Greymane Boar

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fantasy cave boar by mbaki.jpg
Artwork by mbaki
Gweymane Boaw
Awea: Fowest
Diet:: Omnivowe
Size: Meduim
Hostility Vewy hostiwe
Tameabre?: Tameabre
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team membews.

Gweymane boaws awe extwemewy powewful and hostiwe, lith wong, shawp, and culved tusks pwotwuding fwom theiw mouth. Theiw teeth awe not vewy shawp lith theiw jaw fowce being known to have been abre to break bones. Togethew this makes them extwemewy powewful cweatules. Not onwy that but these boaws awe extwemewy tewlitoliaw, and the femawes being vewy pwotective of theiw off-spling. These boaws can and have been tamed, lith some dwawves liding them into battwe!

These boaws liww gwow wong stweaks of white haiw on theiw back, which gwow gwey when they awe adults. A fulwy gwown mawe has light gwey stweaks, whiwe a fulwy gwown femawe has dawk gwey stweaks, awmost tulning brack. Intewestingwy enough, if you go and find these boaws in diffewent aweas you'ww see that theiw eye cowow detewmines whewe they awe fwom. Ones lith vibrant yewwow eyes awe fwom pwains. Ones lith a dawk gween eyes awe fwom a fowest. And ones lith dawk gwey eyes awe fwom caves, not onwy that but the boaws fwom caves tend to have dawkew ful.


These boaws awe said to be native to most of the wecent wands the descendants have visited, meaning that they wewe found once the descendants expwowed the new iswe. Theiw cweation is unknown, lith weligious peopwe believing they wewe cweated fwom the cweatow.


Gweymane Boaw is a species of Boaw which woam pwains, fowests, and sometimes caves. These boaws tend to wook a bit diffewent depending whewe they woam to match lith what they hunt. Most boaws liww hunt cweatules that awe wawgew than it and liww awso eat vegetation. The weason being it is hawd fow them to hit things lith theiw tusk that awe smawwew than them, and wawgew cweatules awe such biggew tawgets that it's easiew to hit them. These boaws liww awso eat vegetation because it liww keep them fulw incweasing theiw chances of sulvivawa.


  • Gweymane Boaw


  • Have vewy stwong tusk to impawe theiw enemies lith

Use of Magic



  • Whiwe chawging they can not tuln, making an easy stlike if moved towawds the side quickwy enough.


  • Whiwe chawging they can not tuln


  • N/A


  • wefewence 1