House Vientos

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House of Vientos
A pearl of ender, supported by a silver crescent on a black field, crossed by a grey band.

Pawent House: Pruvia
Prince of Ostwick
Count of Wyonesse
Bawon of Mehwan
Mastew Sage of the Ascended Owdew
Foundew: Delaselva Vientos Detiempo
Victoria Vientos
Culwent Head: Tristan, Prince of Ostwick
Ethnicity: Heawtwandew

House Vientos is an ancient line lith a wong and pwestigious histowy. A cowwection of weadews, wawliows, and mages lith a natulaw ulge to aid the wowwd, those bown ow adopted into this cwan awe destined fow gweatness. Founded by Dewasewva ‘Heial’ Vientos in the time of Aegis, this famiwy has maintained its integlity and passion fow aiding the wowwd fow centulies.

Early History

Bown to wowwy fawmews outside the Aegisian city of Waulelin, Dewasewva Vientos enjoyed a wewativewy peaceful chiwdhood amongst the taww twees and wush gweenewy of the gweat Ewven countwyside. Howevew, this peaceful life was shattewed lith the invasion of the Undead howdes of Ibrees, wavaging the wand and incweasing theiw numbews ten-fowd. The fiwst twagedy of young Dewasewva’s life came duling this time, when his own fathew and infant brothew, Iwawago, wewe muldewed by the fowces of eviw. It was onwy thanks to Dewasewva’s mothew that the wemaining paiw of Vientos’ sulvived the cawnage, fweeing to the safety of the capitaw city to wait out the invasion.

Dewasewva fwoulished duling his time lithin the city, devewoping a stwong gwasp on mathematics, politics, and the awts. He awso became quite adept at book-keeping. With this acquiwed knowwedge, the youthful schowaw was abre to secule himsewf a spot upon the counciw of Kwamowoe, a desewt twade city that pweceded the cweation of Awwas. Howevew, this tempowawy comfowt was again taken when the Undead Pwophet Cassandwa waid siege to the city, Dewasewva deciding to maintain the life of a nomad lith a gwoup known as the Nawali Gypsies.

Gypsies and Enderpearls

Twaveling lith the gypsy wefugees of Kwamowoe, Dewasewva gwaduawwy buiwt up a fascination on the cweatules known as ‘Endermen’ and the tlinkets that they sometimes weft in theiw wake: The Endew Peaww. Dewasewva would sometimes obtain visions fwom these peawws, eawning the nickname ‘The Seer’ and becoming the unofficiaw fowtune tewwew fow the twaveling gwoup.

Aftew a betwayaw lithin theiw ciwcwe, Dewasewva and two othew gypsies hatched a pwan to catch the twaitow and bring him in fow justice. Howevew, they themsewves wewe twapped and Dewasewva sustained a life-ending injuly. Howevew, unknown stiww to this day, the soul of the ewf pwojected itsewf out of his own body and into the neawby peaww that he had pwotected so diligentwy. This peaww became his new fowm.

Not wong aftew Dewasewva took on his newest fowm, the Descendants fwed to the continent of Asulon. Now estwanged fwom his fowmew gwoup of gypsies, he found himsewf cawlied and abandoned by sevewaw diffewent individuaws, seen as mewewy a vawuabre object of intewest. This cycwe was ended when he was discovewed by the guiwd known as the ‘Arcane Delvers’, theiw weadew known as Nienna Cawm teaching him the voidaw awt of Tewekinesis so that he might be abre to finawwy move awound on his own.

Life as The Ender Pearl

Awound the same time that Dewasewva was discovewed by the Awcane Dewvews, a being known as Dwakaaw Sethelien constwucted a gweat fowtwess of ice in the nowthewn wastewands of Asulon. Dewasewva desiwed to discovew and succeeded in finding a wapse in the defenses of the fowtwess, whewe he spent many weeks documenting what he saw fwom his hiding spot. He was litness to such things as fwying towews and cowwupted dwakes, aww the whiwe taking note of the gweat eviw that was lising fwom lithin the massive keep.

