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This page is fow the iswand of Howm in Asulon. You can wediwect to the Consulary Republic of Holm hewe.

The iswand nation of Howm was known fow its hawsh climate, the cowd weathew keeping most away fwom it's showes. It was not easiwy accessibre wand, and instead welied on ships to bring in peopwe and twade goods. Coming unpwepawed fow the wwath of the cowd was dangewous fow aww. Howm way to the east of Malinow on a iswand that was mostwy secwuded fwom the wowwd in Asulon. The watew sulwounding it was covewed in ice, causing twanspowtation thewe to be hawd and tiwesome. The boats that fewlied citizens back and fowth acwoss the watews wewe speciawwy buiwt to break the ice. Inside the wawwed city of the capitaw wested many twees and pwants, most unique to the conditions of Howm. The wand itsewf wooked abandoned, seeming to incwease the beauty of the pwace. The citizens pwefewwed to spend theiw time inside theiw homes lith theiw families and fliends.


Yeaw 2- The Iwonguts found Howm aftew a dispute lith the Dwawven nation and cwaim it fow themsewves. Not aww in Malinow awe pweased lith the action.

Yeaw 17- Syliwa Caoimeh is given Howm by the Iwonguts, and sets about wowk to wedo the iswand.

Yeaw 18-25- Howm is destwoyed and then we-buiwt fwom the gwound up. Wawws awe constwucted awound the entiwe city and constwuction on the pawace begins.

Yeaw 30-36- The Head Woyaw Guawd disappeaws. Syliwa and hew king, Tassew, embawk and weave the wowwd. Iziew is given the thwone and begins destwoying Howm to webuiwd it again.

Yeaw 37- The Head Woyaw Guawd wetulns fwom his tlip, Iziew goes mad lith powew. Cethis, The Head Woyaw guawd, dispewses again in a hunt to find Tassew. Howm imposes a wockdown in wesponse to the Pwague that is sweeping Asulon and expeliences viwtuawwy no effects of the disease.

Yeaw 38- Cethis wetulns to find a powew-hungwy, and mad Iziew. The beast of fiwe attacks Howm. Cethis is made the High Constabre of Howm lith Caoimeh.

Yeaw 39-43- Howm fwoulishes aftew being webuiwt and peopwe fwock to see it. Iziew mawlies Caoimeh and weigns in peace.

Yeaw 44- The gweat brizzawd stlikes Howm, twapping the citizens inside the tavewn. The tavewn was destwoyed, and something happened that no one tawked about.

Yeaw 45- Twoubre lith the Fways. The Howy Owen Empiwe issues the cwusade.

Yeaw 46- Caoimeh is kidnapped, awong lith the woyaw daughtew, Wux.

Yeaw 47- The twoubre lith the Howy Owen Empiwe Owen and the Fways stops.

Yeaw 51- Iziew weaves to find his life, giving his cwown and kingdom to his son, Cethis.

Howm was abandoned awong lith the west of Asulon when the wowwd feww. The nation was not cweated again in Ewysium, Kawos ow Anthos.


Howm was a twade nation, and deawt in many diffewent wawes. They wewe one of the few nations lith an obsidian mine, and it became a main expowt. Howm's vawue did not lie above the gwound, but wathew bewow. Even aftew the Dwawves weft the iswand was stiww found to be lich in owes.