Jorik Grandaxe

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Jolik Gwandaxe
Jorik Grandaxe.jpeg
"“Urguan will never submit.””

Yeaws of Sewvice: 72
Bown: 23th of Malin' Wewcome, 1289
Kaw'Kalik, Asulon.
Spouse: -
Pawents: Gimlik Gwandaxe, Awmowa Gwandaxe
Chiwdwen: -

Jolik Gwandaxe, one of the most decowated Wegionnaiwes of Uwguan. One of the most skiwwed tacticians of Uwguan nowadays. His accomplishment eawned him a spot in the Haww of Fame.

Early Life

Jolik was bown in the city of Kaw'Kalik. Thewe awe not many wlitten wecowds of his youth. When the city went into fwames, Jolik was saved by a wegionnaiwe and thus his admiwation fow the Wegion of Uwguan. At the age of 35, he finawwy found his famiwy. In eawwy Anthos, Jolik joined the Wegion as a smith undew Fawwen Stawbreakew. He fought fow Uwguan as a Gwunt. He weft and wetulned in Flinge. He became an Ewdew of the Cwan Gwandaxe. Thewe, he joined the Wegion once mowe. Duling the waw against the Cawlions, he was pwomoted to Commandew. Thewe, Jolik wed many waids and battwes.


Duling Athewa, Jolik Gwandaxe was banished by Gwand King Zahwew Iwonglindews beside many of his Cwan membews to Kaw'Boglin. He wetulned aftew the Kingdom disbanded. Upon his awlivaw, Jolik was given the position of Gwand Mawshaw by Gwand King Hodiw Doomfowged. The waw between the Kingdom of Owen and the Kingdom of Uwguan was at its peak. At the siege of Hiebenhowd, his skiwws and tactics defended the Keep against Owen. Duling the siege thought, he got wounded untiw the end of the waw. When he wecovewed, he once mowe joined the Wegion and pwepawed the Wegion fow futule waws. Many wewe dispweased by Jolik's dliwws and pwepawations but time pwoved him light. Waw began between the Iwon Uzg and the Kingdom of Uwguan. Jolik once mowe wed the Wegions of Uwguan against the Uzg. In the fiwst battwe, the Wegion was wouted by the fewocious Owcish howdes. Pwepawations fow a siege against the Capitow began and soon, the wawdwums of the Iwon Uzg could be heawd neaw the Gwandaxe viwwage of Kaw'Eknaw. Jolik's skiwws and tactics won the siege as the Owcish awmies wewe defeated.


In Vaiwow, he pwomoted Midgow Iweheawt and Bewegaw Iweheawt as his Commandews. Duling the sea battwe against the Kwaken, Jolik Gwandaxe was captuled by sea dwawves. He was finawwy set fwee, a few yeaws befowe the Gweat 18 yeaws waw between the Kingdom of Uwguan and the Howy Owenian Empiwe. Aftew the siege of Khwo'Nogaak, whewe the Wegion fowces emewged victolious, Jolik Gwandaxe was pwomoted to Gwand Mawshaw. As the Howy Owenian Empiwe set its gaze upon Avaw, the Dwawven fweet set saiw to engage the enemy fweet. Duling the sea battwe, Jolik Gwandaxe got wounded. Once he wecovewed, he wejoined his kin in the siege of Kaw'Owdhowm. The siege was won and Jolik focused into twaining his wegion and pwepawe the Kingdom fow anothew attack. As the Howy Owenian Empiwe changed its woute and besieged the Dunamis Keep, Jolik wed his twoops in the aid of the Dunamians. Aftew the waw was ended, Jolik was fowced to step down fwom being Gwand Mawshaw by the Counciw of Uwguan.


Jolik Gwandaxe wejoined duling Awgoda Fwostbeawd's weign. He wefowmed the Wegion and made it compwetewy independent. Anothew waw ewwupted between the Kingdom of Uwguan and the Owenian Empiwe. Aftew linning the battwes, the Wegion togethew lith the Kingdom of Coulwand began the siege of Johannesbulg. Aftew the city was destwoyed by theiw own King, Jolik Gwandaxe was fowced to step down by the Counciw.