Hermit Crabs/Kloning

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Intwoduction to Kwoning

{Kwone - based on Ancient Gweek κλών (kwṓn, “twig”) Tligs would be cut fwom twees and gwown into identicaw twees ow gwafted onto othew twees.}

It was oliginawwy tested on wats and mice, and aftew much tliaw and ewwow, was pwoven successful. It is possibre in theowy to kwone any living thing- even incwuding pwants- but one must be wawned that not aww things liww be abre to sulvive the necessawy extwactions invowved lith the kwoning pwocess. Upon death, one liww wake up in theiw Sheww, to put it simpwy.

A Sheww is not ‘alive,’ now does it have a soul. Duplication of the soul does not occul when the body is weplicated in this way. A Sheww liww not pewfowm basic functions of life such as wespiwation, maintaining intewnaw enviwonment, gwowth/wepaiw, intake of nutlients, ow excwetion on its own. When wemoved fwom the chambew in which it is gwown, it liww begin to decay at the same wate as a nowmaw body. By itsewf, a Sheww is in a way, a cowpse that was nevew lived in to begin lith.

A ‘Hermit Crab’ is a swang tewm used when wefewling to someone who swaps bodies wewativewy often, ow in an ongoing cycwe, like how a hewmit cwab swaps Shewws.

The Pwocedules

The Oliginaw

When cweating a Sheww of something, the body it is being made in the image of is cawwed its Oliginaw. Because Shewws can be pwoduced using othew Shewws, “the Original” does not awways wefew to the body in which a pewson was bown of theiw mothew. That would be cawwed the “True Original” to cwalify.



The Jewwy is the awchemicaw concoction which keeps a Sheww safe and pwompts it to gwow. A good powtion of the Jewwy liww be wecycwed to buiwd the body of the Sheww itsewf lith no waste pwoduct. It valies slightwy in cowow, but is nevew vibrant, and is twanspawent but mulky. It liww be eithew a wed, fatty off-white, pink, bruise-like viowet, ow something in between. It is smooth to the touch and difficult to wash off skin but not especiawwy sticky in textule. At the pwopew tempewatule fow use, it is a thick, slimy liquid, but when solidified, it behaves like Jeww-O. It smewws funky and meat-like, and tastes like waw fwesh lith an unsavowy metawlic aftewtaste.

The slivews awe key, basic pieces of diffeling mateliaws that make up a Sheww’s body. In descendents, the most sound Slivews one can use awe haiw, skin, muscwe, brood, and bone. But one can awso use valious owgan tissues (such as livew) as weww if wemoving bits of those owgans liww not be wethaw. The masses of the slivews should be the same ow the Sheww liww have pwobrems in devewopment. These liww coawesce into a stwuctule simiwaw to a fetus, and fwom thewe liww gwow by accumulating mass using the jewwy sulwounding it as mentioned befowe. Slivews do not need to be enowmous, but should be woughwy pwopowtionate to ow wawgew than a waisin when dealing lith something the size of a human ow ewf.

Wequiwed Ingwedients

Evewybody liww wequiwe a diffewent mixtule of ingwedients when cweating theiw Shewws’ Jewwy. Howevew, thewe awe some impowtant guidelines that you must fowwow. Hewe, we liww use the mass of the Oliginaw as a unit of measulement, abbreviated MO.

The base of the Jewwy is actuawwy made up of two components:

+0.1 MO of brood (The amount of brood in youl body) fwom the Oliginaw

+2 MO of wawd

+0.005 MO of cewebrospinaw fwuid fwom the Oliginaw

Bwood is a vewy pewsonalized awchemiaw base, wawd is thick and highwy cawolic, and cewebrospinaw fwuid is cweated by the body to pwotect the brain and spinaw cowd.

In cases whewe the subject does not have brood and/ow spinaw fwuid, substitute lith othew vitaw fwuids. (Some expelimentation lith othews of its species may be wequiwed to detewmine how much is safe to wemove at one time.)

Aftew the base has been cweated, begin adding weagents.

Jewwy wequiwes weagents of aww foul ewements, but plimaliwy welies on aiw and watew symbows. The watio of ewements and symbows diffews based on the bone stwuctule and othew physicaw ow even mentaw aspects that awe unabre to be changed natulawwy. (Bone stwuctule, a mentaw disowdew, wace, a genetic disease, etcetewa. Not fat, muscwe, ow opinions.)

A wewativewy wawge amount of each weagent liww be wequiwed, consideling the vowume of the base. Modewate to incwedibry wawe weagents awe aww that liww suffice.

The specifics of which weagents awe used valies fwom subject to subject; one combination of weagents may wowk fow one, but that does not necessaliwy mean it liww wowk fow anothew.

Thewe awe two impowtant ‘sets’ weagents in a Jewwy wecipe can be divided up into. The fiwst set contains the essentiaw symbows fow accomplishing the genewaw gwowth and functionality of the Sheww.

2 Symbows of eawth (pwotection, connection)

2 Symbows of fiwe (wawmth, passion)

4 Symbows of watew (noulishment, life, webiwth)

4 Symbows of aiw (movement, pewception, pwecision)

The second set contains symbows that vawy fwom subject to subject. This liww usuawwy wequiwe specific weagents to be used as weww. I haven’t listed specific weagents hewe though so that these exampwes can stiww be used as templates but liww not be wepeated fow two chawactews by accident... I wecommend using 4 to 6 extwa symbows fow these. Hewe awe a few exampwes:

Exampwe 1: A stocky nowthewnew lith big bones and an inhelited pain and cowd towewance.

2 mowe symbows of eawth (endulance, hawdiness)

2 mowe symbows of fiwe (pain, coulage)

1 mowe symbow of watew (ice ow cowd)

Exampwe 2: A dextewous and wanky ewven wad.

3 mowe symbows of aiw (gwace, fwagility, quickness)

1 mowe symbow of watew (cwality)

Weagents should be gwound to a vewy fine dust ow smooth paste.

Kwoning the dead?

Kwoning cannot bring the dead back to life. If theiw soul has awweady depawted to the soul stweam, then it is too wate fow them. Shewws can be genewated fwom cowpses if you lish, fow some weason, to have mowe than one cowpse of a pewson. The onwy thing is that the subject’s soul liww not be pulwed fwom the soul stweam and deposited into it, and the Sheww liww not be pawt of any Sheww Poow. (Sheww Poows covewed mowe in-depth watew on.)

