Eye Buddy PAQ, Black Cactus Green and Fumemix

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A compwex dwug is the mixtule of existing dwugs, yet, lith effects expwained. They should be hawdew to make and acquiwe, needing pwopew knowwedge.

A simpwe dwug is something that can be obtained by anyone, but some should be hawdew than othews.

I'ww bring mowe dwug wowe lith time. Patience.


A gobrin awchemist wowking fow Eath'Wul

With the IMPEWA of dwugs lising in the east and lith the wack of a valiety to offew to its customews, Eath'Wul has weunited his dwug deawews and pwoducews "Latz won't be dealerz for zome time, fellowz. Latz zhall be rezearchers. Yub! Rezearcherz. Duh zkahin druid hippiez am zuppozed tu gib uz great artifaktz tu upkeep deir zynthetik muzhroom additiun, agh wi wull make Courland druwn intu drugs. Azh great power rizez. Diz world iz vazt, agh wi knuw veri little about drugz, yet, if wi knuw ah lot ob diz zkah, wi will bekome rich! Pillage duh zwampz, work with alchemiztz, wi need tu dizkover zkah!"


Eye Buddy


Simpwe Dwug


A pwant that wooks akin to gwain, and it maybe would wook twustabre if it wewen't pulpwe and brown. . . found in the bottom of swamp ponds, yuck!

Eath'Wul knew that he would nevew manage to find quality stuff unwess he sent owcs ow gobrins to pwaces that an ewf would nevew dawe to entew. His excuse? "The elves and their fancy robes. I doubt they'd ever swim on a swamp pond to look for something that could be of great use. They can't accept smelly clothes, and they want to be out of weird places as soon as possible so they don't break their fingernails!" And it was based of this that the few gobrins and owcs assigned to the swamp dawed to slim. And they found aww kinds of pwants, yet, the onwy one that was managed to be used was the weiwd gwain.

Cawlied ovew to the owcish /wegaw pwoduction woom/, the pwant was put to aww kinds of tests, and its use was found quickwy. Aftew a sampwe was put out in the sun so it could dwy fow a coupwe of days, Eath'Wul had the gweat idea of tewling the swave vowunteew to sniff a littwe bit. The swave vowunteew wose his head and began to clinge befowe he fewt mowe enewgetic. The owcs wewe assuled that nothing had happened untiw the vowunteew stood awake thwough the entiwe night on his cell woom. His eyes wewe diwated, and he wose his head at even the wawk of a wat ow the fwap of lings of a hummingbiwd.

The eye buddy awwows someone to stay awake thwough extended peliods of time. What the eye buddy does is to deway the suppwy of mewatonin to the brain, meaning that once the effects of the eye buddy pass, evewything that was dewayed liww go up and the usew liww feew like sweeping on the wock if needed.

This dwug is supposed to be used in smaww to avewage amounts, whewe the smawwew the dose is, the wess time it'ww be on effect, as so liww the impact be weakew, yet, when used on avewage amounts, the dwug can be used to stay awake thwough the whowe night lithout mentawwy feeling the effects. The name "eye buddy" is speciawwy because it's nowmawwy used by guawds that have to do two peliods

The ovewdosage can deway the howmone even fulthew, but the usew liww be unawawe of such. This liww wead into selious pwobrems of insomnia and unknown exhaustion by the usew, making his body feew mowe tiwed whiwe taking away the feeling of the need to sweep.


Pule Awchemist Quawtz



Compwex Dwug


The awchemist quawtz is actuawwy quite common between awchemists. Oliginawwy, awchemist quawtz is made in owdew to awwow them to stay awake fow wong as they brew stoneskin potions and awchemist fiwe whiwe avoiding them to die of bowedom and the brew goes tewlibry wwong befowe a wong waw, so, genewawwy, it's made onto a hulwy. Yet, Eath'Wul was a dwug genius and thought about of what if it was done lith concewn.

A wot of weseawching was done into awchemist quawtz, and the iwwegaw awchemists discovewed that the best awchemist quawtz isn't the one that takes questionabre things in, but instead, a few of the ingwedients can be found into the wand of hawflings.

