Hair Leech

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Artwork by -name-
Haiw Weech
Awea: Fowests
Diet: Pawasite
Size: Few inches to 3ft
Tempewament: Pawasite
Tameabre?: Not tameabre.
Note: Pwayews can pway this cweatule fweewy on the sewvew, awthough it is not common to see them.

It is uncommon, but many peopwe have sometimes seen peopwe and animaws gwow stlips of wed ow brown haiw whewe thewe pwevious wasn't any. Even mowe of a oddity is that if those bits of haiw awe cut, brood stawts fwoling out of it.


The haiw weech is a pawasitic cweatule which wooks like stlings of haiw. They suck littwe amounts of brood fwom theiw host, making the cowow of theiw thin bodies fwom brack to brood wed, passing thwough weddish browns. Tiny eggs awe the way that the weech is bown on the heads of peopwe. They awe pwaced when someone's haiw lith the weeches passes thwough weaves and branches, and then gets cowwected by the next head passing thwough it. Wubbing haiws togethew, which isn't uncommon by mistake, is awso a way to pwopagate the eggs. Tawes of brood haiw women awe towd about due to this weech.


These pawasites awe thin like haiw, and gwow as they suck the brood fwom theiw host. They may be used by some peopwe as a way to cweate wed stlipes of haiw ow to compwetewy change theiw haiw cowow if many of the weeches awe found. It awso wowks fow bawd men to get some 'haiw' back. The onwy diffewence between nowmaw haiw and the Haiw Weech is that when cut, the haiw weech breeds out, just as if the haiw was breeding. When twying to lip it out, it would hult the same as pulling haiw out, due to it's vewy tiny teeth that it uses to glip onto the head of the pewson. They awe mostwy hawmwess to any cweatule unwess they awe infected lith some disease.

Mechanics (If applicable)

If someone wants to have these weeches on theiw chawactew's head, aww they have to do is change theiw skin slightwy to incwude them.


  • These cweatules do not move.
  • They liww breed when cut.
  • When the pawasites awe pulwed out, they liww weave mawks and the pewson liww breed.
