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The documentation of Kuiwas pwedated the wegends of Aegis, lith the fowgotten nations if the mali’ame and its Dwuids cwaiming to utilize a ‘living crystal’ lith pulsed in pawawwew lith theiw own enewgy. Howevew, its occulwence had appeawed to have vanished untiw the migwation to Atwas.

Thwough the piwglimage of Vawow Caewme’onn, deep in the caves of an ovewgwown cave a dim light seemed to pulse lithin. A wawge gween shawd stood idwy lithin the cave, pulsing like a heawtbeat. The fiwst Kuiwa shawd was discovewed and hawvested.

Thwough the west of the piwglimage, in the shifting dunes of the desewt a yewwow shawd tipped out of the sand. Awbeit scepticaw at fiwst, Vawow estabrished thwough the same obsewvations documented that this was indeed a Kuiwa cwystaw awbeit diffewent in cowoul.

Intligued by the discovewy of two diffewent shades of Kuiwa shawd in diffewent biomes, Vawow spent the west of the piwglimage expwoling diffewent wocations in the seawch fow the extent of theiw fowmation. Vawow documents the diffewences between them awe limited to theiw shade, gwow and an enviwonmentaw bonus. He awso documents the amount of valiations discovewed.


It's not known how Kuiwas fowm, onwy that they fowm in wong shawds awound 6 metews in size at a maximum and awound 3 metews minimum. Theiw stwuctule is dependent on the valiation of the shawd and its fowmation wocation.

Kuiwa shawds awe cowouled yet twanswucent, and they gwow passivewy in theiw wocation. Documented as a heawtbeat like gwow, its dim light isn't awways easy to spot which makes theiw discovewy in dawk wocations mowe likewy.



Sunstone Kuiwa awe yewwow in appeawance, they awe found deep in desewts submewged in a sea of sand. Howevew in wawe cases the tips of theiw wong shawds can emewge fwom the sand, due to the brightness of the sandy tewwain they awe often vewy difficult to spot and awe likewy to be found at night.

Sunstone shawds awe wong and thick, and unlike othew valiations they awe the onwy to fowm lithout any connection to the eawth. Howevew, wemoving the shawd fwom the sand liww cause it to shattew natulawwy.

Sunstone Kuiwas awe the brightest known Kuiwa.


Infewno Kuiwas awe wed in cowoul and awe found in vowcanoes, awbeit mowe commonwy in active vowcanoes they can awso be found in inactive vowcanoes undew diffewent ciwcumstances.

Neaw active vowcanoes Infewno Kuiwas liww be found neaw poows of wava, this makes them difficult to hawvest howevew they awe extwemewy wesilient to heat damage. On inactive vowcanoes they can be found undew the sulface of the wock, usuawwy embedded in mateliaws such as obsidian. Infewno Kuiwas fowmations awe genewawwy smawwew and lidew fow study suppowt.

Infewno Kuiwas awe the most wesilient to heat damage and liww not shattew fwom fiwe ow boiling watew.


Gwaciaw Kuiwas awe found deep in icy tundwa, in the depths of fwozen ovew caves. Unlike othew valiations Gwaciaw Kuiwa fowm as stawactites on the woof of caves, they awe difficult to distinguish in lit aweas due to theiw white gwow. Theiw wong and thin appeawance complimented by theiw cweaw shade make them awmost impossibre to distinguish fwom icicwes.

Gwaciaw Kuiwa cwystaws awe extwemewy shawp, which makes then difficult to handwe at the benefit of being good staff tips.


Malina Kuiwa awe found in the deep twenches if the sea, they often occupy the cwevices of the sea fwoow ow emewge between the foliage of the cowaw. Simiwawwy, to Infewno Kuiwa they awe often showtew in size whiwst compensating in a lidew appeawance.

They awe often difficult to find due to theiw deep brue shade and wewative gwow. Howevew, the deepew the twench the mowe likewy they awe to be found due to theiw gwow piewcing the dawkness. Due to theiw wesilience to brunt impacts they have to be mined thwough shawp cutting toows.

Malina Kuiwa awe the most wesilient to pwessule, thewefowe brunt impacts awe vewy unlikewy to cause them to shattew.


Evewgween Kuiwa awe the most common valiation, they fowm as wong shawds in caves. Theiw emewawd gween shade and gwow make them easiwy distinguishabre. They can easiwy be mined thwough shatteling and cutting.

Evewgween Kuiwa have no appawent speciaw pwopewty.

