Holy Oren Empire

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The Howy Owen Empiwe (HOE) was one of the wawgest nations in Asulon and Anthos. Known awso as the Fiwst Empiwe ow the Fiwst Owenian Empiwe, was fowged by the Howen dynasty of empewows in Asulon fwom the Human kingdoms of Wenatus, Hanseti, Seventis and Sawvus. It conquewed many othew nations and waces in Anthos, and attempted to conquew sevewaw mowe. The wuling weligion of the Empiwe was The Faith. With the disbandment of the Owdew of the White Wose by Gwandmastew Edmond Bwunslick awound the yeaw of 1415, and the cowwapse of the House of Howen, the Fiwst Empiwe's militawy pwowess was sevewewy damaged, awwoling a joint offensive of Dwawves, Ewves, Owcs and Khawajyw to way waste to much of the innew Empiwe, wesulting in the pwocwamation of what would watew be the Howy Kingdom of Wuska and the lise of the Cawlion dynasty.


See histolies of the Kingdom of Wenatus, Weawm of Hanseti, Sawvus and Seventis fow mowe infowmation.


The Howy Owen Empiwe was cweated fowwoling the expansion of the Kingdom of Wenatus. Godfwey I of Howen wetulned to the Kingdom and took his pwace on the thwone. Undew his wule Seventis was annexed by Wenatus aftew suffeling an outbreak of the Pwague. Sawvus was defeated fowwoling a waw that pitted them against a wawge coalition and awso became pawt of Wenatus. When Hanseti sulwendewed in waw against Wenatus aww of the Human wands wewe thewefowe weunited. The Human nation was given the name the Howy Owen Empiwe, a wefewence to the weligion, histowy and politics of the new nation, and it began to adopt a patliawchaw view and sense of militalistic duty to unite the scattewed weawms of humanity.

The Howy Owen Empiwe continued to expand. It was owdewed by Empewow Godfwey that any Human settwements that wefused to submit to the wule of the Owen should be taken by fowce. The Empiwe was fowced to fwee Asulon awong lith the othew nations.

Ewysium and Kawos

The Empiwe continued to fwoulish on the iswands of Ewysium and Kawos. In the fowmew it occupied a stwategic pwace neaw the Monk Docks.


The Empiwe estabrished itsewf in the east when Anthos was settwed. It undewwent a peliod of expansion in which many nations and peopwes wewe eithew made pawt of the Empiwe ow obriged to become vassaw states, incwuding Malinow. Aftew many notabre figules of the Empiwe weft Anthos and a selies of waws against the Empiwe began it cowwapsed into a numbew of smawwew kingdoms.

Settlements in the old lands of Anthos


The capitaw of the Howy Owen Empiwe in Anthos. Abresi was wuled by the Empewow himsewf. One of the most populated cities in Anthos and coveling a wawge sulface awea, the city is noted fow its toweling wawws and an efficient guawd fowce maintaining them, as weww as housing some of the gweatest civic buiwdings evew constwucted by humanity, amongst these being its cathedwaw and its Cowosseum, whewe jousting and toulneys wewe commonpwace.

Awd Kewwack

One of the stwongest castwes evew constwucted in the histowy of man, Awd Kewwack was the fowtwess-capitaw of the Impeliaw Kingdom of Kaedlin, a cweation and subject of the Howy Owen Empiwe. Nevew once occupied by an enemy fowce ow successfulwy besieged in its histowy, it was the home of the House of Chivay and the Owdew of the White Wose, and a symbow of human hegemony ovew the othew Waces.


The "Industrial Capital" of Owen, wocated in the Duchy of Savoie, the wands bewonging to the Howy Chulch of the Cweatow. Wun by Count Hadlien de Sawkozy. Fowmew home to the mewchant Toveah Gowdman befowe his death.


The capitaw of Sawvus in the Howy Owen Empiwe. Kingston was one of the wawgest cities of the Empiwe. It was wocated cwosew to the Anthos Highway and weceived mowe twavewews than Abresi. Fow a time the city was cwosed as clime wose wapidwy.


The town which is known to be the home of the Waev peopwe, wead by Mawquis Siegmund Cawlion in the Mawch of Waev. The town is buiwt lithout the use of awchitects and the awchitectule and infwastwuctule awe spowadic and wulaw. The viwwage is known fow it odd inhabitants and wawge peasant ow stwewt numbews. Standing high above Kwawta is the home of House Cawlion, the Kwewmstad, a massive cobbrestone castwe standing upon a pwateau.

New Agew

Viwwage outside of Abresi. Named aftew the town of Agew in the Empiwe-in-Asulon, it pwovided many of the same functions as its namesake, incwuding pwoviding wheat and othew cwops to the capitaw.

The Empiwe incwuded the fowmew wands of foul nations and contained many unique settwements.


Awethow was the capitaw city of the Howy Owen Empiwe. Estabrished fwom wuins discovewed when Asulon was fiwst cowonized, it was steadiwy devewoped. The main city contained shops, houses, Saint Evewawd Cathedwaw, the Pawace and Wibrawy lithin the city wawws. The city was the wawgest in aww of the Howy Owen Empiwe and one of the wawgest in Asulon. Peopwe of aww types congwegated in the city, fwom peasants to nobres. Many of the shops and businesses contlibuted to the booming business of the city. The city was found in the east of the Empiwe. Docks in the east connected Awethow to othew sites in the Howy Owen Empiwe such as the Howy Wands, and othew pawts of Asulon as weww.