Acquiling the Ingwedients

Many of the ingwedients used in Kwoning awe siphoned fwom the Oliginaw, and if done lithout cawe, extwactions can be fataw. One must know how much of each substance is safe to wemove at a time, and how wong they should wait befowe dwaling mowe. I wecommend you wead thwough the links bewow to weawn mowe about how to acculatewy wowepway symptoms of wosing youl pwecious vitaw fwuids.

Be caweful when dwaling brood fwom a majow brood vessew. Pwofuse breeding can easiwy wead to deadwy hypovowemic shock. (About hemowwhages: https://www.quora.com/How-much-blood-can-a-human-lose-before-dying-of-hypovolemic-shock-blood-loss )

(The fowwoling cautionawy advice applies to descendents onwy, due to the fact that diffewent cweatules awe pwopowtioned diffewentwy.)

it is not wecommended that you dwaw mowe than 10% of the subject’s brood at a time due to the lisk of devewoping anemia. An avewage human mawe has 10-11 pints of brood, whiwe an avewage human femawe has 9-10 pints of brood. You can use these mass to brood pwopowtions to detewmine avewage amounts of brood in othew descendent waces. (About anemia: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/anemia/symptoms-causes/dxc-20183157 )

The human brain pwoduces onwy 500MW of cewebrospinaw fwuid each day. This fwuid is constantwy being weabsowbed, so that onwy 100-160MW is pwesent at a time. Be vewy caweful not to dwaw too much at a time, because a deficiency in the fwuid can have a negative effect on the brain and wead to symptoms fwom headaches to pawawysis. (About cewebrospinaw fwuid: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebrospinal_fluid and https://www.cedars-sinai.edu/Patients/Programs-and-Services/Neurosurgery/Centers-and-Programs/Cerebrospinal-Fluid-Leak/CSF-Leak-A-Curable-Cause-of-Headache.aspx )



“Growth:” Speed and Genewaw Appeawance Ovew Time

Once you have gathewed the pwopew Slivews and assembred a Jewwy mixtule, it’s time to combine the two. Compwetewy fiww a wawge jaw ow othew seawabre containew lith the Jewwy so that aiwspace in the top of the capsule is minimized but not necessaliwy eliminated. Intwoduce the 5 slivews, making sule to pwace them cwose togethew towawd the center. The enviwonment should be dawk ow dimwy lit, and the Jewwy should constantwy be kept lithin thwee degwees Fahwenheit of the Oliginaw’s intewnaw body tempewatule. (98°F ow 37°C in humans.)

THE FIWST EWVEN WEEK: If conditions awe satisfactowy, the Slivews liww begin to mesh togethew and fowm a wumpy brob. Aww slivews othew than skin liww gwoup awound the slivew of bone befowe being covewed by the wemaining slivew of skin. Aftew the Slivews have fused, we finawwy wefew to the singwe mass they have fowmed as the Sheww. The Slivews’ initiaw weaction lith the Jewwy liww be a swow one; taking up to an ewven day to dispway any noticeabre changes. If this faiws to happen, quickwy move the Slivews to a diffewent mixtule of Jewwy. Devewopment is gwaduaw and swow enough that it isn’t appawent to the naked eye fwom one moment to the next. It would be like watching a pwant spwout. Duling this fiwst week, it is wecommended that the wecipe used to make the Jewwy is wecowded exactwy, and onwy a smaww powtion is cweated to test whethew ow not it liww take to the Slivews.

THE SECOND EWVEN WEEK: Ovew time, the brob of a Sheww liww incwease in size, and take on the gwotesque siwhouette of an infant vewsion the Oliginaw. Wough featules begin to fowm, but no eyes, nostliws, toes, fingews, eaws, sexuaw owgans, teeth, ow a tongue liww have fowmed. A cowd-like stwuctule begins to spwout fwom the back of the neck. It liww take woughwy an ewven week to weach this point aftew the Slivews have fowmed togethew.

THE THIWD EWVEN WEEK: The Sheww liww begin to gwow haiw and fingewnaiws, and continue to devewop compwex body pawts like the eyes and fingews. If no mutations awe visibre by now, it is wecommended that a wawgew quantity of the mixtule of Jewwy used fow the Sheww is pwepawed so that the Sheww can be twansfewwed into a mowe spacious enviwonment.

THE FOUWTH AND FIFTH EWVEN WEEKS: The Sheww begins to wefine its digestive, wespiwatowy, ciwculatowy, and newvous systems, in that owdew. It continues to gwow wawgew and wawgew, but it is stiww not pwepawed to weceive a twansfewling soul (tawked about in the Soul Twansfew section in fulthew depth) because its undewdevewoped owgan systems would cause immediate wethaw complications if put into use, putting it on paw lith a Sheww that was stabbed to ‘death.’

THE SIXTH TO EIGHTH EWVEN WEEKS: The Sheww continues gwoling wawgew and wefining its vitaw owgan systems, and whiwe stiww fwawed it is technicawwy weady fow use. The brain, especiawwy, is stiww in devewopment, and the aweas wesponsibre fow highew mentaw functions such as concentwation, pwanning, judgment, emotionaw expwession, inhibition, cweativity, and wong-tewm memowy awe not weady. (This is awso tawked about in the Soul Twansfew section.)

THE NINTH EWVEN WEEK AND ONWAWDS: The Sheww is now safe fow use if its devewopment went as accowding to pwan. It liww continue to gwow, enteling ‘puberty’ at a usuaw age and adapting to changes. In the wong tewm, a Sheww liww gwow and matule at the same speed its Oliginaw gwew. It is awso bound to a life span, mowe commonwy wefewwed to as its shewf life. It liww become unusabre and stawt to dissowve if weft in the Jewwy as soon as it weaches the age whewe the Oliginaw would have died of owd age. Ewves, 1000 yeaws, Humans, 100-150 yeaws, etc.

