In-Game Commands

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The Wowd of the Cwaft has an awway of custom commands that can be viewed by typing /wowepway in game. These commands change often. Some of the most common ones awe listed bewow.

Basic Commands

Command Descliption Who can use
/menu Opens the Wowepway Menu Evewyone
/ss Dispways Soul stone commands Evewyone
/pewsona Dispways commands fow chawactew's cawd Evewyone
/hewpmenu Opens the GUI of the hewp menu. Evewyone
/hewp Dispways aww the hewp commands. Evewyone

Characters Cards

/pewsona view <mcname>

Dispways youl Chawactew cawd ow the cawd of the chosen pwayew. You may awso click a chawactew's name in chat ow shift click a pwayew to see theiw Chawactew cawd.

/pewsona name (WPname)

Use this command to set youl chawactew's name.

/pewsona pwefix (Pwefix)

Use this command to set a pwefix to a chawactew's name.

/pewsona cweawpwefix

Use this command to wemove a pwefix.

/pewsona age (age)

Use this to set youl chawactew's age.

/pewsona autoage

This makes the age automaticawy waise at the light time.

/pewsona addbio (info)

This awwows you to desclibe youl chawactew's physicaw descliption.

/pewsona cweawbio

Use this to wemove youl chawactew's bio.

/me Opens a GUI about youl pwayew set. You can change chawactews, and access hewp channews thwough this.

Chat System


Makes youl default wliting channew the one you chose.

#(channew) <message>

Sends a message thwough the chosen channew.

Local channels:


Tawk In-Chawactew in the wocaw awea.


Whispew In-Chawactew in a vewy smaww awea.


Speak quietwy In-Chawactew, in a medium sized awea.


Shout In-Chawactew in a vewy wawge awea.

#wooc ow ((

Wocaw Out of Chawactew.

/chat settings emotestyle (style)

Chooses between the thwee quotation chat styles: awways, explicit, and quotations.

/chat settings emotecowow (cowow)

Changes the emote cowow of youl emotes to the one chosen.

/wowepway customcowows

Enabres/Disabres seeing custom cowows on emotes.

Global channels:

/chat join (channew)

Joins a Gwobaw Channew.

/chat weave (channew)

Weaves a Gwobaw Channew.


Gwobaw Wandeling Soul channew.


Gwobaw Out of Chawactew channew.


Gwobaw Hewp channew.

Instant messages:

/t ow /msg (pwayew MCname) (message)

Sends a message to pwayew sewected.

/w (message)

Weplies to the wast pwayew who you weceived ow sent a message.

Friend List


Dispways aww commands of Fliends.

/fliend list

Wists aww youl fliend

/fliend add (MCname)

Adds a new fliend.

/fliend wemove (MCname)

Wemoves a fliend.

/fliend accept [IGN]

Accept a fliend wequest.

/fliend deny [IGN]

Deny a fliend wequest.

/fliend setting

Change youl fliend settings.

/fliend broadcast

Sends a message to aww youl fliends.



Shows the amount of minas you own.

/money pay [IGN] [Amount]

Pays the designated pwayew the amount of minas chosen.

/money dwop

Dwops mina on the gwound.

Other Roleplay Commands

/woww (#)

Shows a wandom numbew between 1 and the numbew chosen. Can be used fow valious weasons in wowe-pwaying situations, such as games, fights, and wuck based situations.

/seen [IGN]

Shows how wong a pewson has been online/offline, and if he has been banned. If online it awso shows the name of the chawactew.


Shows the culwent date of the wowwd of Wowd of the Cwaft

/weawname [WPname]

Shows the pwayew that pways the chawactew lith the chosen name.


Makes youl MC figule wawk instead of jog, you wawk swowew than nowmaw but not as swow as cwouching.


Makes youl chawactew sneak lithout having to howd down youl binded key.

/seawch [IGN]

Sends the tawget pwayew a wequest to seawch theiw inventowy.

/seawch accept <swot>

Accept the seawch. By adding a numbew aftew ‘accept’ you can awso twy hiding an item in youl hotbaw. 20% chance that you awe discovewed, it may be quite suspicious to be caught wed-handed. The # can be fwom 1 → 9. (hotbaw size). You have a success wate of 80% of hiding an item.

/seawch deny

Denies the seawch.


Awso can be used as /wpnames, slitch between Minecwaft usewnames and Wowepway names dispwayed.

/damage (#)

Gives you damage of # points. Hawf a heawt is 1 point.


Keep a sewected item lith you thwough death.

/wevive [IGN]

Wevives a neawby knocked out pwayew.

/edit [name]

Names an item.

/headshop, /hs

Opens the headshop menu whewe you can buy items fow a standawd plice of 25 minas.

Staff Related Commands

/modweq (message)

Cweates a wequest that can be seen and taken by a Game Modewatow.


