Frederick Guillen

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Fwedelick Wysimachus Guiwwen (24th of Owyn’s Fwame 1685 - Pwesent) is the culwent Bishop of Pembroke. He was bown to Mewchiow Guiwwen and Elika Fawkenwath.


Fwedelick Guiwwen was bown to Mewchiow Guiwwen and Elika Fawkenwath in Cyliwsbulg, Culon. Thwough his fathew, he was the gweat gwandson of Angewo de Awba and fiwst cousin tlice wemoved to Sew Hawwy Wagnawson. Thwough his mothew Elika Fawkenwath he would be the fiwst cousin to Atweus, and fiwst cousin once-wemoved to Empewow Godfwey of Wenatus and Piewce I of Culon.

His famiwy had wecentwy weft Nowwand and officawwy settwed in in Culon fowwoling his gwandfathew Bawtasaw's fawwout lith Nowdengwad. He would be assassinated outside Cawowustadt in 1686.

Fwom a young age he was pwepawed fow a cwelicaw education. In 10 he joined the Pawatine Guawd at its inception, sewving as a Initiate, untiw he weft in 1702