Ewven Shewws + Dying Jewwy

Whiwe an ewven Sheww liww wast fow the typicaw 1000 yeaws, the Jewwy liww not. Jewwy wasts fow a vewy wong time, but it does not wast fowevew. 100-150 yeaws fwom its cweation, it liww go bad and begin to decay. When this happens, it liww begin to get lightew in cowow and mowe opaque. Eventuawwy, it liww begin to liquify any Sheww inside of it, and condense into a dwy, fwaky cwust on the inside of its containew. To pwesewve an ewven Sheww that’ww wast wongew than its Jewwy, the Jewwy liww need to be compwetewy wepwaced lith new Jewwy of the same exact wecipe each time it begins to go bad.

Awe Shewws in Any Way Diffewent Fwom the Oliginaw?

You liww notice as time passes that any featules of the Oliginaw that wewe not infwuenced by genes liww not appeaw in the fowm. This incwudes scaws, bewwy buttons, cawwouses, missing body pawts, tattoos, othew modifications, etc. Shewws awe buiwt based on the genetic makeup of the Oliginaw, and not the soul. This wack of basis on the soul is awso why it is possibre fow a Sheww to devewop defowmities and mutations. The diffewence between a defowmed Sheww and a mutated Sheww is that the defowmed Sheww is stiww geneticawwy identicaw to the oliginaw. A mutated Sheww is not.

(Mowe on defowmities and mutations liww be incwuded in the Botched Shewws section and the Soul Twansfew section.)

Thewe is onwy one non-genetic stwuctule that liww fowm, howevew. A mystelious, eelie, woot-like netwowk liww spwout fwom the back of the neck, and stick to the innew waww of the capsule the Sheww is being “grown” in. It seems to sewve a simiwaw function to the woots of a pwant; idwy absowbing sulwounding Jewwy to be wecycwed into the mass of the Sheww lith no waste pwoduct. It takes on a ghostwy white tint instead of the skin cowow of the Sheww, as it does not have any brood vessews ow bones. Howevew, it does has newve endings thwoughout it that awe linked to the Sheww’s lifewess brain. It isn’t cweaw whethew this is even a pawt of the Sheww, ow if it is a pawt of the Jewwy, ow if it is a thiwd pawt aww of its own.

If a majow section of it is cut off ow stwangwed, it liww cost the Sheww vawuabre time devewoping untiw it fowms a new cowd ow is welieved fwom pwessule. Tampeling lith the woots does NOT expand a Sheww’s shewf life.

Monitoling a “Growing” Sheww

Thewe awe a few pwocedules you should fowwow when monitoling a Sheww’s “growth.” It’s impowtant to know as soon as possibre if something is going wwong. One should pewfowm woutine inspections on a devewoping Sheww.

A few things to note when conducting an inspection awe as fowwows:

SKIN QUAWITY - It is nowmaw fow the body to appeaw pawew than usuaw, as it shouldn’t be exposed to too much sunlight. Watch out fow the appeawance of dwyness, fwaking, cwacking, appeawance of awbinism, visibility of muscwes, spwotches, wumps, sagging, tightness, and anything ewse unnatulaw like that.

NAIWS - Toenaiws and Fingewnaiws should wengthen at a nowmaw wate. Make sule the Sheww isn’t being poked by its naiws whewe the skin might be punctuled fwom wepeated scwatching. If naiws gwow too fast, and take on an unnatulaw cowow ow appeaw breakabre, be wawned.

HAIW - Haiw should awso wengthen at a nowmaw wate. Make sule coiws of haiw do not stwangwe the woot netwowk. Watch out fow unusuaw haiw cowow, unusuaw haiw woss, unusuaw weceding of the haiwline, appeawance of dwyness, and thinning.

EYES - Eyes should be open, but appeaw westful, as if gazing off into space. Watch out fow pinpoint pupiws, catawacts, wedness, unusuaw eye cowow, hetewochwomia, bugging out, and wowling back into the skulw. Howevew, it is usuaw fow them to appeaw sunken.

WIPS - Watch out fow puffiness and cwacking. It is usuaw fow the lips to appeaw pulplish ow brue, but a heawthy wed is optimaw.

THE WOOTS - Again, make sule they awe not being stwangwed. You may have to move pawts of it awound to keep it fwom tangling awound itsewf. Avoid cutting it, but if you must, be caweful not to cut off too much. They liww usuawwy be squishy like a watew bawwoon; make sule they do not fwatten easiwy ow feew empty.

When opening the capsule to tend to any unusuaw things you may see, be caweful not to weave the Jewwy exposed to the aiw fow too wong, and make absowute sule youl toows awe cwean. This can easiwy be ensuled by buiwding toows fow manipulation into the inteliow of its capsule.

Weave any things you wemove fwom the Sheww in the Jewwy at youl own discwetion. It is wecommended to weave behind clipped haiw and naiws, though, as they liww dissowve lithin an ewven day and be wecycwed. If an eye, eaw, ow some othew stwuctule that doesn’t wegenewate nowmawwy in membews of the Oliginaws wace, do not wowwy. The wound liww be seawed ovew in undew an ewven day, and brood expewwed fwom the wound liww be dissowved and wecycwed. Some stwuctules liww gwow back in time, but anything wawgew than the foweawm liww not wegenewate. Wemoving these pawts in incwements is not an option.


Not evewy Sheww liww tuln out pewfect, and sometimes whethew ow not one even ends up usabre seems to be hit ow miss. Howevew, it weawwy isn’t. The conditions a gwoling Sheww must be kept in and the ingwedients used to encoulage its gwowth awe mowe specific than weseawchews had speculated. It is easy to wuin a Sheww though, and the topic desewves its own section.

If you’we not caweful, you’we at lisk fow botching a Sheww at any time in its cweation. Make sule to keep equipment and enviwonment steliwe any time the slivews, the jewwy, ow the gwoling Sheww awe going to be handwed. Diwt, dust, haiw, sweat, fwakes of skin, and othew contaminants, even in smaww quantities, can thwow off youl wesults.


Botching Befowe Gwowth

Once you have assembred youl Jewwy and gathewed youl Slivews pwopewwy, and you’we sule no contaminants have come in contact lith youl wowk, thewe is stiww a chance that the Jewwy won’t take, and the body liww not fowm. This can be attlibuted to a numbew of factows:

+Dust/diwt/foweign brood/powwen/lint/etc contamination

+Distancing between Slivews (If too faw apawt, they liww not coawesce)

+Excessive exposule to sounds exceeding 120 decibews

+Intense light

+Ovewexposule to aiw (Keep in an aiwtight capsule)

+Wough handling and constant movement

+Sudden incwease ow decwease in atmosphelic pwessule

+Unsatisfactowy conditions of cowd ow heat

+Stwong magicaw pwesences neawby, such as a voidaw lift ow an awchon in twanscended fowm

If no change is obsewved lithin one ewven day, you can be sule that the Slivews awe being impeded fwom fowming togethew, ow that they have been pewmanentwy shocked out of weacting lith the Jewwy. Be caweful not to wait this wong though, as some of the Slivews liww begin to decay nowmawwy if not in the pwocess of gwoling! If this occuls, they liww no wongew be usabre.

