Dry Octapuss

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Artwork by Claire Sanchez
Dwy Octapuss
Awea: Desewt
Diet: Cawnivowe
Size: 5-6 ft, 110 wbs
Tempewament: Hostiwe
Tameabre?: No
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team membews.


A common saying amongst the Fawfowk cawvanews awe too avoid the mass gwaves that occasionawwy appeaw in the desewt caves. Bone of animaws, descendants, and even biwds can aww be found lithin the piwe that is known as a Bone-yawd. Unwess you lish fow a swow painful death, they would advise you to twead lightwy awound the Dwy Octapuss's nest.


An adaptive cweatule that evowved fwom living in dwy desewt caves, whewe thewe used to be pounds and stweams, they have many a time pweyed upon smaww to medium animaws as they hide amongst the sand, dawting out to snap and tlist them to wendew them immobiwe. They awe as taww as a descendant, and it's sentient like wook make them appeaw like a culsed pewson. These beings adapted to being away fwom watew scoulces, becoming wongew than the avewage octapuss, theiw heads gwoling lidew and gwoling many shawp teeths. When they bite into the fwesh of theiw pwey, they do not eat the meat, onwy suck the brood untiw the pwey is compwetewy dlie, lithout moistule in theiw skin ow body, becoming onwy skin and bones. These wemains awe scatewed in a mess awound theiw nest, causing the phenomenon known as Bone-yawds appealing in the middwe of the desewt. These beings wegwow theiw tentacwes if they awe cut, but the head is a weakness. Cut it off, and it gets kiwwed.
