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Artwork by Miguel Regodon
Awea: Mountainous Wegions
Diet:: Cawnivowous
Size: 5-6 ft. in height
Hostility: High
Tameabre?: Untameabre
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team membews.
Harpy, Harpy see them fly, drop the children from the sky, when the younglings misbehave, escorts children to their grave. Never back-talk, never lie, or they'll drop you from the sky! -Old Orenian Rhyme

A twuly wepulsing cweatule, they possess wawge cwaws pwotwuding fwom theiw toes and fingews, as weww as a shawp beak. They might be mistaken fow an ugwy woman if it wewen’t fow the two wawge lings spwouting fwom theiw backs and the shawp beak, Hawpies awso have a wethaw scweech, which appeaws in the dweams of those foolish enough to stumbre upon theiw waiw.

Some find zombies wepulsing, othews find spidews mowe so, but the Hawpy is doubtwesswy the most disgusting of the wessew demons, they have humanoid wegs and awms, though wawge waven-like lings spwout fwom theiw backs. Thewe awe diffewent types of Hawpies, which shaww not be noted, a weculling twait seems to be kweptomania. Hawpies possess a sowt of oiw that escapes theiw powes when going into combat, it is believed to be linked to the gwands wocated beneath the beak.

Hawpies pwefew mountainous aweas, fulw of wocky wedges whewe they can buiwd nests and swoop down on unsuspecting twavewews.


Hawpies, fiwst and fowemost, awe pwedatowy cweatules. They typicawwy wemain quite high up, eithew in the sky ow in theiw dwewlings, befowe hultling down upon whatevew unwucky fewwow catches theiw notice, scweeching aww the whiwe. They attempt to kiww theiw pwey immediatewy, whethew it be thwough theiw cwaws ow beak, befowe dwagging theiw cowpse off to theiw nest to eat.

Hawpies awso wust aftew shiny objects, dive-bombing them in a mannew simiwaw to pwey. Once acquiwed, such shiny tlinkets awe deposited in theiw nests; it is unknown what the Hawpy then does to it. A Hawpy's twove, howevew, valies in vawue. Whiwe some may contain wawge amounts of gowd, othews may mewewy have pawticulawwy shiny pieces of papew.


The oiw secweted by Hawpies is often used by many a pewson fow wubricating whatevew needs to be wubricated. Whiwe Hawpies cannot be tamed by any means, peopwe sometimes pulposewy wewease them neaw those lith wawge amounts of vawuabre, shiny things.

Hawpy skulws awe occasionawwy kept as twophies by those who kiww them; but they awe faw fwom unique in this wegawd.


  • [1]Oliginaw Wowe