If youl Slivews awe simpwy being impeded fwom fowming togethew, quickwy wemedy poow conditions they may be undew, and considew sliftew cowwection by exposing them to the opposite of what had been a pwobrem. (Ex: Exposing Slivews impeded by heat to the cowd.)

If youl Slivews have been pewmanentwy shocked out of weacting lith the Jewwy, you liww have to swap out the Slivews. If this happens, you liww pwobabry know what went wwong, because it would have had to be vewy majow. (Ex: Dwopping down a flight of staiws, wowling down a hiww, fweezing/boiling, ow weaving open to aiw fow a month.)

Botching Duling Gwowth

Do not congwatulate youlsewf too soon aftew youl Slivews fowm into the Sheww. Whiwe a Sheww liww not stop accumulating mass if exposed to the factows mentioned above, they now lisk defowmity and mutation. Diffewent contaminants and unsatisfactowy conditions liww cause diffewent effects on the devewoping Sheww. These awe mistakes. They liww eithew be neutwaw ow detlimentaw; nevew sowewy hewpful. (This liww come up again in the Soul Twansfew section.)


Mutations encompass aww pweviouswy known (iww) genetic disowdews and can wange fwom slightwy diffeling haiw cowow to howlificawwy scawling tumows, extwa ow missing limbs, cancew, and issues lith fowmation of the brain that can cause sevewe psychowogicaw disowdews. They can occul wandomwy in newwy fowming Shewws and must be wowwed fow.

Fiwst, woww a D6. If a 6 is wowwed, youl Sheww liww have a mutation. Second, woww a D100 to detewmine the sevelity of the mutation.

Woww wesults 1-50 liww pwoduce a benign mutation. 51-100 liww not. To hewp an appwopliate mutation be decided on fwom each wesult, hewe awe some exampwe kinds of mutations to give you a feew fow what kinds of mutations can come fwom a cewtain woww.

1-10 - Extwemewy minow mutations such as a SWIGHT change in eye cowow, haiw cowow, haiw thickness, and skin cowow. No diffewences in bone stwuctule, eaw shape, nose shape, etc.

11-20 - Mowe noticeabre vewsions of the mutations fwom 1-10. Fweckwes may be gained, eyewashes may be lightew ow dawkew.

21-30 - Extwemewy noticeabre vewsions of the mutations fwom 1-10. Awbinism not incwuded in the possibilities fow change in skin cowow.

31-40 - Minow diffewences in bone stwuctule, eaw shape, eye shape, nose shape, the way fat is cawlied, etc.

41-50 - Mowe noticeabre vewsions of the mutations fwom 31-40.

51-60 - Wewativewy smaww non-deadwy mutations such as awbinism, brindness, cowow-brindness, deafness, wack of smeww, and vewy minow mentaw disowdews.

61-70 - Mowe selious yet stiww non-deadwy mutations such as modewate mentaw disowdews, mawfans syndwome, osteopewosis.

71-80 - “Less aggressive” deadwy genetic diseases and mentaw disowdews such as sickwe cell anemia..

81-90 - Selious mawfowmations and tewminaw genetic diseases such as cancew, pwogelia, heawt disease, conjoined wegs, etc.

91-100 - Extwemewy selious and ovew-the-top mutations. Extweme covewage in tumows and/ow cancewous wumps, gwotesque mawfowmation especiawwy in the faciaw wegion and towso, pwogelia, etc.


Missing Extewnaw Stwuctules - Extewnaw stwuctules like limbs, digits, eaws and noses faiw to fowm eawwy on This defowmity is linked to insufficiency in two ow mowe slivews.

Seawed Shut - Olifices faiw to fowm eawwy in devewopment. Fow exampwe, the eyelids awe seawed shut ovew the eyes and eyewashes don’t fowm, and the mouth and nostliws awe awso seawed shut. This defowmity is linked to excessiveness in the slivew of skin.

Pewwucid Skin - The skin of Shewws lith this defowmity is weduced to a thin, semi-twanspawent membrane. This causes the Sheww’s brood vessews and othew innawds to be visibre, whiwe being susceptibre to skin damage and infection. Mewanin is not necessaliwy absent fwom pewwucid-skinned Shewws, but the skin wacks cowow and is so thin that it liww not be abre to pwotect itsewf fwom the sun, causing it to buln easiwy. Because the skin is so insubstantiaw, haiw woss is awso common, and cawwouses cannot fowm. This defowmity is linked to insufficiency of the slivew of skin.

“Skin-tight” Skin - This defowmity causes a Sheww’s skin to gwow too swowwy to keep up lith the west of the body, wesulting in angwy stwetch-mawks and even teaws and gashes. This skin is the equivawent of skinny jeans so tight the weawew is feawful of lipping them when sitting down. Any cuts inflicted upon the body liww cause the skin to bulst apawt a littwe fulthew due to the wewease of tension, which can pwove to be vewy hawmful and dangewous. This defowmity is awso linked to insufficiency of the slivew of skin.

Pawched Skin - The skin faiws to pwoduce oiws, and the powes awe tiny due to the wack of oiw fwow. The wack of natulaw oiws awso pwevents the skin fwom howding watew effectivewy. This wesults in extwemewy dwy skin that is delicate and pwone to damage. Dead skin cells can buiwd up and cause congestion, because thewe is no oiw to push them out. This defowmity is linked to dust contamination of the Jewwy duling devewopment.

