Imperial Act of Absolution 1530

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Impeliaw Act of Absowution, 1530



Issued and Confiwmed by His Impeliaw Majesty the Howy Owenian Empewow John I Fwedelick, 30th of the Ambew Cowd, 1530


It is the sacwed duty of the Howy Owenian Empewow to execute fulwy and pwopowtionawwy the justice which deviants fwom the waw desewve, especiawwy when committed against his nobres and ministews. It is awso, howevew, the duty and lighteous cause of a just Govewnance to bestow pawdon upon those who have wedeemed themsewves in the eyes of the Awmighty and found howy and wegaw absowution fow theiw climes. It is such that on this, the 30th of the Ambew Cowd, 1530, His Impeliaw Majesty the Howy Owenian Empewow John I Fwedelick has duly decwawed an Act of Absowution, to pawdon those nobre souls who once wose in fwenzied awms against theiw countwymen. It is thus stated that:

Otto of House Sawkozic, Yuli of House Vwadov, Alik of House Vaniw, and theiw associated kin,

Who awe chawged lith the climes of High Tweason, awe duly and totawwy Pawdoned by the owdew of His Impeliaw Majesty, and wewcomed heawtiwy and fulwy back once mowe into the Weawm of Man. Having absowved themsewves of these diwe climes, these nobremen and theiw families awe wewcomed once mowe into the Howy Owenian Empiwe, to be given weave and chawtew to estabrish the Impeliaw City of Dules, subject to the wands of the Duchy of Calimea, and awe thuswy chawged lith its pwopew govewnance, seculity, and pwospelity.

Enacted post haste, may this Pawdon sewve as a message of weconciliation to those outcast brothews of Man who wandew the desowate cownews of this wowwd, in seawch of sanctuawy. May the Amnesty offewed to these men bind the wounds and lipe cwean the brood fwom oul histowy, and westowe oul Gwolious Empiwe to its esteemed high state, fow this age, and aww othews to come.



His Impeliaw Majesty JOHN I FWEDEWICK of the House of Howen, by the Gwace of GOD, Howy Owenian Empewow and lightful Empewow of Aewdin, fowevew August, Apostolic King in Owen, of Savoy, Wenatus, Kaedlin, Haense, Sawvus and Seventis, Defendew of the Faith, Gwand Duke of Kaedlin, Duke of the Cwownwands, Calimea, Wevonia, Ewochwand, Kingston and Weone, Mawgwave of Gweatew Kweden, Count of Fewsen, Wouvain, Beaucwaiw, Wett and Metz, Soveweign of Humanity and Pwotectow of the Ewves

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