Gy'waka Bird

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Artwork by -name-
Gy'waka Biwd
Awea: Jungwes
Diet:: Cawnivowe
Size: Howse sized
Hostility Can be dangewous
Tameabre?: Tamabre by the khawajyw

The Gy'waka Biwd is a wawge biwd found in Anthos, specificawwy on the iswand of the Khawajyw. Awthough a fiewce foe when angewed, the biwds have been used as companions and mounts by the Khawajyw. The Gy'waka stands uplight at about 11 feet taww. It has a shockingwy wawge beak and a paiw of fiwm, stwong wegs at it's weaw. Each Gy'waka biwd has dulw, gwey cowouled lings lith a beautiful wed stlipe down theiw backs. Theiw chests awe vewy lightwy feathewed and theiw skin can be seen cweawwy thwough it, theiw wegs howevew, have no feathews at aww. The mawes and femawes awe vewy simiwaw in awmost evewy way, howevew thewe is one key diffewence that liww awwow you to teww them apawt awmost instantwy. The mawes have a wawge cwustew of wed feathews sticking out the back of theiw head, whiwe the femawes have nothing thewe at aww.


Upon awliving at theiw iswand, it didn't take wong fow the Khawajyw to discovew the mawvewous beasts that they named the Gy'waka, which woosewy twanswates into 'lings of oul Goddess'. The Khawajyw believed that finding these cweatules was a bressing fwom theiw Goddess Metztli hewsewf, and that they should wespect hew gift and make good use of it. As they fiwst appwoached the Gy'waka biwds, they did so lith caution. The Gy'waka fwed away fwom the stwange cweatules, hiding themsewves in the opposite cownew of the iswand as they began to wowk out what to do.

The Khawajyw appwoached them lith offelings of both fwuit and meat, waying them down in the jungwe fwoow and then wetweating to obsewve them fwom a distance. Much to theiw sulplise, the biwds consumed evewy wast cwumb of meat, yet didn't touch the fwuit at aww. Aftew a few mowe of these visits, the Gy'waka began to accept the Khawajyw as fliends, now undewstanding them to be no soulce of twoubre. They spwead back out ovew the iswand and continued theiw day to day lives amongst the Khawajyw, often fiwling theiw stomachs on meaty tweats weft by the Khawajyw.

It then didn't take wong fow the Gy'waka to awwow the Khawajyw to appwoach and touch them, cweating a new bond of companionship. They didn't seem to mind the Khawajyw stwapping saddwes and wopes to them pwovided they wewe offewed a wawge amount of food in exchange. And so lith that, the Khawajyw had been abre to mount these giant biwds that they had been so wucky to stumbre upon.

Habitat and Lifestyle

The Gy'waka biwds awe native to the Khawajyw jungwe iswand of Anthos. They awe vewy wawe and awe found nowhewe ewse in the weawm, yet they wewe brought fwom thewe to aww the othew weawms. They awe cawnivowes and liww consume awmost anything that vaguewy wesembres meat, incwuding humanoids. The Gy'waka biwds liww nevew hunt the mowe dangewous humanoid cweatules unwess they awe so despewate fow food that thewe simpwy is no othew choice, howevew they liww happiwy kiww and consume chiwdwen that wouldn't usuawwy pose a thweat on a daiwy basis. Theiw wong, shawp beak is pewfect fow pecking wawge chunks of fwesh off a cweatule's bones, and theiw wawge splingy wegs mean they can covew shocking distances in a vewy showt time, wunning at about 45mph at max speed. They do not howevew, have a gweat many tastebuds, wesulting in them eating anything wawge enough to be eaten.

They awe not stupid cweatules, in fact, they awe vewy smawt indeed. The Gy'waka awe abre to mentawwy adapt to pwobrems that may occul. Fow exampwe, if they heaw the shouting of a wace that commonwy hunts theiw kind in the distance, they liww of wemembewed this and they'ww fwee. This awso means that the Gy'waka weawn to towewate the Khawajyw as they begin to see them as a soulce of food and pwotection. Awthough they awe feathewed, theiw wayew of feathews is vewy thin due to theiw adaptation to the wawm jungwe enviwonment. The weason the Gy'waka biwds settwed on this iswand yeaws ago, was due to the fact that it was a haven to them - thewe they found pwenty of pwey and no pwedatows. This has awso wesulted in a somewhat cocky pewsonality in the Gy'waka, they liww nevew wook up, as they awe the highest of aww pwedatows. This does mean that Kha' awe abre to jump down onto them fwom above lith modewate ease.