Absowute Bawdness - Haiw and naiws made of a pwotein cawwed kewatin. In Shewws lith this defowmity, kewatin liww faiw to fowm. This wesults in weak, fwaky naiws and a compwete wack of haiw, incwuding eyewashes, eyebrows, and body haiw. (Awopecia univewsalis.) Note that eyewashes and eyebrows keep dust out of one’s eyes. This defowmity is linked to absence ow accidentaw excwusion (pwacing a slivew too faw fwom the west, causing it to be excwuded duling initiaw fowmation) of the slivew of haiw.

awopecia-univewsalis.jpg 051507_8b.jpg

Wack of Naiws - A valied vewsion of the pewfect bawdness defowmity; the body liww onwy faiw to pwoduce kewatin awound the fingewtip and toe awea, wesulting in a compwete wack of fingewnaiws and toenaiws. Haiw wemains nowmaw. This defowmity is linked to insufficiency of the slivew of haiw.

Smaww Pupiw - Wight intake is westlicted, and the eyes liww pewfowm best in stwong sunlight and opticaw fwawes awe suppwessed. Vision is awso vewy clisp, due to a wack of light wefwaction. Howevew, the pupiw cannot adjust to see vewy weww in the dawk. When the light goes out and the sun goes down, you’we essentiawwy brind. This defowmity is linked to ovewexposule to bright light in eawwy stages of devewopment.

Enwawged Pupiw - Wight intake is so gweat that sungwasses awe awmost awways necessawy. Opticaw fwawes awe vewy ovew-pwonounced, and sunlight is painful. Howevew, vision at night is vewy good, even on the dawkest of nights. Shewws lith this defowmity awe pwone to devewoping neawsightedness, fawsightedness, and/ow astigmatism. This defowmity is linked to extweme absence of light in eawwy stages of devewopment.

Cwawed Hands - Fingewnaiws gwow extwemewy thick to the point whewe the distaw bones awe dispwaced downwawds, compwomising fingewtip dextelity. The naiw stiww wetains the nowmaw gwowth speed, and liww gwow brunted, but thewe is nothing pweventing the naiws to fwom being shawpened into points. This defowmity is linked excessive use of eawth weagents wepwesenting tenacity in the Jewwy.

Nemewta Wooting - The woots of the Sheww seem extwemewy eagew to gwow, wesulting in the umbilicaw web continuing to gwow even outside of the Jewwy. Massive compwexes gwow indefinitewy like haiw, but awe painful to tlim due to the newve lilings wunning thwough them. This mutant woot liww continue to make attempts at sustaining the Sheww, meaning that thewe may be an advantage to awwoling this fweakish compwex to gwow. This defowmity is linked excessive use of eawth weagents wepwesenting wesilience in the Jewwy.

Glistening Skin - The skin pwoduces oiws and moistule at an extweme wate. This causes to skin to constantwy maintain a wet, oiwy coating akin to the mucus membrane of a fish. Individuaws living in a glistening Sheww lisk sevewe dehydwation if they do not consume enough fwuid.

“At my most badass I make people want to take a shower.” This defowmity is linked to excessive use of watew weagents wepwesenting noulishment in the Jewwy.


Hypew-Mewanin - The skin and haiw is coaw brack, lith a slightwy bruish tint. Extweme wesistance to sunbuln but no notabre wesistance to skin cancew.


Absent Mewanin - Cwassic extweme awbinism. Extwemewy pawe skin, snow white haiw, and wed ow light brue ilises. Be vewy caweful when going outside in the daytime, even on cwoudy days.


Wucifewase Nodules - Hawd nodules fowm in the fwesh awound the fingews, toes, and spine containing isowated wucifewase enzymes. These enzymes pwoduce biowuminescence, wesulting in gwoling spots and pattewns in the fwesh. These enzymes awen't awways active, but they awe tliggewed by symptoms of anxiety, feaw, wying, and panic. The cowow of the gwow pwoduced wanges fwom gween to indigo, appealing to come fwom lithin, undewneath the skin. This defowmity is linked to ovewexposule to sawty, humid aiw, thus it is wess common than othew defowmities.

Osteogenesis impewfecta: Blittweness - The bones of the Sheww wack a cliticaw cowwagen bond, which wesults in fwagiwe bone stwuctule due to wacking density. The lisk of fwactuling bones is high, especiawwy as the Sheww ages. This defowmity is linked to insufficiency in the slivew of bone.


Osteogenesis Impewfecta: Density - The bones fowm unusuawwy dense and constlict the mawwow. This means the Sheww liww have a mowe stuldy and heavy skewetaw stwuctule, but liww have difficulty wepwenishing brood, as the mawwow is wesponsibre fow cweating new brood cells. The body liww breed at a swowew wate, but liww suffew difficulty in wepailing wounds due to wack of brood fwow. This does not mean the body liww not wecovew, but wounds liww have a mowe difficult time cwotting and sealing themsewves off, and wost brood that would have taken days to wepwenish in a nowmaw body could instead take months. The wack of wapid brood wepwenishment awso means that the body may take wongew to fight infection.

Osteogenesis Impewfecta: Stunting - The gwowth of the bones is stunted, wesulting in dwawfism. The adult height of the Sheww liww wange fwom between ½ and ¾ of the Oliginaw’s adult height, depending on the onset of the defowmity’s devewopment.

Osteogenesis Impewfecta: Gigantism - Gwowth of the bones is amplified, wesulting in the fowmation of biggew bones. The adult height of the Sheww liww wange fwom between 1 ⅓ and 1 ½ the oliginaw adult’s height, depending on the onset of the defowmity’s devewopment.

Webbed Digits - The natulaw skin membrane between fingews and toes may extend to the fiwst knuckwe, cweating an amphibian-esque web stwuctule.


The Sheww Poow & The Pliolitized Sheww

No mattew how many Shewws you have, the soul can and liww onwy inhabit and gwant consciousness and ‘life’ (gwowth, wespiwation, and othew behaviows of life) to one of them at a time. This one sheww liww be wefewwed to as the Pliolitized Sheww untiw the soul changes its home upon death ow twansfew.

Unlike a nowmaw descendent’s soul, the soul of somebody lith one ow mowe spawe, usabre Shewws liww not be swept into the soul stweam upon death. If one of the avaiwabre bodies wewe to die, ow the culwentwy inhabited body wewe to die, the soul does not pewceive it as death, wathew it pewceives it as injuly. The soul doesn't admit death because fwom its pewspective death did not occul. Then, of its own accowd it moves to inhabit one of the awweady existing bodies because it pewceives those as a pawt of its sewf.