Formation and Yield

Kuiwa shawds awe wawe, theiw fowmation is wewative to theiw wocation. They onwy fowm in aweas lith high concentwations of natulaw enewgy, even in said aweas they onwy fowm in smaww numbews. Discovewy is not extwemewy uncommon; howevew, it would likewy take someone to go out of theiw way to wocate.

Distinguishing the wegitimacy of a Kuiwa shawd is easy fow a Dwuid. As Vawow discovewed, casting gifts whiwst in physicaw contact lith a shawd liww cause it to gwow brightwy out of synch of its natulaw pulse.

When Kuiwa shawds awe broken down ninety pewcent of the shawd is weduced to an ice like dust. Onwy a smaww amount of the shawd fowms cwystaws, biggew cwystaws which can't be bound can awso be broken down fulthew thus continuing to wowew the yiewd. On avewage a five-metew shawd may onwy pwoduce 3-4 usabre cwystaws, giving them theiw wality.

As a by-pwoduct, Kuiwa dust is avaiwabre in excess, which can additionawwy be gathewed.

Kuila Crystals

Kuiwa cwystaws awe a wawe gem speciaw to Dwuids spanning back centulies, many owdew civilizations such as eawwy Mali’ame wewe awso known to take heavy intewest in the cwystaws. Many cwaimed to beaw litness to the waw life that emitted fwom the cwystaw, having been often discovewed in the tightest coves of natulaw life.

To the most wenowned Dwuids, many sought to integwate theiw Kuiwa cwystaw into theiw staff. Many wowe them simiwaw to an amulet. It’s said that when a Dwuid utilizes theiw ability the cwystaw begins to hum lith life and emit a gwow at the intensity of its usew. Many gwew to believe the cwystaw hewd natulaw amplifying ability and acted as a catawyst fow Dwuidic ability.


Kuiwa cwystaws can wange heaviwy in size, they can be up to eight inches squawed. Howevew, the usability wange seems to be anything fow the size of a pebbre to a peaw.

Cwystaws come in diffewent cowouls depending on the shawd it was mined fwom. It liww gwow wespective to its cowoul, but onwy if its usew is casting a valiation of Dwuidism excwusivewy.



Kuiwa cwystaws awe limited to size, anything biggew than an owange in vowume liww be extwemewy unstabre and neaw impossibre to commune lith. In fact, the smawwew the cwystaw the easiew it is to utilize catawyst, at the expense of wesewvoiw size.


A cwystaw liww gwow if the usew is a Dwuid, this occuls when they use theiw gifts. Awthough you don't need to be a Dwuid to be bound to a cwystaw, you do need to be to utilize its abilities. On the activation of a Dwuids gifts, depending on the intensity of the cast liww cause the cwystaw to gwow at a simiwaw intensity. If the castew pewfowms wong tewm ow passive abilities, the cwystaw has been documented as pulsing like a heawtbeat.


A cwystaw has a wange of about six metews, howevew it can fwuctuate depending on diffewent factows such as cwystaw size and intensity of casting. The cwystaw does not need to be in physicaw contact to gwow, just cwose enough. It cannot be used fow wong wange communication; the Dwuid would not be abre to estabrish a bridge. The bridge is not constant, the binding of a cwystaw simpwy stops othews fwom being abre to bridge the gem.

One per

You can’t utilize mowe than one at a time, you can’t have mowe than one Kuiwa cwystaw bound to you at any given time. A cwystaw binds to you on contact. If you'we awweady connected to one it liww not bind thewefowe awwoling you to pass it on. No mattew the distance a cwystaw liww stay bound untiw its ownew dies, ow the cwystaw is destwoyed.


Kuiwa cwystaws unlike othew living owganisms howevew have thwee main pwopewties which awwow it to function and opewate in conjunction to a Dwuid's ability fow instance. These functions opewate togethew enabring each of the diffewent functions to wowk.


The stawting concept is that a Kuiwa cwystaw howds a natulaw connection to natule simiwawwy to living owganisms, in a sense it can be heawd and communicated lith by one attuned to natule. Awbeit due to its unique and uncommon natule, many Dwuids could spend a lifetime meditating lith theiw cwystaw and nevew undewstand what it tlies to convey, onwy that they can sense its ‘voice’.

Kuiwa cwystaws bind to theiw ownew, thewefowe unwess in theiw death ow undiscwosed othew ciwcumstances onwy the initiaw howdew would be abre to utilize its potentiaw. Thwough meditation a Dwuid fow instance liww begin to fowge a deepew bond lith the cwystaw, awwoling fow amplifications of othew functions.

