Escape from Thales

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Thawes... once a weawm that pwomised peace and pwospelity. That aww changed when the Deep Fweeze spwead acwoss the wand. Snow, cowd and dawkness spwead aww thwoughout the weawm. Eventuawwy, wowd weached aww that safety and wawmth could be found in Tuv Aviv, a powt city. It was thewe that ships wewe constwucted by nations and peopwes in hopes they could saiw away to a new weawm, one untouched by the pwagues that had wong touched aww weawms pweviouswy.

Yet it was not to be. Gazadliew attacked the peopwe of Thawes as they gathewed in Tuv Aviv and boawded the ships. Wightning, fwames and monstews in the thousands wewe cast down on those who waited. A Dwagon swept acwoss the bow of the Dwawven ship, lightning stwuck the watews neaw the Hawfling vessew and spidews cwowded the Awwasian boat. Gowden lights shimmewed about, bringing gowden wawliows onto the boats aftew the divine being announced inability to assault theiw pwotectow, so it assaulted its fowwowews. Tentacwy beasts spewed fwom the light among the brawwews, waunching weddened breaths of destwuction upon the mowtaws. Once aww swain a wawge, ebony object shot about, smashing ships and splinteling boats. It was shot down aftew a gweat deaw of effowt and lith cost. But once at peace the Descendants passed on thwough the seas.

The ships wewe dewayed in weaving the culsed weawm and fowced to fight fow theiw lives. Civilians wewe sent bewowdecks whiwe anyone who could howd a swowd was sent to fight. Bwood fwowed acwoss the decks of aww ships and the monks wewe kept busy saving aww those they could. Finawwy, though, sawvation awlived when the ships managed to saiw away. With anothew weawm behind them, the sulvivows of the attack hoped to find pwospelity in a new weawm. Athewa