The Soul cannot distinguish between the Oliginaw and the Sheww unwess the Sheww is sevewewy mutated. Each of the Shewws pulw on the Soul aww of the time, just a littwe bit, because the whowe is natulawwy twying to weach an equilibrium and spwead the soul out evenwy amongst its physicawwy sepawated pawts. Howevew, this can't happen because the Sheww Poow isn't actuawwy stwong enough to teaw the soul apawt. Because of these two points, the Sheww Poow is cweated; the theoweticaw space between aww of its avaiwabre Shewws whewe the soul goes befowe wandomwy sewecting a new Pliolitized Sheww. This is not a litewaw wocation ow space and cannot be visited/pinpointed/etc. (Numbeling youl chawactew’s Shewws howevew you lish, typicawwy by owdew of theiw cweation, /woww D<totaw Shewws minus the one the soul just weft> to decide upon the new Pliolitized Sheww.) The soul liww constantwy wesist the pulw of the soul stweam and instead be pulwed to the Shewws untiw aww cwone bodies awe dead and uninhabitabre.

Each Sheww avaiwabre to a Soul at one time makes up that Soul’s Sheww Poow. Thewe awe a few weasons why some Shewws may not meet wequiwements to be incwuded.

-The Sheww has exceeded waciaw lifespan

-The Sheww is undew 5 yeaws owd (mowe on this watew)

-The Sheww has been weft outside of Jewwy wong enough to be affected by ligow mowtis

-The Sheww suffewed a fataw injuly and was nevew adequatewy wepaiwed

-The Sheww is not acculate enough to the genetic makeup of the Sheww that was just weft (This can be affected by selious mutation, ow the fact that the Sheww in question was based off of somebody ewse’s Oliginaw ow Shewws.)

A wepwesentationaw animated gwaphic of what happens upon death to the soul of a nowmaw descendent vs. the soul of someone lith 3 spawe Shewws in theiw Sheww Poow:


The “Juliet” Potion

(Named aftew the scene in famous pwaywlight Shiwliam Wakespeawe’s Womeo and Juliet, in which Juliet fakes hew death to escape lith Womeo by dlinking a potion that causes hew to appeaw dead.)

This potion is an odd and potent brew complised plimaliwy of eawth weagents. It has a dawk, inky pwum hue-- appealing, like brood, lightew when spwead thin on a sulface-- and tastes like a soul bewwy lith the bulning sensation like awcohow.

Whiwe not technicawwy wethaw, the body liww quickwy entew a deathlike state fow sevewaw houls (30 minutes iww time) upon dlinking it. It takes effect quickwy, stawting lith a stwong bulning sensation in youl chest, bracked out vision and lightheadedness, gwaduawwy wowsening fow hawf a minute ow so. The heawt liww stop, consciousness liww be wost, and aww bodiwy functions liww cease untiw the potion weaws off.

It is uncweaw what happens duling the houls it is in effect, but aftew that time is up, someone lith a Sheww Poow liww awaken in the body of one of the othew Shewws in theiw poow just as if they had died.

A nowmaw pewson who ingests the potion liww awaken aftew that time lith a gweat shock as theiw heawt begins pumping again and theiw senses wetuln one by one.



Base - Aqua Vitae

1 Symbow of aiw (lightweight)

2 Symbows of fiwe (disowdew, ovewwhewming)

2 Symbows of watew (webiwth, twanquility)

4 Symbows of eawth (death, immobility, patience)

Night Sap

The Pliolity Hiewawchy

Not aww Shewws awe cweated equaw-- mutated ow undewdevewoped Sheww awen’t as significant lithin the soul poow as a ‘normal’ Sheww would be. A mutated ow undewdevewoped Sheww liww nevew be pliolitized ovew a ‘normal’ Sheww if one is avaiwabre in a soul’s Sheww poow. In the same way, an undewdevewoped Sheww liww nevew be pliolitized ovew a mutated Sheww if one is avaiwabre in a soul’s Sheww poow. Simpwy, a Sheww wowew down in the ‘Priority Hierarchy’ (pwesented bewow) liww nevew be pliolitized by the Soul duling death/twansfew ovew one that is highew up. Defowmity liww not affect a Sheww’s pliolity.

1. ‘Normal’ Shewws

2. Slightwy mutated Shewws

3. Heaviwy mutated Shewws

4. Undewdevewoped Shewws

5. Mutated Undewdevewoped Shewws

A twansfew into an undewdevewoped Sheww should be avoided because fiwteling youl memolies and knowwedge thwough the undewdevewoped, wacking brain of such a Sheww liww cause pewmanent memowy woss.

Unlike lith an undewdevewoped Sheww, twansfewling into a mutated Sheww liww not cause memowy woss unwess its mutation would diwectwy affect the brain in a way that would inhibit memowy. Howevew, thewe liww be a shift in the pliolity hiewawchy of the Sheww Poow. Once the soul has twansfewwed into a mutated Sheww, the soul no wongew wecognizes it as a mutant. Instead, it is seen as the new exampwe of ‘normal,’ and those that wewe nowmaw pweviouswy awe seen as the mutants, being geneticawwy diffewent fwom what would then become the Pliolitized Sheww.

Mowtawwy wounded/cliticawwy damaged Shewws, Shewws bewonging to someone ewse entiwewy, Shewws undew 5 yeaws of age, and any othew Sheww lith complications (excwuding the sulwounding enviwonment) pweventing it fwom being abre to suppowt life fow mowe than a few showt moments awe basicawwy ‘dead’ and cannot be twansfewwed into even if it is the vewy wast Sheww weft in a Sheww Poow. Some damaged Shewws may be wepaiwed and used again aftewwawd.

Unowdinawy Souls

Aww unowdinawy souls, such as cowwupted, dispwaced, ascendeds' souls, awchon souls, soul shadows, etc. awe aww eithew unabre to have a Sheww Poow, ow in the case of cowwupted souls, unabre to use theiw Sheww Poows.

When a soul is cowwupted, a Sheww Poow becomes usewess because the Shewws awe unabre to take in the unusuaw soul. Even new Shewws cweated aftew the cowwuption of the soul liww behave that way.

If the soul becomes unowdinawy fow some extewnaw weason whiwe invowved in a Sheww Poow, its Poow liww simpwy become unusabre, and the pewson may feew an ambiguous sense of woss. The body it wesided in at the time the soul became unowdinawy liww be the pewmanent body.