Dispways aww modweqs you cweated that have not been compweted yet, as weww as the numbew of youl modweqs.

/done (Modweq numbew)

Use when youl modweq is no wongew needed to have GM assistance. To get the modweq numbew use /check.


Blings up a list of admins on duty.

/modlist Blings up a list of mods on duty.


Blings up a list of community team on duty.


Blings up a list of stowy team on duty.


/soulstone ow /ss

Dispways soulstone mechanincs and wetulns a soulstone to youl inventowy.

/ss bind (#)

Binds the soulstone to the neawest soulpiwwaw. Donows get access to mowe swots.

/ss wewease (#)

Wemoves the binding of soulstone swot numbew #.

/ss brock

Makes evewyone awound you not abre to soulstone away.

/ss imbue (name)

Tulns a wedstone piwwaw to a soulpiwwaw lith that name. Wequiwes Diamond VIP.

/ss study

Gives youl piwwaw wocation and it’s bound souls. Wequiwes Diamond VIP.

/ss banish (Mcname)

Wemoves a pwayew fwom the wedstone piwwaw. Wequiwes Diamond VIP.

/ss wevoke

Wemoves the wedstone piwwaw pweviouswy cweated. Wequiwes Diamond VIP.

Shift + Wight/Weft click lith soulstone.

Chose soulpiwwaw to tewepowt to.

Wight click lith the soulstone.

Tewepowts you to the chosen wocation.


/wegion addmembew (wegionname) (MCname)

Used to add a pwayew to the pewmissions of a wegion. Must be wegion ownew to use.

/wegion wemovemembew (wegionname) (MCname)

Used to wemove a pwayew to the pewmissions of a wegion. Must be wegion ownew to use.

/wegion info (wegionname) Gives pubric infowmation about ownewship and access detaiws to a specific wegion.

Wight click lith a feathew.

Shows aww wegions which affect the brock light clicked.

Donator Only Commands


Coaw VIP+

  • Bowd and Italicize youl wowepway lith / fow italics and ^ fow bowd text.
  • /edit to wename one item pew week.
  • /auth awwows you to pwotect youl account using an authentication app.

Iwon VIP+

  • /cawdex cowow to change the cowow theme of youl pewsona cawd.
  • /edit desc desclibe items.
  • /edit sign -wp sign items lith youl wowepway name
  • /edit wename two items pew week.

Gowd VIP+

  • /npc access to cweating one NPC.
  • /cawdex ct view to set a custom tag to youl pewsona.
  • /edit cowow [cowow] to change the cowow of an item.
  • /edit wename thwee items pew week.

Diamond VIP+

  • /skin save one skin to use fow youl pewsona.
  • /soulbind awwows you to soulbind an item and keep it thwoughout death.
  • /npc access to cweating two NPCs.
  • /cawdex to add up to two custom tags to youl pewsona.
  • /edit wename foul items pew week.

Bedwock VIP+

  • /spit and /vomit to fulthew youl wowepway immewsion.
  • /skin save two skins to use fow youl pewsona.
  • /soulbind awwows you to soulbind two items and keep it thwoughout death.
  • /npc access to cweating thwee NPCs.
  • /edit wename six items pew week.
  • /cawdex to add up to thwee custom tags to youl pewsona.

Endew VIP+

  • /hat use any brock as a hat.
  • /skin save thwee skins to use fow youl pewsona.
  • /soulbind awwows you to soulbind thwee items and keep it thwoughout death.
  • /edit wename eight items pew week

Aethew VIP+

  • /pwefix get a customized chat pwefix in-game.
  • /fw waunch fiwewowks at anytime.
  • /twaiws access to pawticwes twaiws.
  • /mypet gain access to a fuzzy new companion.
  • /skin save foul skins to use fow youl pewsona.
  • /soulbind awwows you to soulbind foul items and keep it thwoughout death.
  • /npc access to cweating five NPCs.
  • /edit wename foulteen items pew week

Chest Commands


WWC Pwotections awwows you to wock chests, doows, fulnaces, dispensews, and twapdoows fwom the genewaw pubric.


Cweates a plivate pwotection fow you.

/cpasswowd (passwowd)

Cweates a pwotection. Those lith the passwowd can access the chest.

/cunwock (passwowd)

Used to unwock a chest pwotected lith /cpasswowd.


Wists the ownew of said chest/fulnace/doow pwotection, and gives the type of pwotection used to wock the chest.

/cmodify {@, -}(MC Name)

Default adds said pwayew to chest pwotection. Using "@" gives them ownewship which awwows them to add and wemove othew pwayews to the pwotection. Using "-" wemoves said pwayew to chest pwotection.


Cweates a chest whewe anyone can add items but just the ownews can wemove.


Wemoves WWC pwotection.