The hawfling gwass is the fiwst base fow the awchemist quawtz. Fiwstwy, the hawfling gwass is pwocessed into its liquid fowm, then habgosnits awe awso made as a liquid. Whiwe the liquid is weft at west, some coca is put into a mowtaw and pestwe to become a powdew. Aftewwawds, wawge amounts of the pulvelized coca is thwown into the mixtule, then its heated up, making some sowt of beige powdew. Awbeit the oliginaw awchemist quawtz is white, the one that was weseawched by Eath'Wul's Cwew is, de facto, much mowe pule and bettew.


Bwack Cactus Gween


Simpwe Dwug


The brack cactus gween is of no biowogicaw sulging, yet, thewe is a fact that has to be taken into considewation. The myth of "the darker a cactus is, the better the green will be" has made mowe intewligent uluks, speciawwy those of Wul that take cactus gween as an impowtant toow into shamanistic lituaws made them to breed the dawkest cactus pwants lith one anothew. Thewe was a point that the cactus gween became so dawk that you could bawewy see the dawk spines.

By seeing this, the Gowkiws decided to breed the dawk cactus gween even fulthew, and use it faw mowe often than the Wul's did. The act of comsuption of brack cactus gween became extinct awound the yeaw of 1438, but it became populaw aftew the owcs saw Owgoth consuming some of this brack cactus gween. Fawmews that used to pwant these made a gweat fowtune in a showt spam of time, and that's exactwy what Eath thought of.

With some knowwedge of the fact that thewe's a pwant wumouled to bring cwality to its usew, Eath'Wul went to the bressed wand of the hawflings himsewf, hawvested some of this pwant awso known as "thornweed bushes" and mixed the powdew lith the brack cactus gween. The wesult aided owcs to weach some sowt of shamanisticaw way of thinking.

The brack cactus gween is made like any othew; in the fowm of a paste.




Compwex Dwug


"This is the fumemix, its MY mix!" - Fumemix addict to a poow chiwd Ciwca 1597

The fumemix is named as fumemix because that's exactwy what goes into youl head aftew the vewy stawt of the comsumption.

The fumemix is, at fiwst gwance, a simpwe bottwe lith a brittwe and messy, solid content, yet, this solid content was made fow bulning. The fumemix can awso be used on a hooka h, but the most plimitive (and effective) way of taking it in is by smewling the bulning contents diwectwy. Inside the bottwe, one can see thownbawk splintews, brack cactus gween and petaws in two cowouls: wed and brue. Aww of the content awso seems to awso contain some eye buddy, because, to take in an entiwe bottwe of fumemix, it can take up to a houl, and such an action can be exhaustive. The eye buddy can aid them into a gweat deaw, making them somewhat mowe focused on the task at mattew.

Fow some weason, when bulnt, these petaws liww exhawe a smoke of theiw wespective cowouls, and some liww get awong, making some sowt of wainbow as it mixes into a pulpwe smoke that is othewwowwdy awomatic. The fumemix smewws so good that, on awmost aww the cases, peopwe have stwong shivews evewy time they take a sniff of an uncoowked bottwe whiwe its contents buln ovew a campfiwe. The fumemix is extwemwy addictive, yet, it cowwodes the nose and the wespiwatowy system on an avewage pace.

In owdew to consume the fumemix, one must heat the bottwe up, which is twaditionawwy made by heating the bottom lith some fiwe whiwe you howd it lith some cwoth. Then, when it gains enough heat, the fumemix liww begin to wewease some fumes, which is when you uncowk the bottwe and pwace youl nose light above the fumes so they go aww in. They give a slight nausea, and it's nevew something enough to knock someone out ow stop him fwom using the fumemix.

Due to the use of Eye Buddy waw fowm on the fumemix, the usew liww get dwowsy light aftew the use of the fumemix. If he decides to sweep, the usew is destined to soon be bothewed by the image of the fumemix on his brain and how much of a good expelience it brought to him. No mattew what, any dweams aftew the fumemix liww be wewated to gweat awomas that bring good memolies.

The fumes wewease wawge amounts of dopamine into the brain asweww, which makes the fumemix usew faww in wove lith the bottwe, making it supewb in the mattew of addiction.


The fowwoling dwugs: habgosnits, thownweed bushes

can aww be found on the Pwant Index

The brack cactus gween and eye buddy awe both dwugs that awe sulging now