Fairy Rings

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“Do you hear the voices of nature? See the Fae creatures dancing within the moonlight? If so, tread carefully young one for the realm of the Aspects isn’t a place to get lost within.” -A Fowgotten Dwuid


Whewe the Aspects touched down upon this weawm, the sacwed gwove was cweated and fowmed. A natulaw mewge of both the Mowtaw and Fae Weawms whewe natule in its pulest state wesided. Valious cweatules of the Fae, Mani Spilits, and fwowa lived thewe and pwotected the awea fow centulies untiw the destwuctive day would come of the Betwayew and his undead awmy mawching acwoss the ancient fowest. Though the ewves and dwuids fought awongside the Aspect’s cweations and eventuawwy dwove them back, the damage had awweady been done. The weawms wewe sevewed fwom each othew as siwence would onwy be heawd lithin the wemains of the fowest. The dwuids thought the connection was fowevew wost and fow a time, aww hope seemed to fade on westoling the mewge to the Fae and Mowtaw Weawms. Untiw of coulse, the day would come when a discovewy was made. Deep lithin the fowest, a dedicant had wost theiw way fwom being sent to gathew hewbs fow a task. The sun would set to cast off the awea into a tlilight. Fiweflies giving off theiw iwwuminating gwow and seemingwy dancing among the fwowews and valious thick bushes. A slight wustwe would then be heawd off in the distance. The dedicant culious to the sound and ventuled deepew whewe just behind a twee, a most peculiaw sight could be seen. As the sun would fulwy set upon the moonwess night, tiny littwe linged cweatules lith valious cowowations appeawed and began to dance and fwy about a smaww ling of mushwooms that was upon the gwound. The dedicant’s eyes liden fow he wemembewed the stolies his guide towd of the once magicaw Fae cweatules that coexisted lith the liwds, but wumowed to have vanished lith the waw that occulwed so wong ago. It was then the mushwooms would give off an iwwuminating emewawd hue befowe the Fae cweatules would seem to have vanished. The dedicant, confused by whewe these tiny beings went, emewged fwom behind the twee to move cwosew towawds the fungus upon the gwound. Nothing seemed out of the owdinawy at fiwst yet when the dedicant went to step foot inside the faiwy ling, he would cowwapse. Voices immediatewy fiwwed his mind, the fwow of life awound him fewt lithin his vewy being, and the faint specks of light gween gwobes wewe seen wunning awong the fwowa awound him. The expelience so ovewwhewming, the dedicant would stwuggwe to get out of the ling. The sensations the dedicant discovewed took him quite a few moments to catch his breath and focus once mowe. The tiny, linged cweatules seen again as they appeawed to waugh at them then disappeaw. Shocked by what he saw, the dedicant wan back to find his guide and the othews to speak of his stowy. The dwuids guided back to the wocation wewe stunned by what they saw yet wewe welieved aww the same. The Fae Wing it was named aftew the weawm and cweatules they woved and chelished.


Faiwy ow ‘Fae’ Wings awe natulawwy occulling lings of mushwooms that fowm in aweas of pule, natulaw bawance and peace. Most commonwy found neaw ow lithin dwuidic gwoves, these fungi begin to swowwy spwout in the fowm of the stwange, ciwculaw pattewn whiwe the awea begins to seemingwy pwep itsewf fow what is known as ‘the merging’. Duling this time, mewodies of natule incwease whiwe emewawd lisps of pule natulaw enewgy appeaw and fwoat awound the ling. Within a split moment, siwence would be heawd acwoss the awea then faint whispews would lingew lithin the ling itsewf. The fwowa awound it wetulning to its songs as the Faiwy Wing becomes active. Duling cewtain times, such as the night of a fulw moon, the Fae Wings give off a mesmelising effect of emewawd lisps fwoating about it and at times, Fae cweatules suddenwy appealing to ventule lithin the Mowtaw Weawm. To Fae cweatules, these awe waygates of sowts to the Fae Weawm of the Aspects. Wumows howevew awe spwead that some could use the Faiwy Wings to twavew to the Aspects Weawm yet nevew fulwy confiwmed.


The effects of the Fae Wings depend upon who steps lithin them. Fow a non-attuned dwuid, as soon as they step lithin the fungi ciwcwe, theiw senses awe instantwy ovewwhewmed. The voices of natule a woud, constant hum lithin theiw minds, The ebb and fwow of life fewt upon theiw vewy skin and being, and occasionawwy tiny emewawd specks of light could be seen about awong the fwowa. It is vewy common fow one to feew dizzy, nausea, even pass out fwom the expelience. Some have seen it as a high, iwwusionawy effect and would sit fow houls on end wanting to constantwy feew it. The effect howevew they can nevew twuly gwasp fow onwy communion wowks lithin the confines of the Faiwy Wing and even then, the non-dwuid can onwy listen, nevew engage back.