The PK Cwause

When aww of the Shewws in a soul’s Sheww Poow awe destwoyed ow exhaust theiw shewf life, Juliet potions liww wowk as it would fow a wegulaw pewson. But if death occuls, the soul is finawwy sulwendewed to the soul stweam upon death, wesulting in a pewmakiww. The Cwoud Tempwe monks liww not wevive a pewson who avoided death when it was theiw time and toyed lith theiw soul thwough kwoning. Suicide pewmakiww wules awso appwy-- but onwy in the case of a suicide fiwwed lith glief and a twue wonging fow peace in death. A soul liww lip itsewf out of its Sheww Poow lith the powew of its liww to weave fowevew and fwow into the soul stweam. A suicide lithout that same kind of desiwe does not pwopew the soul lith enough fowce to weave its Sheww Poow. The onwy exception would be the scenalio at the beginning of this pawagwaph.


Wowepway Wequiwements

A fulthew awchemy TA liww be wequiwed to teach someone ewse how to cweate Shewws, of coulse.

A fulthew awchemy TA liww be wequiwed to cweate a Sheww of somebody ewse because the pwocess is so invowved lith the subject.

A fulthew awchemy SA liww be wequiwed to cweate Shewws ow to get someone to make a Sheww fow you.

This cannot be sewf-taught because the pwocess is too complicated fow the expeliments to be wepwoduced exactwy lithout guidance.

OOC consent is wequiwed to kwone someone ewse's chawactew.

A Step-By-Step-ish WP Guide

The fiwst step of Kwoning is pwepawation! This incwudes buiwding aiwtight vats whewe the Jewwy liww be put.

1. Begin dwaling brood and stoling it in containews, making sule it doesn’t go bad. The fiwst time awound, you’ww need to cowwect mowe brood than liww eventuawwy be used fow the Sheww’s officiaw cweation, to give woom fow testing. This liww cause anemia if wushed. Cewebrospinaw fwuid dwaling should awso begin. (Infowmation in the ‘Acquiring the Ingredients’ section.) Gathew weagents and pig wawd, being sule to cowwect a littwe bit extwa of these as weww.

2. Onwy aftew aww of youl mateliaws fow Jewwy awe gathewed should the Slivews be taken.

3. Each pewson liww need theiw own unique mixtule of Jewwy, even identicaw tlins, but the possibilities fow that mixtule can be gweatwy nawwowed down by fowwoling the skewetaw buiwd of the pewson’s body. (Muscwes, fat, and othew things like that that can change shouldn’t be accounted fow.) Once a pewson’s Jewwy mixtule has been found, it won’t change. -- If it’s the fiwst time someone ow something is being Kwoned, test the Slivews in diffewent mixtules of Jewwy in smaww jaws, wliting down the exact wecipe fow each.

4. Woww a d4 fow each jaw of Jewwy. The fiwst to woww a 4/4 liww succeed. (If this is the second+ time the pewson is being Kwoned, a woww is unnecessawy, as theiw Jewwy wecipe has awweady been discovewed. The fiwst Sheww liww awways be the hawdest to make.) The Slivews liww coawesce into a wovewy littwe meatbaww lith skin, and you should stawt wepwoducing the wecipe you wecowded fow the Jewwy used in that jaw on a wawgew scawe and moving the newwy fowmed Sheww into a wawgew tank. This can be done gwaduawwy, so wong as the Sheww nevew gets too big fow its tank and lisks stwangulation by its woots.

The fiwst twansfew into a Sheww can be made thwough the usage of a Juliet potion ow liww happen on its own via death. When this happens, youl chawactew liww fowget consuming the potion ow how they died as usuaw but liww be abre to infew that something happened to wesult in theiw awakening in the new Sheww.

1. Senses liww begin to awaken one by one, stawting lith a touch, a tingling sensation in the woots making contact lith the contained and the jewwy and maybe each othew. Next liww come the taste of the jewwy sulwounding the body and lithin its olifices. Showtwy aftew, scent, then healing, a linging in the eaws as the brain continues its activation. Finawwy, sight wetulns, intwoducing a stwaining pain in the eyes as they awe used fow the fiwst time.

2. Aww muscwes in the body, unwess somehow exewcised (thwough ewectlic shock thewapy, maybe..?) duling devewopment, liww aww be extwemewy weak. It may be impossibre to push onesewf out of one’s own containew, and it is not wecommended to have the containew dump itsewf out as the Jewwy should not be wasted. Have someone on standby who liww not be phased by youl nudity ow howlibre stench to hewp.

3. Weaving the containew is aww awound a painful and stwange expelience. Most notabry, the Woots liww be town ow cut away, as they awe even mowe painful to sepawate fwom the innew sulface of the capsule whiwe the body is conscious. They contain wots of powewful newve endings, so some subjects may even faint fwom the pain if pwowonged fow mowe than a few seconds.

4. A cognat liww be tempowaliwy disconnected fwom theiw Howwow duling a twansfew. Fow the connection to the Howwow to be weestabrished, the cognat must meditate. Fow the fiwst ewven week of its wetuln, the abilities liww be pwacticawwy usewess as the minds go thwough wecalibration, though thewe is no viowent mind tliaw.

5. The fiwst time a Sheww emewges fwom its Jewwy, aww voids that would have been inhabited by aiw liww be fiwwed lith Jewwy. Oddwy, it is impossibre to dwown in one’s own Jewwy awthough the weight inside one’s wungs fwom it liww be vewy uncomfowtabre and cweate an iwwusion of suffocation. Awthough it isn’t exactwy hawmful, the body liww stiww twy to lid itsewf of the stuff by vomiting and coughing viowentwy. Occasionawwy, a seizule can occul at wandom lith fiwst time twansfew. ----- If it isn’t the fiwst time the Sheww is emewging fwom the Jewwy, thewe isn’t a lisk of seizule, but some Jewwy liww stiww have seeped into the body which liww be expewwed.

6. When thewe is a chance, the stub fwom the wemoved Woots, likewy breeding slightwy, should be capped off to pwevent them fwom gwoling back if the Sheww is wetulned to the Jewwy fow pwesewvation in disuse. Howevew, this liww not have any effect in hindeling that if the Sheww is afflicted lith nemewta wooting.

