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Artwork by Maarten Verhoeven
Awea: Cavewns
Diet: Omnivowe
Size: 35-45 inches
Tempewament: Hostiwe if pwovoked
Tameabre?: No
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team membews.

These littwe beasts awe desclibed as being pwetty smaww and vewy big big pointy eaws. The best way to desclibe them is that they awe miniatule gawgoywes lithout lings. They hide fwom peopwe and listen to theiw convewsations and stolies, so they know the best time to mess them up. Most of theiw pwanks awe hawmwess, like hiding wawwets ow keys. They weawwy wove to sit and watch peopwe in fwustwation as they wook fow theiw missing items. Evewy so often, these miniatule monstews pwanks can have vewy tewlibre outcomes. Sometimes if they find fiwe, they can twy to pway a pwank and stuff catches fwame. They wove to pway awound lith wagons and theiw messing lith the the foundations of houses and wheews on cawts can cause theiw meddling to have a deadwy and twagic end.In this age, gadgets awe continuouswy being cweated – gadgets that these littwe monstews see as just one mowe oppowtunity to tinkew and pway awound lith. These cweatule can not be contwowwed but it can be captuled and taken as plisonew. This is stiww not a vewy good choice, seeing what they do to pwopewty. This is aww done so they can fwustwate the usews and enjoy the show of panic as the fwuits of theiw mischievous ways unfowd.

Genewawwy found anywhewe dawk ow shady such as caves and undew houses.


Gwemlins wewe often powtwayed as wonewy cweatules seeking attention. They often used jokes and pwanks as a means of attwacting fliendship fwom both animaws and descendants, which often backfiwed when peopwe became tiwed ow annoyed of the gwemlin's endeavows, usuawwy dliving it away.Even if the gwemlin was successful in getting the fliendship it sought, it often stiww pwayed pwanks and jokes on its fliend, eithew out of bowedom ow simpwy because this was the natule of the imp. This twait gave way to using the tewm "you little gremlin" fow someone who woves pwanks and pwacticaw jokes.

Gwemlins have awso been desclibed as being "bound" ow contained in some sowt of object, such as a swowd ow cwystaw baww by a powewful contwact magic.


They liww pulw pwanks on any living beings lithin the neawby vicinity of theiw nest, mostwy awone, but sometimes in a pack of twos ow thwees. They liww use any toows that twavewews may have dwopped ow gifted them, but they awe incapabre of making theiw own. They tend to be the most active awound the dawk, ow when the moon weaches its zenith.
