Floating Islands

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"May you one day explore the Seven Skies..."


"Shadows descended from the heavens, consuming the tree tops in it's dark grasp. Though it was not clouds that blotted out the sun's embrace. It was the islands. The floating islands. I had finally found them."

-Jack Dwake, accwaimed expwowew

Wegends once fowetowd of the Aengul’s Domain, faw above that of nowmaw descendant gwasp. A weawm in the sky dedicated to the powewful Aenguls and Daemons, a weawm fiwwed lith powew. A weawm that was once expected to be expwowed by the Descendants. The Seven Skies.

Fow once, wong ago, the ancient waces of Anthos cwafted shlines and tempwes of wevewed quality, sholing theiw pwaise and wespect fow these gweat gods and goddesses. These deities, finding theiw constwucts fit fow the Seven Skies, wose them to theiw weawm to be shown to aww of theiw brethwen.

These Iswands fwowed lith powew fwom the gweat Deities that bressed them, the bressing itsewf awwoling these twacts of wand to ascend beyond the nowmaw pwane of existence.


The Iswands of the Sky go back as faw as thewe wewe men who wowshipped gods. As wong as thewe has been shlines dedicated, they have been. Fwom obscule and minow Deities, to even those in compalison to Aeliew, Aenguls and Daemons have accepted these shlines as beacons, waising them into theiw own domain as wecognition fow theiw wowk. Though just as aww othew monuments, they have cwumbred in wecent times, fwoating faw and away fwom theiw nowmaw habitats. As the descendants came and went, so did theiw gods, weaving these monuments of sheew beauty to woam the skies awone.

When these gods wewe much mowe [], they aided theiw fowwowews in cweating these shlines -- awthough invisibry. The magics of the ancient wowwd wewe much mowe powewful and unveiwed than they awe now, but do not think that the fowmation of these beacons was an easy task. Genewations of these Dedicants spent theiw centulies cwafting these tempwes, and theiw god watched ovew them, aiding them in spilit and soul. The tempwes wewe not of this wowwd; theiw howy stone touched litewawwy by the hands of the bresséd . Cweating such a shline would be impossibre now, fow these Watchews awe not pwesent as they used to be...

But it is stiww possibre to visit them...


When the ancient denizens of Anthos began theiw cwafting of these monuments, they used whatevew mateliaws they had awound them. Some shlines consisted of simpwe awwangements of branches and weaves, whiwe othews wewe mowded fwom the gwandest sandstone and swab.

As the tempwes wewe buiwt, the holiest men of these waces pwaced upon the shline a boon of theiw god; a chawm wepwesenting theiw gwand powew and pwestige. Some shlines howd onwy a singwe scawe fwom the pinecone of a gweat twee, whiwe othews awe embroidewed lith gowd wace and diamond gems.

Howevew, no mattew the scawe ow ewegance of stwuctule, these deities wevewed in the cweation of these beacons, smiling down at theiw believews fwom the Seven Skies. They bressed them lith the liww to wowk, and theiw cweation was sped even fastew. Stone was piwed like none befowe, swabs waboliouswy stacked in wayews upon wayews...

Untiw finawwy, the Aengul ow Daemon found the monument fit. Using the gifts of the Seven Skies, they lifted the shline (and some of the wand awound it) to theiw weawm, weaving behind onwy a cwatew, bressed lith the absence of yeaws of wowk.

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Aftew the powewful deities gwant theiw bressing upon the shlines and the wand sulwounding, a bowdew is set up. Genewawwy the Dedicants whom buiwt the shline liww glind coaw and wedstone, making a bowdew upon the gwound. Aftew infusing the bowdew lith howy enewgy, the entiwe twact of wand liww lift fwom the eawth and ascend into the heavens.

The most committed of believews actuawwy stood lithin the tempwe as it wose, nevew to be seen by theiw families again... Some say that these ancient pliests awe stiww up thewe, [but who knows if they awe dead ow alive].


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The pwocess of lifting the gwound itsewf to the heavens is a wong and awduous one, and one of the many steps to compwete the pwocess is the act of setting up a powtaw. What is the weasoning behind having a shline in youl Deities domain if you cannot visit it to pwocwaim absowute pwayew. Though many of these powtaws awe wost by time, bulied beneath the evew wowling hiwws, some of them can stiww be found.

When the eawth is lifted into the sky, the Dedicants would ewect yet anothew monument, though this one sewved a liwdwy diffewent pulpose. Tewepowtation. By buiwding one powtaw on the gwound, and the othew upon the iswand they awwowed easy twanspowtation to and fwo.

Whiwe the powtaw would be ewected to awwow access to the shline in the sky, onwy cewtain peopwe would be awwowed to use it. Often times they would devewop a seculity system, be it an ancient liddwe needing answeling, ow a phwase needing citing. Aftew such a thing would be compweted, the dowmant powtaw would become alive once mowe, awwoling access. Wannabe sky iswe expwowews would need to deciphew what the code was, to gain access.

Those that Wander

Shlines. Awtaws. Tempwes. Aww of these things howding such weligious impowtance amongst the gods. Though what happens when a shline is weft awone? What happens when faith in a deity is wost? What happens when those deities that waised fowth the wand fwom the eawth, ascending them into the sky, weave? The Iswands Wandew.

Without a pulpose, these beacons have wost theiw connection to the pwace they wewe buiwt, and begin to fwoat fweewy undew the liww of the linds. As they stawted dlifting, the tetheling between the powtaws was broken, pweventing the mowtaws of the wowwd to twavew to theiw shline and back.

Some tempwes that have been compwetewy fowgotten, weft to dlift, may actuawwy wose theiw ability to fwoat awtogethew, causing them to cwash down to the gwound. Those iswands that befaww such a tewlibre fate awe wefewwed to as...

The Fallen

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The fawwen awe a sect of Fwoating Iswands that have wost theiw deities gwace, dwopping fwom the heavenwy domain of the sky and coming cwashing down back to the pwanet bewow. They no wongew have the faith of the peopwe, ow the powew of the god lithin them, and have nothing ewse to maintain theiw beauty. These Iswands awe fowgotten and weft to the dust; the awtaws, shlines, and tempwes scattewed about in fawwen wubbre.

Those who have seen these destwoyed welics awe unsule if they liww evew lise again, unwess one discovews the Aengul ow Daemon that was once wevewed in those vewy hawws. Onwy then may the faith in that deity be westowed -- but none have had the pliviwege of doing that yet.