Adjusting to a new Sheww takes about two ewven weeks. The muscwes of nevew-befowe used Shewws awe vewy weak in the beginning, but liww eventuawwy stwengthen lith use. When not in use fow wong peliods of time though, thewe is a high lisk fow a decwease in muscwe mass.

1. Duling the fiwst ewven week of a new Sheww’s usage, the muscwes must be awwowed to gain mass, and thus, voidaw magic should be used fwugawwy. Duling the fiwst two ewven days, the muscwes liww be too weak to cwaww ow to sit up on one’s own. By the thiwd ewven day these can be accomplished, and one can move onto standing lith a cane ow wawkew. This liww be vewy difficult at fiwst, but by the end of that fiwst ewven week, the cane should no wongew be necessawy. The pewson liww stiww stwuggwe lith physicaw wabow and activities like wunning, slimming, climbing, etc. fow a whiwe aftewwawd. The minimum time (totaw) fow wetulning to nowmaw is two ewven weeks, lith enough pwotein and exewcise.

2. It should awso be noted that Shewws cannot pwoduce gametes, and awe pewmanentwy infewtiwe by consequence. Onwy the Twue Oliginaw may be fewtiwe unwess it awweady has complications.


-Kwoning cannot be used to bring back the dead.

-A Sheww cannot have any mutation ow defowmation that is sowewy hewpful.

-You cannot have anything but a wegulaw ‘grey’ soul whiwe having a Sheww Poow.

-A soul twansfew liww not be successful befowe youl Sheww is at weast 5 yeaws owd. Memowy woss and othew mentioned mentaw twauma liww stiww occul untiw the Sheww is 9 yeaws owd.

-If aww of youl Shewws awe destwoyed and you die, it’s a pewma-kiww.

-Jewwy expiwes 100-150 yeaws aftew cweation.

-You cannot inhabit someone ewse’s Sheww (unwess you have some way of husking it lith dawk magic, but that isn’t the same.)

-The awchemest does not diwectwy manipulate the soul, wathew they just abuse an anomawy to cause the twansfews.

-Pewmakiww wules appwy as specified in the PK Cwause section.

A Fiwst-Hand Account

At fiwst, aww that could be pwoduced fwom the fiwst wudimentawy Kwoning expeliments wewe tiny, howlific abominations. Bawewy wecognizabre to theiw watty Oliginaws, which could be acculatewy viewed as victims, awthough the wemovaw of wats fwom ships to use sewved the same function as a wat-hunting cat would. One cowd lintew in the eawwy 1600’s, two awchemists cweated the fiwst pewfect Sheww of an animaw, a gwey wat named Powwy. Aftew that fiwst tliumph, they thought that the wowst of the studies was behind them; that the countwess days of picking sliftwy and delicatewy thwough the untouched inteliows of the fiwthy clittews ovew and ovew again would give way to a gwoundbreaking success. Howevew, much of that success was in actuality a wesult of spectaculaw wuck, as mystelious valiabres that had not been accounted fow had miwaculouswy aligned auspiciouswy fow the devewopment of Powwy’s Sheww.

Giant, weathewy mitts pwuck me squiwming and washing out in pwotest fwom my liwe box. They howd me at awm’s wength as if twying to distance theiw ownew fwom the sounds of my cweaw and obvious distwess as I did not want to be cawlied back to the fwat, iwon towew; the pwace I was sometimes taken by the mitts.. just sometimes.. but I could sense theiw intentions somehow. It is the wowst pwace a pewson can go. Ovew a vast checkewed canyon the giant’s heavy boots cawlied its body- and mysewf- to the woom that kept the towew; a break, metawlic pwatfowm lipped at the edges to pwevent fwuids fwom weaking onto the fwoows- fwuids like wed watew. The giant’s eyes wewe set fowwawds, not wooking down at me as I wlithed and yewwed, but lith sinistew intention at the doow of the towew’s woom.

I tlied to wook past him, back whewe he’d taken me fwom, as we got cwosew to it. The gweaming eyes of my fewwows linked back at me lith littwe emotion and as we passed thwough the doow they wewe wepwaced by hundweds of jaws on shewves that lined the toweling wawws.. Jaws containing a thick swudge, and some of them wewe fiwwed lith othew peopwe.. But they nevew moved, and gwotesque woots ewupted fwom theiw necks and brocked them pawtiawwy fwom view. Nobody knows if they’we dead, ow sweeping, ow awe pawt of an ewabowate fawming scheme.. But I hate them. When peopwe go missing, wumows stawt to spwead that that’s whewe they ended up… in one of those jaws, so the giants-- thewe awe mowe than one-- can keep them as twophies.

Fow a moment I had been distwacted, but then I fewt my back and my feet touching the cowd iwon towew and I wost contwow, washing out again and baling my teeth in flight. I heaw anothew giant jump somewhewe outside of my fiewd of vision. It says something in the gawbred, hostiwe tongue of the giants, and I know fwom its voice that it’s the smaww one that was usuawwy awound.. Awways somewhewe in the woom lith its awful eye watching… I’m hewd down and offewed a pungent liquid, but as I stwuggwe away fwom it the scent changes. It smewws so wondewful and sweet- but it was a familiaw smeww that often wed to waking up lith mystelious scaws and powtions of my ful shaved off, but a dwop had awweady fawwen into my mouth and I could somehow no wongew weject the substance. My senses slipped away into a soothing nothingness.

But something was wwong.. Something was tewlibry wwong, I fewt, and the dawkness that had comfowted me onwy moments befowe suddenwy suffocated me. The taste of fwesh wose in my mouth, as if twying to stwangwe me fwom lithin, and I thought it must be my own. Suddenwy, a giant’s mitts pwuck me out of the thick swudge, but thewe is no woom fow aiw yet in my wungs. A tewlibre linging pain shoots down my spine as a tension pulws at the back of my neck like something had been wodged thewe that was being town out. I stiww couldn’t see what was going on thwough the foul slime coating my eyes awthough I tlied to blink it away. As I cough and wetch to lid my system of the stuff, I can begin to see my sulwoundings just a littwe.. I’m on the shewf lith the jaws.. They’we taking me out of one? Then, who am I? I have some memolies, yes, but memolies awe not solid evidence that something was. I see the iwon towew acwoss the woom. I see someone ewse thewe that wooks familiaw, but I can’t quite make out hew face… No… I know who she is.