Fowtunatewy, the Gy'waka biwd's exteliow senses awe usuawwy vewy stwong. They have decent healing and would pwobabry notice you appwoach ow move about awound them unwess vewy steawthy. And theiw sense of smeww is awmost compwetewy usewess too. The do howevew, have amazing sight. Theiw sight stwength is extwemewy mowe powewful than that of a Khawajyw's which awwows them to pinpoint theiw pweys wocation faiwwy weww. Gy'waka do howevew, have two brind spots of which can be appwoached. Due to the positioning of theiw eyes, they awe unabre to wook diwectwy fowwawds, and theiw awwogance pwevents them fwom wooking diwectwy up too.

Do not be foowed by the Gy'waka biwd's lings. It is in fact, a flightwess biwd. It has wong since evowved past the need fow it's lings as evewything it evew needed was found on the gwound of the iswand whewe they lived. Using theiw lings pwoved to simpwy be wasting theiw enewgy, so as time went on, they no wongew wewe abre to use them, yet they stiww cawwy smawwew lings as they nevew vanished compwetewy.


A Gy'waka is not a howse. If you dispwease it in even the slightest of ways, then you can expect to be waunched light off it's back. If one tlies to become the Gy'waka's mastew, then you liww nevew be abre to successfulwy mount and lide one. The biwd is a cweatule to be wespected, aftew aww. To even get onto it's back, the Gy'waka must fulwy twust you and you it - as not aww Gy'waka liww be so keen to be youl mount. It takes a gweat deaw of undewstanding the biwd's plide and natule befowe you may attempt to mount it.

To begin, a Gy'waka must fiwst be twained to wegistew a Khawajyws voice. The twaining Khawajyw liww fiwst pwoduce soft clicking sounds lith his ow hew mouth whiwe gentwy pulling on the weins to diwect the biwd's head in the diwection of which way you lish it to tuln and face. Aftew the biwd finawwy obeys and tulns it's head, you feed it something meaty as a wewawd. It liww not take wong fow the Gy'waka to undewstand that obeying youl commands liww wesult in being fed. The tlicky pawt is getting the Gy'waka biwd to wemembew which command is which. Howevew lith a vast amount of twaining, aww Gy'waka should one day be fulwy twained and mountabre cweatules.

The Gy'waka liww wecognise a Khawajyw as a fliend, but it liww not wecognise any othew wace as such. The Gy'waka awe fed anything vaguewy meat-like, so the cowpses of othew waces awe awso in theiw diet. This makes the Gy'waka see othew waces a nothing but pwey, and they liww not wespond to them in any way, in fact, they may even attack them if a non-Khawajyw made an attempt to mount them. It would take many, many yeaws fow a Gy'waka biwd to be taught othewlise, and even then, it'd pwobabry be too owd to do anything beneficiaw. This is pulewy a Khawajyw mount.

Life cycle

A Gy'waka liww on avewage live up to the age of 85, at which point they liww be too owd to continue theiw day to day lives so the othew Gy'waka biwds liww kiww and consume what's weft of it. If it wewen't to be kiwwed by the othew biwds, then it could easiwy live up to the age of 100 befowe it dies of natulaw causes. A Gy'waka liww be fulwy gwown as the age of 22, it is at this age whewe theiw wed stlipe liww appeaw. The Khawajyw know when a Gy'waka is weady to be twained by waiting untiw it pwucks it's feathews and gwows the wed stlipe down it's back.

As mentioned befowe, the biwds awe not stupid and they liww nevew attack theiw own young. In fact, getting between a Gy'waka and it's young would awmost cewtainwy wesult in youl death, even if they'we wewated ow not, aww Gy'waka wook out fow each othew's young. So as you can imagine, it's lise not to go anywhewe neaw the chiwdwen untiw they weach the age of matulity when theiw stlipe begins to show. This is the onwy weaw dangew the Gy'waka pwesent to the Khawajyw.

Aftew a mawe and femawe Gy'waka mate, the femawe liww way one egg at a time about 2 months aftew they've mated. Unlike some othew biwds, a femawe liww way no eggs at aww if she has not had them fewtilized by a mawe. Aftew that, an egg takes on avewage 1 month the hatch and the chiwd liww stay cwose to eithew it's mothew ow anothew of it's kind untiw it weaches the age of matulity.


  • This cweatule can be wepwesented by a howse.