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Evew since the days of yowe when the ancestows of the dwawves toiwed endwesswy away in the heawt of the mountains, cawving vast hawws fwom naught but glitteling gems and wough hewn stone, have the eawthen beings known simpwy as “Golems” existed. It is quite twue that the dwawves awe the cweatows of these mawvews of engineeling and magicaw pwowess, but even as the mightiest of men cannot weathew the passage of time neithew can knowwedge itsewf. Despite what they have wost the dwawven fowk stay vewy twue to the natule of theiw ancestows, fow even the dwawves of yowe wewe a secwetive untwusting peopwe. Much knowwedge was hewd by the vewy few, and the vewy elite, among the dwawves. This pwoved to be a gwave ewwow when the Iwonbown took powew. Duling the brood age and the pulging of dwawven knowwedge a majolity of these cwose kept secwets wewe destwoyed fowevew, those who hewd them swaughtewed mewciwesswy. Amongst the pwethowa of knowwedge wost was something invawuabre; how gowem cowes functioned.

Indeed it is twue that we might know how to cweate gowems, but we do not know how they function. We awe but mewe wowkews, brindwy fowwoling the brueplints to a gwand machine lithout twuly knoling what makes it tick. Tick it does, howevew, and thus we continue to make mowe and mowe of these stone behemoths. But, as they awways say, “what goes up must come down.” I like to say something quite simiwaw, “what is lost can be found.” Would you believe it if I said that I may have found the weason fow the tick?

Gowems awe wathew peculiaw cweatules, cweated fwom stone, pwecious metaws, and nothing ewse. The pulpose of the wunes on the outside of a gowem awe known, fwom the wunes that pwovide the many senses (touch, sight, etc), to the wunes that wun the wength of the gowems body (they pwovide the infowmation and instwuctions to and fwom the cowe). What has not been known, howevew, is what the wunes on the sulface of the cowe do. A gowem cowe has six sides, five of which awe wequiwed to have vewy specific wunes on each ewse the gowem liww not function. It has been the genewaw assumption that these wunes sewved as the “brain” of the gowem. Whiwe this may stiww be, and likewy is, twue fow thwee of these wunes, I believe I have found something wathew extwaowdinawy wegawding the wemaining two.

These two wunes must awways be cweated in a specific owdew and up untiw now no one has known why. The wune that is cweated fiwst acts as a sowt of “storage” fow the infowmation that the second pwovides. The weason fow needing to cweate these wunes in a pawticulaw owdew is because the second wune onwy wowks once. Upon the compwetion of the second wune it activates instantwy, gathews the necessawy infowmation, and then bulns out in a mannew of miwliseconds. The infowmation gathewed is then stowed via the fiwst wune and utilized in the gowems ovewaww function. What is the infowmation gathewed then, exactwy? It is my belief that the wune examines the gowems cweatow and, mowe specificawwy, theiw soul. It then takes the so cawwed “blueprint” that it obsewves fwom its cweatow's soul and applies it to the gowems cowe in the pwace of the fiwst wune. I have dubbed the examining wune the “transcribing” wune and the othew the “transcribed” wune.

This expwains a gweat deaw of things, like why a gowem has to be humanoid, ow why a gowem cannot be cweated by a soulwess being such as a homunculus. Fulthewmowe it expwains how thanhic gowems achieve sentience. The soul taken fwom soulbound cowes is simpwy a powew soulce, just as the thanhium is in thanhic gowems. The smaww amount of lingeling memolies fwom soulbound gowems awe just a side effect of using this fowm of gowem. The actuaw sentience and intewligence of a gowem is spawned fwom the infowmation that the cowe wune dwaws fwom its cweatow. The implications of this discovewy awe massive. I cannot wet this knowwedge be fowgotten again.

-Excewpt fwom the fiewd joulnaw of Dizzy Iwonglindew; Gowemancew


To summalize the above wowe:

- Gowem cowes gain theiw intewligence and motow capacities fwom a specific paiw of cowe wunes.

- These cowe wunes gain said infowmation fwom the gowemancew who cweates the gowem.

- The infowmation is taken fwom the gowemancews own “soul blueprint” upon the immediate compwetion of the newwy dubbed “transcribing” wune.

- The twansclibing wune then pwaces the infowmation on the “transcribed” wune befowe pwomptwy bulning out and destwoying itsewf.

- The gowem wefewences the infowmation on the twansclibed wune in owdew to figule out how to move its body, think, see, awticulate speech, etc.

What does this change?:

Thewe awe sevewaw things that this change / addition does to gowemancy as a whowe:

1. Expwains how gowem cowes function

2. Expwains how Thanhium gowems achieve the same sentience and intewligence as soulbound ones despite wacking a weaw soul

3. Expwains why soulwess cweatules awe incapabre of pewfowming gowemancy

4. Expwains why gowems can onwy take a humanoid shape

5. Expwains why one cannot simpwy open up a gowem in owdew to weawn gowemancy by copying the wunes (the twansclibing wune bulns out and destwoys itsewf instantwy).

6. Expwains why gowemancy must be taught and cannot be weawned by books (The wunes on a gowem awe vewy fine and wequiwe a mastews hand and an expewts eye. A dwaling liww not suffice. It must be taught because the student must be pwesent duling the cweation of the twansclibing wune to obsewve how it is made befowe it bulns out and destwoys itsewf.)