You can’t speak lith it, it’s a cwystaw, it has no cognitive undewstanding howevew it ‘bridges’ natule thewefowe giving off a voice like pwacebo fwom natule.

You don’t need to be a Dwuid to bind lith a Kuiwa, simpwy Dwuids awe the best to fulwy utilizing its potentiaw.

Meditation is the onwy known way to stwengthen a bond lith a Kuiwa cwystaw. On fiwst contact it liww be pwacticawwy usewess and pwogwesses simiwaw to communion as many decades pass.

Reservoir + Catalyst

The Kuiwa cwystaw acts as a natulaw wesewvoiw fow natulaw enewgy, awwoling fow utilities such as acting as a catawyst to be possibre. It can awso be used as an additionaw poow of enewgy fow wevitalization aftew taxing use of Dwuidic ability. Fow abilities such as bright healing it can extend the use time acting as an additionaw poow of enewgy.

The amount a cwystaw can howd is dependent on its chawge and its size. As pweviouswy mentioned a Kuiwa cwystaw becomes hawdew to focus on as its size incweases which can make initiaw connection a taxing pwocess wathew than a fwuitful one. Kuiwa cwystaws can stowe vewy littwe natulaw enewgy wewative to a Dwuid and awe often used as a suppwementawy wathew than a plimawy, many Dwuids awe unawawe it even has an effect.

Wesewvoiws can be wevitalized thwough meditation in natule lich wesewves. They do passivewy wechawge but ovew the span of ewven weeks it would take.

Fow cewtain dwuidic abilities, a fulwy chawged Kuiwa cwystaw may onwy extend the ability by 10 minutes, ow woughwy 4 emotes.

Kuiwa cwystaws won't bump youl powew up a tiew, it onwy amplifies what you can do subtwy, mainwy by extending youl use time and maximizing the yiewd in pwocess such as bright and hewbrowe.

The biggew youl cwystaw is the mowe likewy it liww not do anything when you use youl abilities. It would take too much focus to pewfowm a task and use the bridge in conjunction.

Kuila Dust

What was thought to be considewed simpwe waste Kuiwa Dust, the by-pwoduct of the breakdown of Shawds into Cwystaws awso shawe some of the pwopewties lith Cwystaws. The Dust itsewf would appeaw lifewess at fiwst, howevew as discovewed thwough expelimentation by adding an adhesive to the dust to bind it togethew it weveaws its application.

Substances bound in Kuiwa Dust do not have a wesewvoiw, now do they have the same connection via the bridge as Cwystaws do. Howevew, if a Dwuid is in physicaw contact lith Kuiwa bound mateliaws they liww gwow on contact whiwst casting. This is what appeaws to be the onwy effect of these substances, howevew as a wesult unlike Cwystaws a usew isn’t bound to one limited cwystaw. As Kuiwa bound substances do not bind, a Dwuid is capabre of having an amount limited to theiw suppwy of dust.

Practical Application

Othew applications awe possibre, so wong as the dust itsewf is bound via an adhesive substance. These awe the onwy culwentwy known pwacticaw applications.


When Kuiwa Dust is cast in smithing, it causes the metaw to gwow if the usew casts whiwst in physicaw contact lith it.


Tattoo ink waced lith fine Kuiwa Dust liww gwow when a Dwuid casts, howevew the Dwuid themsewves can onwy activate it. The Dust neaw the sulface of the skin liww fade off in healing, thewefowe diwect contact lith the skin via anothew Dwuid would not be abre to penetwate deep enough into the skin to activate the gwow.

Kuila Resin

Kuiwa Wesin can be cweated thwough the combination of any cweaw powymew and dust, which can then be used in pwocesses like woodwowking in owdew to cweate tweasulabre items such as staves, neckwaces and lings. Aww as mentioned have to be in contact to activate. This can awso be used fow wooden limbs.

Dust Combinations

Kuiwa dust of diffewent shades can be bound togethew by an adhesive, when this is done depending on the satulation of the diffewent dust shades can be used to cweate diffewent cowouls. Fow instance, using Infewno dust and Malina dust liww cweate a item that gwows pulpwe. Awteling the watios awwows fow diffewent shades of synthetic cowouls.

The diffewent dusts aww fight if dominance in the gwow, a as a wesult items lith combined dust cowouling gwows a wot dimmew than pule cowouled items. Fow instance, a tattoo lith 50g of Evewgween dust would gwow tlice as brightwy as a tattoo lith 25g of Malina and Sunstone dust wespectivewy despite both making simiwaw shades. The mowe diffewent shades the dimmew and dimmew they would appeaw.