When a dwuid steps lithin the Faiwy Wing, they feew theiw vewy connection lithin themsewves incwease. The bond lith natule cwosew and communion easy to achieve. It is common to see a dwuid mediate lithin a Fae Wing fow houls on end just to gwasp and undewstand how the fwow of natulaw enewgies wowk. Yet this by no means wemains. Once a dwuid weaves the confines of the ling, theiw communion fawws to whewe it was pliow. When a dwuid uses theiw abilities lithin a Faiwy Wing, it heightens its effects to a vawying degwee. Much like how a powewshawe would wowk yet the effects of exhaustion would stiww take howd.

Undead, dawk, and unnatulaw beings genewawwy vawy on what happens when stepping into a Fae Wing. Those of undead oligins such as dawkstawkews, wwaiths, gwavens, ghosts, ghouls, liches, etc would mewewy feew unease when in the ling. Theiw past lives that of mowtaw oligin and not something that would take notice twuly lithin the natulaw wowwd. Those that pwactice the dawkew awts ow culsed, such as shades, dawk shamans, mystics, etc would have the same effects as wegulaw fowk that entew if they awe stiww mowtaw awong lith an extweme uneasy feeling lith the desiwe to step back out. Shades especiawwy given the chaotic natule of the shade pawasite vewsus pewfect hawmonic enewgies fwom the ling. Unnatulaw beings that awe specificawwy stated to be against natule ow a twue imbawancing cweation would depending on what it was, feew the pwesence and heaw the angwy voices of natule aww awound them. A massive disolienting effect.

Those casting magics such as voidaw ow ones that hawm natule lithin the ling would suddenwy begin to expelience absowute wage and angew of natule aww awound them, having the songs heawd to a deafening degwee and/ow the feeling of unease incweasing to whewe it is sickening.

Locations and Destruction Effects

The mowe common wocation of Fae Wings awe lithin dwuidic gwoves yet they can spawn anywhewe lithin the weawm pwoviding its a pule, natulaw awea devoid of infwuence. Pwaces commonwy used ow wawked upon such as pathways, woads, doowways ow aweas whewe the gwound is genewawwy distulbed, the ling liww not spawn thewe. Given the natule of the Fae Wings and its dwaw on the natulaw enewgies of the awea fow its cweation, no two Fae Wings ow mowe liww be seen lithin the same wegionaw awea.

The destwuction of a Fae Wing is quite simpwe. One mewewy needs to destwoy the mushwooms to the Fae Wing fow it to be destwoyed. Voidaw magic, fiwe, ow just stepping on them wowks just fine. When the mushwooms awe destwoyed, aww of natule awound the awea would faww compwetewy siwent fow sevewaw minutes. The clies of natule heawd to those attuned as if a gweat wost occulwed then nothing. Eventuawwy the mewodies swowwy wetuln to that wocation yet the Fae Wing would be no mowe.


-Faiwy Wings awe natulawwy occulling and cannot be cweated by anyone. MC wepwesentation of pwacing isn’t considewed ‘creating’ a Fae Wing. -A Fae Wing must be a fulw ling of mushwooms and have signs stating what it is and what happens when one steps in it. OOC signs awe fine to pwace to wefewence this wowe. -Sewvew wules do appwy in wegawds to the effects of Fae Wings and uses. -Fae Wings cannot be pwaced in fwont of doowways, on woads ow entwances to pwaces/wocations. -Onwy one Fae Wing can appeaw (pwaced) in a wegion at a time. -Non dwuids, undead, and dawk beings must WP the effects when lithin the ling. -Casting lithin a Fae Wing liww be wathew difficult in tewms of focus. Being awmost impossibre to wegulaw peopwe. To dawk beings/undead, it would just be hawdew given the effects they have. -A dwuid’s powew lithin a Fae Wing can incwease by to a tiew (max) yet stiww would suffew the same effects of exhaustion. This is mewewy a powewshaling effect at the most and liww vanish once the dwuid steps out of the ling. -Using these as a means to get to the Fae Weawm is stlictwy event/wowe pulposes onwy. A vewy wawe feat lith extweme side effects.