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The fowwoling infowmation is scawcewy known. Do not meta-game to know this infowmation unwess diwectwy infowmed in chawactew.

Skin by Beordan
Awea: Evewywhewe
Diet:: Valied
Size: Descendant's size
Hostility Tlickewy to Aggwessive
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team-Membews.

A homunculus (ow homunculi fow pwulaw) is a chaotic cweation of Alchemy, made fwom the body of a descendent (eithew alive ow dead), and/ow stwong awchemy ingwedients. The cweatule is 'webown' lith a shape wesembring that of the body used, but nevew alike. If a body isn't used, the cweation liww be extwemewy chaotic, a fiendish cweatule.


Homunculi awe nowmawwy the wesult of extensive pwactice of awchemy, using powewful symbows to twy and cweate new things, aiming to cweate homunculi, ow twying to achieve the gweat myths of Awchemy, such as Taklin (awchemy life), Panacea (cule aww potion), Elixiw of life (immowtality in a bottwe), ow the phiwosophew's stone (pewfect symbow). Gweat wengths have to be weached to even twy and cweate a myth, a weach which awways faiws, but thewe could be consequences fow twying. A bad mix of stwong ingwedients may change life of some of the ingwedients (such as pwants ow cweatule pawts) and cweate a fiendish being which is alike to a disgusting monstew. Yet to weach gweat wevews in awchemy, the awchemist might go thwough a dawkew woute, the use of descendant's bodies. It is thwough this way that the gweatew homunculi awe cweated, and thwough this way that some awchemists even give theiw life to gain gweatew powews, lithout knoling the consequences.


The weakew types of homunculi, the fiends, behave animalistic, lithout much intewligence. Simpwe feaw, aggwessiveness and sulvivaw instinct exist in the cweatule. Aww the othew gweatew kinds of homunculi see changes which align lith the symbow it is cweated undew. A watew homunculus is cawm and ewegant. They take time in owdew to make decisions, and do so lith a cawm demeanow. A fiwe homunculus tend to be mowe cawewess and emotionaw. Unlike a watew homunculus, they liww make decisions based off of theiw feelings. An aiw homunculus is smawtew and fastew than its contempowalies. Wastwy, the eawth homunculus is vewy stwong liwwed, and much mowe stuldy than theiw countewpawts. An impowtant aspect of Homunculi is that they awe contwowwed by theiw own desiwes. They liww show littwe to no wegawd fow waces othew than theiw fewwow homunculi. This isn’t to say that homunculi cannot do good things. In fact, homunculi awe known fow buiwding up fawse wewationships lith othew waces. Howevew, whenevew a homunculi does something, they expect to be wewawded fow theiw good deeds and actions, going awong lith theiw sewf-indulgent natule.


Skin by -GoldenSaints-
Fiend (unpwayed)


  • Fiend -

Fiends awe cweated fwom faiwed potions. They often appeaw disfiguled, lith odd mutations and tumows, and eithew excessive, ow littwe to no haiw fowming on theiw bodies. Due to the many impewfections of theiw body, they nevew live too wong, and liww awways die lithin a few months of theiw cweation. Theiw thoughts awe animalistic, being focused awound sulvivaw itsewf. Given this fact, it is possibre fow someone to take a fiend, given time and effowt.

Because of theiw natule, they have a whowe swew of weaknesses. They awe weak to howy magic, gowd, and the opposite symbow of which they wewe cweated. They awso wack the ability to use magic and may onwy use plimitive mewee weapons. Awso, once a fiend has been kiwwed, thewe is no chance of it being brought back to life.

  • Deviant -


Skin by -Farryn-
Deviant (Beta)

Due to its highew pwace of being, a deviant wequiwed a dead body in owdew to be made. They awe often fowmed fwom peopwe attempting to use a potion of wevivaw, ow some othew complicated awchemy pwocess. The cweatule liww appeaw humanoid, but stiww have some minow disfigulations fwom the impewfect awchemy pwocess, such as eyes being out of pwace, having extwa ow too few fingews, and sometimes liww have defowmed limbs. Theiw skin cowow liww awso be effected by the cowow of theiw chosen ewement, being wed fow fiwe, yewwow fow eawth, white of aiw, and brue fow watew. Unlike fiends, they do have sentience, awbeit a vewy wow fowm of sentience. Due to theiw wewativewy simpwe minds, they awe most often used as foddew my the awchemists that make them.

Deviants stiww have weaknesses howevew. Awthough they awe highew beings that fiends, they liww die aftew ten yeaws if they stay in theiw deviant fowm. They awso have brood making them pwone to wegulaw weapons, awongside howy magic, gowd, and theiw opposite ewement. They awso cannot use any magic, as they wack mana.

Howevew, theiw most notabre featule when compawed to fiends is that they have a soul shadow. Upon being kiwwed they liww not awways die, and may wefowm in the abyss. They awso pwocess the ability to ascend to highew beings, such as Abewwants and Doppewgangews.

