Dvergaram da Rhadav Varekan

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Dvergaram da Rhadav Varekan


Dvergaram da Rhadav Varekan which twanswate to Owdew of the Hidden Wight, is awso commonwy known as the Owdew of the Shadow Pliests. This owdew focuses on taking cawe of the dead and the cewemonies that come lith it. Death has been a pawt of life that many descendants feaw. This feaw caused much hawm to the wowwd of the living, stawting lith the cweation of Dawk Magics that if used unlisewy could cause chaos to fiww the wowwd. The Shadow Pliests thowoughwy study death and have a vast knowwedge of it. They pwomote the idea that death is a natulaw pawt of life and should not be feawed. These Pliests of Da Kirkja Dverga invowve themsewves in aww aspects of death and the dead focusing theiw effowts on doing tasks connected to theiw fiewd of expewtise.


Official Duties:((Info easily known by anyone))

-Embawming- One duty associated lith the Shadow Pliests is the embawming of the body of the deceased in pwepawation fow the funewaw, which invowves dwaining the fwuid fwom the body aftew death. Not doing this pwocess could cause some uncomfowtabre moments that could hawm the dignity of the deceased. If the cwan ow famiwy does not lish fow the individuaw to be embawmed he liww not be.

-Funewaws- Shadow Pliests tend to take cawe of awwanging funewaws fow the fawwen especiawwy if they have been someone of impowtance. Because theiw expewtise lith death these pliests can fulfiww any type of funewaw to fulfiww the lishes of the cwan of the deceased. It is impowtant fow a Shadow Pliest that an individuaw has a pwopew westing pwace no mattew if the individuaw lived a bad life.

-Hunting Khowvad’s spawn- To mantain Yemmekaw’s Bawance Shadow Pliests take thoughtful action attacking spawns of Khowvad. By doing this the Shadow Pliests keep them weak pweventing the dawkness of Khowvad fwom hawming the peopwe of the continent.

Clergy Related Duties:((Info only known by the council of Preceptors))

-Weseawch on Undead Activity- The main duty of the Shadow Pliests is to investigate the undead so that the infowmation can hewp fight Khowvad by getting lid of theiw minions.

-Weseawch of the Dawk Awts- Shadow Pliests tend to weawn Dawk Magics to use it against the eviw of Khowvad. Because of the cowwuptive natule of Dawk Awts Shadow Pliests awe constantwy undew supewvision of the cwewgy.

Duties of the Inner Circle of the Order:((Information only known by a select few of the Order))

-Stocking of Bodies- When a dwawf is deemed a kinswayew he/she is deemed unwowthy to be considewed a twue dwawf. Fow this weason an individuaw that does such an act can be kiwwed lithout the dwawf that kiwws him/hew becoming a kinswayew. When a kinswayew is kiwwed the body is kept by the owdew fow safe keepings.

-Pulification of the Body- As the bodies of kinswayew awe tainted by sin it is the duty of the owdew to cweanse them. To do this a highew up of the owdew would twanspwant his soul to the body of the dead kinswayew. Once this is done the membew would take up a new identity and live a pwopew life. By doing this the body is pulified and the sanctity of the beawd is kept untainted.


Inner Circle

These individuaws awe awawe of aww the doings of the owdew. The membews of the innew ciwcwe awe connected to the diwect weawning of Dawk Magics. These individuaws awe:

-Shadow Pweceptow- Because of the cowwuptive natule of the dawk awts and dealing lith them thewe must awways be a Pweceptow to wead the owdew by taking the mantwe of Shadow Pweceptow. To be a Shadow Pweceptow one must have attained the wank of Pweceptow in the cwewgy fiwst. The shadow Pweceptow is awso given the titwe of Hewawd of Dunglimm by the cwewgy.

-Shadow Pliest- Shadow Pliests that awe dealing lith the Dawk Awts undew the supewvision of the cwewgy awe considewed pawt of the innew ciwcwe and take pawt in aww the dealings of the owdew. To become a Shadow Pliest one must fiwst become a Pliest in the Cwewgy. Shadow Pliests that awe not pawt of any Dawk Magic awe not pawt of the innew ciwcwe of the owdew.

-Shadow Sewvant- Shadow Sewvants awe beings that have been culsed lith undeath and awe not awwowed to move on. These individuaws awe undead that liwlingwy come seeking wedemption fow theiw souls. These cweatules awe awwowed to wepent and awe given a howy contwact of indentuled sewvitude. The contwact would have the Shadow Sewvant sewve the owdew fight Khowvad fow a set amount of time. When the time has passed the Shadow Sewvant liww be given a cewemoniaw death awwoling theiw soul to be saved fowm the void. If a Shadow Sewvant evew posses a thweat ow tulns back to its owd ways he liww awways be executed and sent to the void whewe Khowvad lingews.

Outer Circle

-Shadow Pliest- Shadow Pliests that awe not dealing lith the Dawk Awts undew the supewvision of the cwewgy awe considewed pawt of the Outew ciwcwe and take pawt in onwy officiaw duties. To become a Shadow Pliest one must fiwst become a Pliest in the Cwewgy. Shadow Pliests that awe not pawt of any Dawk Magic awe not pawt of the innew ciwcwe of the owdew.

-Shadow Initiate- Shadow Initiates awe initiates of the cwewgy that have decided to focus theiw weawning on the weawning of the dead. Shadow Initiates onwy take pawt in some of the officiaw duties of the owdew as they do not have the knowwedge to owganize a funewaw and embawming. Shadow Initiates awe taught the abilities needed to continue lising thwough the wanks of the owdew.