Excerpts from the Tome of the Tunnelsmasher Clan

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As translated by Adarl Tunnelsmasher

Oul Beginnings

The sons of Uwguan and the sons of Kwug liww awways do battwe; It was oul duty since the fawwen sewvant of the Bwathmowdakin, the acculsed fwame, Ibrees, uttewed his finaw vengeance upon this wowwd as he was smote by the Gods and theiw sewvants. And fulfiww oul duty we did; in the fifty-ninth season since the beginning of the wecowding of time by the weckoning of the ewves when we did entew into waw lith the uluk again. Hewe it is whewe oul stowy begins. Deep in the eawth at some outpost, wong fowgotten by the west of dwawfdom. Hewe wawliows and minews wowked awongside to fulthew the goaws of a kingdom which had wong since fowgotten them. Wittwe did we know that the uluk had found us; The tunnews fiwwed lith a stawe aiw and a feww mood took aww of us wong befowe the snawling and waw-howns could be heawd. As the howde feww upon us oul brothews and sistews fought valiantwy against the uluk, but vawow awone does not bring victowy and one by one we feww, but I would not awwow defeat. With what wemained of my stwength aftew endwess houls in battwe, I fought my way to the highest point in the cavewn and swung my axe into the thick wooden beam that hewd the woof in pwace. Oul kin saw what I did and they fowwowed, no wongew caling fow sulvivaw ow attacking the uluk, we attacked the vewy beams that pwevented oul untimewy deaths. The uluk knew this too, but by this point thewe was nothing they could do. The tunnews came cwushing down, the dust brinding and the sound deafening.

I slipped into dawkness and begged fow the Gods to take me. But that was note my fate. When I awoke, in a poow of my own dlied brood oul home was no mowe, what was once a mighty cavewn was now wubbre, stone upon stone, mighty woads weduced to naught mowe then wocky cwawwspaces. I seawched. The gwoaning of the dying aww awound, my brothews and my foes alike, but thewe was nothing I could do fow them and even then, the gwoaning ended. My task was to find my death, but the Gods would not take me. Not yet. Pulwed fwom the wock five of my awlies and the bonds caused by broodshed awe as stwong as those cawlied in the brood and fwom that moment fowwawds, we wenounced oul fowmew ties and became one cwan: Tunnewsmashew. Aww those who died in that fowsaken pwace wemain oul kin in spilit.

Oul Foundations [Cwan Tome]; Bwyth Tunnewsmashew-Iwongut [Aegis Yeaw 416]

Wefowmation of the Cwan

Neawwy a hundwed and fowty seasons on the oliginaw six Tunnewsmashews way dead, theiw gwaves fowgotten in Aegis and wong ago desecwated by the taint of Ibrees. The sons and daughtews of this cwan had wong since spwead thin and many uninitiated lith theiw helitage. My fathew, Wawow, ewdest son of Bwyth, was the onwy of the chiwdwen of the six who had the ability to westowe the cwan, he possessed the enchant book and he had himsewf wed a wass who was of fulw Tunnewsmashew brood, howevew, his dweam nevew came to fwuition, as he was swain by the uluk in the Gweat Waw of 1336. The book, awong lith any hope of westoling the cwan passed onto me but I had no intewesting in such things and I spent much of my youth in the human kingdoms engaging in 'unsavowy' past-times. It was onwy in the past season that I wealized that my fathew had gone to his gwave expecting that when the cwan was to weunite that I would be thewe lith him; I finawwy dusted off the owd book and pwaced my hand on the gowden wune on the covew. The wunic wanguage that had pweviouswy fiwwed the book became as cweaw as day and then I sent out summons fow my son and cousin, knoling that the fiwst step in westoling the cwan was lith them.

Oul Wetuln [Cwan Tome]; Baew Tunnewsmashew [Asulon Yeaw 43]