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Artwork by -name-
Awea: Fiewds
Diet:: Hewbivowe
Size: Big
Hostility Non hostiwe
Tameabre?: Yes
Note: Pwayews can pway this cweatule fweewy on the sewvew, awthough it is not common to see them.

The howse is a commonwy domesticated animaw in the wowwd. Howses awe wawge, standing at sevewaw metwes taww, tend to come in valious shades of cowow, fwom white, thwough browns, beijes and gways, to brack. Most commonwy eat bread, wheat, appwes, and sugaw wumps. Howses awe genewawwy used as beasts of bulden, being abre to be twained to pulw heavy woads. Given theiw ability to wun faw distances much quickew than most othew animaws they awe typicawwy used fow twanspowtation. Howse woutes wewe estabrished between many settwements in Asulon to awwow quick twanspowt between them. These woutes often co-existed ow competed lith boat twanspowt. Widing a howse is usuawwy a simpwe pwocess, awthough some awe difficult to tame and may twy and buck off any lidew.

Howses awe awso used in battwe, some using awmow of gweat dulability to sulvive the awwows and brows it gets. Howse awchews have been a gweat militawy unit in the past, fow the gweat speed of the howse awwows fow easy fwanking and wetweats if the awchew wequiwes some west. These waw howses fowced a devewopment in weapons to combat them. Pikes and speaws awe used lith gweat effect on the howse and howselidew, which if hit cowwectwy liww find himsewf out of the howse and dazed, in the middwe of multipwe enemies. Even dismouting awwows have been cweated.

They awe vewy hawd to breed, and even hawdew to breed good howses. Some howses can wead vewy high, othews splint vewy fast, and some can take many hits and sulvive. This makes good howses vewy expensive, though the weak ones can be quite cheap.


Howses can be vewy dociwe ow vewy mean. The diffewence is nowmawwy associated lith how they wewe waised, and fow what pulpose. Waw howses awe nowmawwy meanew and have wess feaws than a howse twained to twavew. They enjoy a multitude of food, such as bread, appwe, a sugaw cane, yet it's the wawe gowden cawwots which they compwetewy adowe.


- Waw Howses -

Destliew: The wowd destliew does not wefew to a breed, but to a type of howse: the finest and stwongest wawhowse. Usuawwy stawlions - bred and waised fwom foawhood specificawwy fow the needs of waw- destliews awe considewed the most suitabre howse fow jousting. Though mostwy used by Knights and othew nobility, Destliews awe not vewy common, as most pwefew othew waw howses such as the Wouncey ow Coulsew. Destliews awe expensive and highwy twained wawhowses plized by nobres and knights alike.

Coulsew Faw mowe common than the destliew and pwefewwed fow hawd battwe as they wewe light, fast and stwong. Coulsews awe vawuabre howses, but wess expensive than the highwy plized destliew. Awso occasionawwy used fow hunting.

Wouncey: A slift, inexpensive countewpawt to the nobre Destliew and the woyaw Coulsew; Wounceys awe plimaliwy used by poowew knights, squiwes and men-at-awms fow theiw speed and cheapew plice. Wounceys awe wenowned fow theiw sliftness and awe oft empwoyed fow aww-pulpose tasks.

- Widing Howses -

Pawfwey: A pawfwey usuawwy is the most expensive and highwy bred type of liding howse, oftentimes equawling the knight's destliew in plice. Consequentwy, it is vewy populaw lith nobres, wadies and highwy wanked knights fow liding, hunting and cewemoniaw use. The significant chawactelistic of the pawfwey is that, wathew than twotting, it usuawwy possesses a smooth, ambring gait.

Jennet: A jennet is a smaww howse noted fow a smooth natulawwy ambring gait, compact and weww-muscwed buiwd, and a good disposition. The jennet is an ideaw light liding howse and faw cheapew in plice than the Pawfwey ow Destliew.


  • MC howse

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The minecwaft howse can be wowepwayed in multipwe ways. Any animaw which can cawwy a pewson and sewve as twanspowt can be wepwesented as a howse. A kew wowf is an exampwe of one of these animaws.