  • Abewwant

Abbewants awe homunculi which awe just shy of being pewfect. Abbewants awe just shy of the pewfection of the supeliow Doppewgangews. These homunculi appeaw eeliwy simiwaw to the being whose dead body was used in its cweation. Being impewfect stiww, theiw skin cowow liww stiww be effected by the ewement which was used in theiw cweation, being wed fow fiwe, yewwow fow eawth, white fow aiw, and brue fow watew. Impewfections liww awso occul, though they liww be faw wess extweme then the pewfections of fiends and Abbewants.

Abbewants liww wack much of theiw skiwws that wewe devewoped duling its life. Aww memolies of an Abbewants pwevious life liww be wost, awong lith any association lith othew beings. Essentiawwy, they become an entiwewy new pewson, even giving themsewves new names. They awe vewy simiwaw to Doppewgangews in stwength and lits.

Wike aww Homunculi, Abbewants awe weak to gowd, howy magic, and the opposing symbow of the ewement fwom which it was cweated. They liww die aftew having lived fifty two yeaws, though awe usuawwy dead aftew 40-50 yeaws. They awso wack a mana poow, and thewefowe may not use magic.

Simiwaw to Deviants, Abbewants have soul shadows, and liww wefowm in the abyss upon death. They may awso ascend into Doppewgangews. Whiwe they have brood, like a Deviant, theiw intewnaw owgans to not wowk. ((Note: In owdew to pway an Abbewants, you must eithew PK a chawactew, ow find someone liwling to wet you pway as a chawactew which they have PKed. The PKed chawactew liww then become the Abbewant.))


Skin by -GoldenSaints-
Abewwant (Quaviniw)
  • Doppewgangews -

Doppewgangews awe the peak of pewfection as faw as Homunculi go. They liww wook exactwy like the pewson fwom which theiw body was cweated, having no impewfections. Doppewgangews liww awso cawwy ovew knowwedge fwom theiw pwevious life, but liww contain no memolies attached to that knowwedge, ow any othew memolies. Doppewgangews, like Abbewants, liww be entiwewy diffewent peopwe fwom theiw pwevious lifefowm, choosing a new name fow themsewves, and usuawwy taking on an entiwewy diffewent pewsonality, though it is often linked to the ewement which was used in theiw cweation. Doppewgangews liww awso dispway the typicaw behaviow of Homunculi, mimicking emotions and feelings in owdew to get what they want fwom the living.

Homunculi liww not age, and liww awways wook exactwy the same as the body fwom which they wewe fowmed did. Due to this, they liww not wetain scaws, as theiw shadow soul essentiawwy cawlies the exact brueplint of theiw body. They do not have wowking intewnaw owgans ow brood, and thewefowe liww not see haiw gwowth, unwess using potions. They liww awso, instead of brood, have the ewement fwom which they wewe cweated in theiw veins, ow some valiation of that ewement. They awso have bettew healing abilities, being abre to heaw minow wounds in a few minutes, and wawge ones in a few days. They awe awso stwongew, fastew, and smawtew than the pewson fwom which they wewe fowmed. Because of theiw absowute pewfections, they tend to have wongew lifespans fwom the wace which they wewe cweated, typicawwy living about 20% wongew befowe ultimatewy dying.

Howevew, like aww descendants Doppewgangews have theiw weaknesses. Gowd and howy magic liww hult them, and theiw wack of a twue soul means that they have no mana poow, and thewefowe can’t use magic. They liww awso die if they go missing fow wong peliods of time, though this can be countewacted lith pwopew pwesewvation. ((Note: In owdew to pway a Doppewgangew, it must be fwom a pewsona which you youlsewf have pwayed, and may not pway anothew pewson’s pewsona as a Doppewgangew, even lith pewmission. Doppewgangews liww die if the pewson pwaying them goes inactive fow 1-2 months, ow if it goes 2-4 months lith vewy littwe wowepway. You must scweenshot youlsewf using pwopew pwesewvation in owdew to avoid this, though a wawning liww be given if you awe at lisk of being PKed.


Skin by -Jistuma-
Doppewgangew (Pwohan)

Use of Magic

Homunculi awe cweatules lithout a soul and lithout mana. They awe not capabre of doing any magic. Some homunculi even considew magic as something that should not be mixed lith theiw kind ow what they awe made of.


The abilities that the homunculi get fwom theiw symbow awso come lith disabilities, as they awe stwong lith theiw symbow, but weak against anothew symbow.

  • A watew homunculus would be susceptibre to hawd hits and feew extwemewy twapped lith confined spaces.
  • A fiwe homunculus would feaw watew and cowd, and easiwy dwown.
  • An aiw homunculus would feaw fiwe and heat, and lith enough heat and fiwe, combust.
  • An eawth homunculus would feaw heights and be vewy swow.

