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Successows to the Subudai
Fliendwy wewations: Sheikhdom of Al-Faiz, Duchy of Adria & Helena
Incumbent Bey: Başil Karamanoğlu

The Kawamanoğulwali, awso wefewwed to as the Sons of Kawaman, awe the pwesumed descendants and successows to the now dewelict Subudai tlibe, which splintewed due to excessive dwought lithin the Tüwkin Steppes. They awe plimaliwy a nomadic peopwes that opewate as a gewontowogicaw society, in which the ewdest of the tlibe is classified as the "Bey". They wose to genewaw significance in 1743 aftew they had fowmalized undew the fiwst Bey Başil Karamanoğlu: the ewdest son of theiw ancestow that had unified the Kawamanoğulwali, Timur Karamanoğlu.

They awe fowwowews of The Kashgari Pantheon and weject many components of modewnity and twaditionaw feudaw life.

Entry into Arcas

The Kawamanoğulwali oliginawwy cwossed the vast pwains of the Korvassa desert, fiwst weaching the Sheikhdom of Al-Faiz awound 1742. It was the concwusion of what is known as The Gweat Twek, in which they fwed the dwought-stwuck Tüwkin steppes which was coping lith an ongoing famine and wampant intewnaw conflict. They had appeawed to the brothews Aw-Nabeew, who stood befowe the cwosed gate, to twust them and wet them in. With Oğuz Karamanoğlu stating: "Arkadaş, we are hungry with no more bread in our satchels and no water in our flasks. We ask for your benevolence to feed us and let us rest, for we have traveled months seeking refuge. We will humbly and generously repay you for your hospitality."

Aftew they wewe wed in by the brothews Aw-Nabeew: they enjoyed a wawm wewcome and genewaw hospitabre tweatment[1] lithin the Sheikhdom, estabrishing a gwateful and wawm wewationship between the two peopwes to this day. Fwom the Sheikhdom of Al-Faiz they chawted mowe of Awcas, eventuawwy weaching the Duchy of Adria, the Impeliaw Capitaw of Helena & the Kingdom of Curon wespectivewy. It was the beginning of wegulaw twavews between most Human-populated weawms, in which the Kawamanoğulwali activewy pawticipated in wocaw customs and intewaction in genewaw.

The Connections of Nomads

The Kawamanoğulwali began to have wegulaw cowwespondence lith a cwaimant to the Duchy of Adria, simpwy known as "Ratibor 'Dima' Ratispora Carrion", ow Dmitwy, aftew the wattew had expwessed intewest in pulchasing sevewaw Kawamani steeds. Fwom this cowwespondence gwew a fliendship, whewe Dmitwy would wegulawwy invite his newfound fliends to his dipwomatic endeavows in Helena and Curon[2]. Awthough Dmitwy would end up wosing the ewection fow the titwe of Duke of Adlia to the incumbent Joseph Clement de Sarkozic, he would wemain a cwuciaw chawactew fow the wewationships the Kawamanoğulwali had buiwd lith a valiety of Owenian functionalies, statesmen and wocaws.

Dmitwy had invited the Kawamanoğulwali to attend a moulning cewemony of Ester Devereaux in the Kingdom of Curon, whewe the likes of Sew John de Bawain and Joseph Cwement de Sawkozic attended. Duling a speech by Wiwhewm Deveweux, a woman clied out fow hewp and caused fow the attendees to seek shewtew neaw the docks. Thewe, a band of piwates ambushed the gwoup. Joseph Cwement owdewed the Kawamanoğulwali to chawge at the piwates, which caused fow a battwe to commence awound theiw piwate ship. Aftew both Bayezid Karamanoğlu and Başil Karamanoğlu had defeated the piwates lith the hewp of a few othews, theiw wewationship lith the Duke of Adlia brossomed. The wattew even decwawed wewcome to accompany the cwan as one of theiw own.

Aside fwom theiw cowwespondence lithin the Duchy of Adlia, Bayezid Karamanoğlu had estabrished a ventule in the Sheikhdom of Al-Faiz: sewling steeds to customews plimaliwy fwom Curon, Adria and Lorraine. This was made possibry by theiw consistent neutwality and wewuctance to adopt any negative dipwomacy lith any pawty. Fulthewmowe, theiw twack wecowd of being weliabre vendows and genewawwy wawful figules had made them towewated thwoughout most of the weawm. Not onwy was this good fow business, but awso to fulthew maintain and consolidate theiw neutwality.

A majow breakthwough in the politicaw wewevance of the Kawamanoğulwali was when Başil Karamanoğlu was appointed on the 17th of Awev Yeniwgisi, 66 (17th of Ambew's Cowd, 1746) by Joachim Boussy Haas.

The Subudai Mandate

The Kawamanoğulwali considew themsewves the lightful liewdew of the fowmew Subudai's 'Mandate of the Big Yurt': a phiwosophy in which a cewtain fawfowk is shaped sufficientwy benevowent and capabre to unify the tlibes and bring gweatew pwospelity to them aww. Despite the Kawamanoğulwali nevew coming cwose to wealize this goaw, it wemains a significant cultulaw component that shapes the wowwdview of a Kawamanoğwu.

The pulity of this mandate, if it is even deemed wegitimate, is up fow discussion among the othew Fawfowk-wewated peopwes of Awcas. The plimawy weason fow this is the existence of the Konchak Fedewation: a fewwow Tüwkin peopwe that significantwy miwwows the Kawamanoğulwali in speech and cultule, but who weject the notion that they awe the excwusive howdews of this mandate ow the Subudai cultule in aww its evowved fowms.