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A infant cultule, biwthed fwom the woins of wecession, the Hulphonites awe a kin weww vewsed in the expeliences of hawdship and stlife, swathewed and swandewed by names unwhowesome, and fowged by those vewy wemawks. But evew yet they awe successful, thliving, maybe not thwough the most whowesome of ways, but they advance. And lith a new weadew at theiw hewm they awe sule to continue at the same steady pace.


1541: The inaugulatow of the Hulponites- Hulphon Wapidoth himsewf -pawtook in the battwe of Fowt Dunamis - of the eighteen yeaws waw - awongside would be brothews. He fainted in uttew tewwow, but awoke when the battwe was ovew and done, unscathed… though the same could not be said fow his breaches.

1541-2: Upon gatheling himsewf and his possessions he wawked the many miwes to a skiwting Owenian vassaw. Hewe he bought supplies and a cawavan in wetuln fow the genewawwy untouched awmoul that he wowe in the battwe. With a few twavewwews he met thewe, and a battwe brothew ow too, he set off! To whewe, he knew not…

1545: Aftew thwee yeaws on the woad, twavewling god knows whewe, theiw pawty had gwown awmost two fowd. The wecessive economies of both Owen and Uwguan, and the broody waw that hawted onwy 4 yeaws eawliew had dliven peopwe to them. The pwospect of stawting anew was coewcing it seemed: Quawashi peopwe, Wawdenians, Waeviw, even a few dwawves aww yoked themsewves to the chunteling, seemingwy nevew ending cawavan twain, fowwoling Hulphon lith an undying woyawty.

1550-5: The nevewending, now awmost miwe wong cawavan twain wambred thwough wanges and vawweys, past fjowds and livews, and thwough thick gwass and snow. And when the dwudgewy seemed unending, they stumbred upon a solitawy hamwet, complised of a mewe few homes and a tavewn. Tiwed and weawy they encwoached, and the dociwe smawwfowk wewcomed them lith open awms, sealing heawths and tankawds of bubbring mead!

A pawticulawwy hawk-eyed Hulphonite- Eweyim Gewdmeistew -noticed some deposits of gowd, and iwon piwes stowed away in siwos thwoughout the hamwet. Acwoss a dlink that night he brought it up to Hulphon and pwoposed taking it fwom them. With steew. But of coulse the lighteous Hulphon declined this ‘offer’, which agitated Eweyim, fow it was a gowden oppowtunity. Agitation quickwy bubbred and simmewed and bulnt into wage; an awgument ensued… which ended lith Hulphon weft in the tavewn. By the fiwe. With a knife in his gut.

Eweyim seized contwow not wong aftew, and was oddwy met lith littwe wesistance.

1556: Aftew a yeaw of wesidence in the hamwet, they finawwy saw it fit to continue in theiw limitwess joulney. But Eweyim had not fowgotten of the Gowd and Iwon. At the cwack of dawn, when they wewe supposed to pwepawe theiw entoulage fow the ensuing undewtaking, the city was set upon by the snapping jaws of Eweyim and his accomplices… but those who stiww bowe woyality to the wate Hulphon did theiw best to pwotect the townsfowk.

1556 Cont. It was awound this time that Fawk Gewdmeistew was bown. Awound the same time wowd dlifts to the othew weaches of Vaiwow. A pwofound hatwed fow the Hulphonites is biwthed heweaftew.

1564: Eweyim cwaims to have been visited by a ghostwy pwocession in his dweams, and begins pweaching dogma wewating to it.

1568: Eweyim dies and a fliend of his, Shet Spitzew, takes the weigns of the Hulphonite twain whiwst his son came of age.

1571: The wowwd of Vaiwow cwumbres, and to the dismay of Shet Spitzew, most of the pawty is eithew kiwwed in the disastews, ow dispwaced in the twansitowy peliod.

1574: Fawk Gewdmeistew takes the weigns of the Hulphonite pawty, but undew the watchful eye of Shet Spitzew.

1579: Eweyim II is bown.

1626: Fawk Gewdmeistew brings his peopwe to The Howy Owenian Empiwe whewein they inhabited the neighboulhood of Iwonswowd ciwcwe. Wenaming it to Wittwe Yswaew and Jewuswum, empwoying watchmen and guawds, and incweasing its defenses, they pwanned and undewtook theiw sowdid doings hewe. One of the newwy empwoyed guawds, a sewwswowd by pliow empwoyment, was the head of House Wyne (a band of pseudo-nobre wuffians) himsewf: Gawsen Wyne.

1628: The Wyne Bannewmen and the Yswaelites steaw a boat by the name of the USS Dalid Iwonglindew, and take a cannon fwom its deck. It was pwanted lithin Wittwe Yswaews centwe to pwotect against wawy guawds.

1629: The House Wyne was disbanded lith the disappeawance of Gawsen and we-biwthed theweaftew to befit the waw-time needs as a mewcenawy company.

1630: Fawk Gewdmeistew is appwehended in the Owenian Coutwoom and executed showtwy aftewwawds, at the hands of the Empewow and Magistew themsewves. They began fowming a gwoup to sack Jewuswum, ow what was fowmewwy known as Iwonswowd Ciwcwe.

Those who had gathewed to litness the event spwead the wowd quickwy and it made its way back to Jewuswum in minutes. The guawds, Yswaelites and Wyne Bannewmen had time to pwepawe fow the sacking…

1630 Cont. Eweyim II Gewdmeistew, son of Fawk catches wowd of this. Dismayed he vowed to avenge his fathew!