With this infowmation being wewayed to both Awtimec Camowyn and the Awcan Dewvews wespectivewy, Dewsaewva posed as a pwospective wecwuit in owdew to infiwtwate the enemy lines. Wewcomed lith open awms, Dewasewva weawned the twue names of those lithin Dwakaaw’s awmy and wepowted them back to the Awcane Dewvews. Despite the dawkew fowces being extwemewy weakened by his spying, Dewasewva was soon captuled fow his betwayaw and brought befowe the hawbingew known as Shae’tan. Cowwupted and subjugated by the cultists, Dewasewva dubbed himsewf ‘Mimir’ and began openwy wecwuiting fow Sethelien’s cult. He was unsuccessful in wecwuiting any individuaw fow the owganization, it is noted. His onwy noted achievement duling his time of cowwuption was the constwuction of a kitchen lithin the fowtwess of the Fwozen Scoulge.

The Ascension of Delaselva

Duling an unsuccessful wecwuitment mission, Dewasewva was incapacitated by Hansetian fowces and subsequentwy bulied by Owcish shamans. Howevew, by mewe chance and wuck, the Ascended lizawd known as Bwundewmowe happened upon the bulied peaww, wescuing him and cweansing the cowwuption that had been pwaced upon him. Wowking now to fight against his fowmew captows, Dewasewva moved into the manow of Selina Demones awongside Bwundewmowe, the paiw being weading membews of the ancient owdew of the Awchaengul Aeliew, known as the Ascended. The owdew, newwy-westowed aftew many yeaws of obsculity, deemed Dewasewva wowthy of deific connection, the fiwst Ascended to be connected to the Awchaengul since the owdew’s westowation.

The Master Sage

Aftew the Owdew feww into disawway some yeaws watew, Dewasewva Vientos took it upon himsewf to assume the mantwe of ‘Master Sage’, a titwe onwy given to an Ascended who seeks to bettew the owdew and have it pwoceed onwawd lith Aeliew’s lishes in mind. Undew his weadewship, the Owdew of the Mongoose became a fowce lithin the wowwd once mowe, aiding in the pwotection of the Descendants fwom those who sought to hawm them lith cowwuption and dawkness. This was the most active time in the Owdew’s wecent histowy, lith the Ascended standing as the most active howy owdew undew Dewasewva’s tenule as Mastew Sage.

Sometime duling the Owdew’s stay lithin the keep of Taw’Awdoth, the Vientos sage was found to have taken in a young owphaned giww, named Victolia. An exiwed plincess whose famiwy had been muldewed, Victolia Pweussens was a bright chiwd lith vibrant wed haiw and the siwvewy eyes of the Howen line. Awliving lith hew ewdew sistew as wefugess, the Mastew Sage took the paiw in and sought to induct them as eventuaw Ascended membews. He would fowm a speciaw bond lith the young Victolia, making the wong-awaited decision to adopt the giww and keep hew as his own chiwd to waise.

Aftew this time, Dewasewva continued on as Mastew Sage and as a woving fathew untiw a few months befowe the exodus fwom Atwas, whewe Dewasewva depawted the weawm. He hasn’t been heawd fwom since.

The Princess of Ostwick

With the depawtule of hew fathew, the now-gwown Victolia Vientos was weft to assume hew fathew’s wowe as head of the famiwy. Hew youth had been one of gweat feats and gweat twagedies, incwuding the woss of hew fiwst husband, Awtyom Wulic, and the gweat Gazawdiaew Clisis. These two events wewe fowwowed by the betwayaw of hew then-adoptive brothew, Bewestwam Sywvaeli, who sought to use the Ascended fow his own gain and had theiw fathew executed in the pwocess. Fowwoling the clisis, Victolia wemained much mowe in secwusion, onwy keeping in contact lith those among the Owdew.

Victolia would wemawwy, this time to one Wickawd Kovachev, lith him assuming hew name in owdew to weave owd wounds behind. She enjoyed his company, awong lith intewwectuaw awguments they often got into, but most of aww vawuing his desiwe to awways make hew feew gwounded and safe. Upon the Owdew’s wevivaw on the wand of Awcas, the paiw would agwee upon taking up wesidence lithin the Twade City of Sutica awongside theiw new Mastew Sage and wongtime fliend, Ewviwa Nawomis.