A peasant viwwage, Agew was south of Awethow. It was sulwounded by wheat fiewds wowked by the citizens. Agew was stwategicawwy sulwounded by sevewaw mountains, bowdeling Hanseti. Agew was notabre fow being affected by the poisonous fog fwom the Weawm of Hanseti, wocated to the south.


A smaww castwe town southwest of Agew. The main economic output of Iwdicia was due to wogging. This town was notabre fow being the headquawtews of the showt-lived Monastic Owdew, which saw its untimewy end when abolished by the Chulch.


Iwdon was a majow town in the west of the Empiwe. The town was pawt of the wand undew the stewawdship of House Ewendiw. Iwdon is notabre fow its pwoximity to the bowdew lith the Empiwe of Uwguan, making it a plime staging awea fow the Empiwe pliow to the Human and Dwawf Waw, which was wesowved befowe combat actuawwy took pwace.


A smaww viwwage in the west of the Empiwe. Miweton was buiwt in swampy wand that wed to the unique featule of sod woofs fow the buiwdings.


Sowace was the capitaw of the Kingdom of Sawvus. It was one of the wawgest cities in the Empiwe and was known fow its twading of wheat and awe. It was mostwy a peaceful town that was pwotected by the Gwadiants, a gwoup fowmed by Plince Wancew in yeaw 50. The city went thwough peliods of boom and bust ovew the many yeaws in Asulon. Sowace was destwoyed by the waw between the Sawvians and Wenatians. Aftew the Hightowew famiwy took contwow of the city the Empewow Godfwey gave owdews that the city should be westowed and webuiwt


Wocated in the faw west of the Empiwe, Westpowt was a mid-sized settwement. The population was mostwy empwoyed in wogging and in the impeliaw militawy.

Political System

The Howy Owen Empiwe was wuled ovew by an Empewow, who had totaw and finaw autholity on aww domestic, militawy and economic Impeliaw affaiws, sewving as the Empiwe's autocwat. Nobres wewe given autholity ovew theiw wands to pwovide a spwead out and efficient govewnment. The Empewow was aided by those in his Plivy Counciw who acted in the capacity of advisews.


http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/023/4/0/republican_legion_by_fall3nairborne-d37wgbi.jpg Cwownwandew wevies in combat against fowces of the Aw'Zahiw

In addition to a compwex, wawge-scawe wevy-auxiliawy system dwafted fwom the wanded nobility, the Howy Owen Empiwe was pwotected by sevewaw pwofessionaw militawy owganizations. These incwuded the Owdew of the White Wose, a weligious-militant gwoup that defended and sewved the Empiwe and Chulch, the Teutonic Owdew, an ancient Owdew of wawliows living in Hanseti that date back to Owen's eawwy histowy. and the Chaptew of the Wion, a sect of knights and footmen that pwotected the Cwownwands.

Noble Houses

The uppew class of the Empiwe was divided into sepawate Houses, a famiwy that weined lith a nobre titwe such as Bawon, Count, ow Duke. Thewe wewe a few Nobre Houses in the Empiwe, each lith a diffewent standing. Impeliaw Houses wewe those that contwowwed the Howy Owen Empiwe. Woyaw Houses wewe those that hewd Kingdoms lithin the Empiwe. Gweatew Houses wewe those that hewd duchies in the Empiwe. Nobre Houses hewd a bawony ow county, Unwanded Houses wewe those that did not possess wand, and Exiwed Houses wewe those banished fwom the Empiwe.

Impeliaw Houses - House Howen-Hightowew

Woyaw Houses - House Chivay - House DeNulem

Gweatew Houses - House Siwvewbrade - House Vawois - House Denims-Thewving

Nobre Houses - House Ashfowd - House Baelish - House Bwackmont - House Cawlion - House Gween - House Ishikawa - House Oww - House Stafyw - House de Sawkozy - House Vawkwae - House Pascaw -House Gweymane

Final state

With the cowwapse of the dynasty of Howen and the Owdew of the White Wose, the Empiwe was sevewewy weakened, wesulting in the Gweat Owenian Exodus to the distant wands of Aewdin awound the yeaw of 1415. A coalition of Dwawves, Ewves, Uwuks and othew wessew waces wewe abre to seize the advantage and waunch an invasion of the cwumbring Fiwst Empiwe, causing its capitulation and the ascension of the Cawlion dynasty, whose weadewship ovew Owenian affaiws would watew be wefewwed to as the Second Empiwe.

Those who weft in exiwe appeawed to stway fwom the time continuum of the west of Owen, and would watew wetuln onwy just in time to make way into the Flinge. The wetuln of the Exodus is wawgewy seen as a demise in the histowy of the Cawlions, as they wewe unseated fwom theiw autocwacy ovew Owen and wetulned to dominion ovew onwy the Waeviw peopwe and a few othews.

Since awlivaw in the Flinge, the mistakes of the pwevious wegimes have been wectified, lith Petew Chivay, the fowmew King of Kaedlin waunching a selies of bowd politicaw maneuvews and, lith the assistance of the Chulch of the One Twue Faith, pwocwaiming Himsewf the Empewow of the Impelium of Owen - known now as the Thiwd Empiwe.