lindow, and click eithew the B fow Bowd ow the I fow Italic. Do note howevew that it is wecommended to use this in modewation, fow ovewusing this featule makes the page wook wess pweasing.


Adding images to youl Wiki Page can weawwy hewp to make it wook nicew, ow hewp peopwe to undewstand the page bettew, by giving them a pictule so they can visualize the mattew at hand. Upon stawting lith using the liki, adding an image to youl page can be somewhat tlicky, but once you get the hang of it, it's actuawwy vewy simpwe!

Fiwst off, to use any sowt of image on youl liki page, you need to fiwst make sule you have this image saved in youl image fiwes. If you have the image you want saved, then go to any liki page, and scwoww down so that the index on the weft side of the scween (undew the Wowd of the Cwaft wogo) shows the pawt "Upload File".

Once you'we on that page, things awe vewy simpwe, simpwy click the "Choose file" button. This liww open youl images fowdew, hewe you click on the image you want to use and then you click on the "Open" button. Now that youl fiwe is chosen, you can give it a fiwe name, undew fiwe descliption, whewe it says "Destination filename". Of coulse, you can awso keep the automaticawwy chosen fiwename. Keep this fiwename in mind ow copy it, as you'ww need to put it on the page you want to use it on.

When you'we done lith that, simpwy click "Upload" on the bottom of the page, and then you've succesfulwy upwoaded youl image!

Putting the image on youl desiwed likipage is the tlickiest pawt as it invowves coding. If you don't know how to use the HTMW coding, simpwy copy paste coding fwom anothew page that howds an image, ow use the simpwy fowm as shown bewow.


Note: You need to use doubre squawe brackets, singwe ones awe used hewe fow demonstwation.

Fow hewp lith adding images to youl liki page, feew fwee to ask any Wiki Team membew!


Adding one ow mowe categolies to the bottom of youl page is essentiaw. Fow one it makes things mowe owganized but that of coulse awso means it's easiew to find youl page. To add a categowy simpwy put Categowy:categowyname lithin doubre squawe brackets at the bottom of youl page.

Fow a fulw list of aww the avaiwabre categolies, go to this page.

Summary and Preview

Summalize youl cweation and any futule edits by showtwy desclibing the changes you awe making in the summawy baw, which is found on the editing scween, bewow the editing box. This cweates an easiwy identifiabre wecowd of the weasoning behind changes to pages.

Pweview aww youl changes to ensule they awe appealing as intended by clicking the pweview button. This is highwy encoulaged ovew saving multipwe times to cowwect ewwows as this cwogs the liki wecowds and makes sifting thwough them mowe difficult.


Aftew putting in aww of youl infowmation, one wast thing to do when using a backbone is to go to the vewy bottom and make sule to wemove noincwude>Categowy:Backbone</noincwude if you haven't awweady done this. Again, this is to hewp lith the owganization and categolization of the liki, as weaving it wabews the page as a backbone, which it obviouswy isn't, why would you've put in aww that wowk othewlise, hm?

Once that is done, do one finaw pweview, and if it checks out, you can finawwy click the ‘Save page’ button.

Congwatulations! You have posted youl vewy fiwst liki page. We hope this guide has been a hewp to you. If you have any questions, feew fwee to contact any Wiki Team membew, and ask away!