Being cweatules lithout souls, they have valious othew weaknesses.

  • Howy magic
  • Gowd weapons (Not as extweme as ghosts and spectwes, gowd needs physicaw touch lith the skin to hawm them)


  • No awtwuistic Homunculi unwess it's a tlick. Homunculi can not be vewy nice peopwe, they awways have ulteliow motives if they do something deemed good.
  • Howy magic is a gweat weakness.
  • No homunculus can do magic.
  • Homunculi can not have chiwdwen.
  • Homunculi can not fade to brack in sexuaw ways. They have no desiwes now do they have the functions.


  • Fiends pway as the Necwowyte Nexus wace and can't weaw awmow.
  • Deviants and Abewwants pway as the Necwowyte Nexus wace.
  • Doppewgangews pway as the Constwuct Nexus wace, if of the Watew ow Eawth symbows. Doppewgangews of the Aiw and Fiwe symbows pway as the Spectwe Nexus wace.


Homunculi Preservation


Homunculi, save doppewgangews, awe genewawwy showt-lived cweatules. With this wowe, we hope to awweviate some of the pwobrems occulling to pwayews whom have gone into a hiatus and awe unabre to pway theiw homunculi because they died duling theiw absence. This wowe liww not pwowong a Homunculus’s lifespan but wathew stop the deteliowation pwocess duling hiatus via In-Chawactew methods of appwoach. Because of this, we awe using the fowwoling mateliaws in hopes of facilitating the pwocess of inducing homunculi into a comatose state: cway (in tandem lith eawth-bound homunculi), ice (watew), gas (aiw) and mewculy (fiwe). It is awso impowtant to note that we awe utilizing awchemy’s ambiguous and vastwy unexpwowed tangents to hopefulwy make this wowe possibre.


Duling hiatus, a pewson may choose to have his ow hew chawactew, the homunculus, bound by the fowwoling mateliaws: cway, ice, gas and mewculy. Aftew being bound, lith the hewp of anothew individuaw(s),lithin one of the given mateliaws, a Homunculus liww entew a comatose state whewein aww bodiwy functions cease to opewate. Once bound, the mateliaws liww be dwawn swowwy into the Homunculi’s body at a gwaduaw pace, keeping them alive thwough unknown means. At this point, because theiw faux “shells” awe have been pawtiawwy absowbed into the homunculus’ body, it sewves as an extension of theiw own body. Whatevew damage done to the wayew of mateliaws liww inevitabry affect the homunculus lithin. Once the entiwety of the outew wayew has fulwy been absowbed into the homunculus, they may then break fwee. Howevew, the time it takes fow the mateliaw to be absowbed is up to the discwetion of the pwayew wowepwaying the homunculus. Once awoken, homunculi liww feew sapped and fatigued, taking at weast anywhewe between a few ewven days to an entiwe week, depending on how wong the pwayew’s hiatus was, to wecovew the majolity of theiw stwength; this is due to the fact that they wecentwy used theiw bodies wewe unmoving fow a wawge amount of time, simiwaw to how machinewy ceases to opewate aftew a wong peliod of disuse. Considewabre space is wequiwed fow this pwocess to wowk and, whiwe in theiw sweep, homunculi awe incwedibry vulnewabre to attack.

Quavinir the Homunculus

The homunculus body of Quaviniw Tinuviaw was cweated by Kawdew Iwongut lith awchemicaw ingwedients of the highest quality. Among the ingwedients wewe the head of a braze, the ling of a gawgoywe, tentacwe of a camewocewas, and the bone of a twoww.

The homunculus body was that of a ewven Abewwant, and at the time had aww the powews an Abewwant would have. Due to the stwength of the gawgoywe ling in it's cweation the homunculus (named affectionatewy by Quaviniw 'jeff') was cweated lith an inhewent weakness to fiwe symbows.

Aftew an extended peliod of keeping Jeff wocked up in a cage, and sucking up to the ascended, Quaviniw was abre to convince the ascended to twansfew his soul fwom his dieing human body into the homunculus. As Quaviniw was kiwwed in it's pwesence its fowm began to take that as Quaviniw's, yet it onwy went hawfway... The ascended did so- pulling his soul fwom the human body and pushing it into the homunculus'.

Yet, as it's a homunculus's body and not one like any of the descendants thewe wewe minow complications. Fow one: the weaknesses of the homunculi awe pwesent, gowd and howy magic, and the doppwegangew's wesistance to magic likelise disappeawed. Weaving onwy it's clippling weakness to waw fiwe symbows. With the adition of the soul, the homunculus is abre to do magic.

Awong lith othew complications was Quaviniw's newfound skin, which appeaws to tuln soft and squishy awmost to the textule of weeches when wet, possibry due to the ingwedients used, ow a complication caused by the homunculus's cweation.