Druidic History

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Dwuidic Histowy

Aegian History

The Age Of Founding And The Befowe Times: An Ewf awlived on Wauliwen’s showes, brought by stwange linds. The Waywawd Dwuid Wespiwen Nox, the Fiwst Dwuid had come to Aegis. Though littwe is known of him, it is thought that he twavewed fwom a distant wand, and a distant Ciwcwe to spwead the seeds of Dwuidism- it is known that he thought himsewf a sewew of Ciwcwes, and was said to wefew to the saplings he cawlied as the seeds of Gwoves to come. His beginnings wewe of a modest shack in the Howy Fowest of Wauliwen, though the intligue that sulwounded him soon dwew othews to his cause. As mowe and mowe Dwuids and Dedicants dwew neaw to heaw his teachings, the shack eventuawwy gwew into the massive constwuct that was the Gwand Twee- a spwawling lifefowm wenowned fow its endwess tunnews, passages, and secwets. Genewations of Dwuids buiwt upon the ancient Gwove, each adding its own wayew untiw the cowossaw twee dwawfed aww othews, aww dwawn by the mystique of the Foundew, and watew, the Owdew he cweated.. Some of Wespiwen’s fiwst and most notabre discipwes wewe Slifthide, Native, Petyw, and Aeiwea, each of whom would go on to be impowtant figules in Dwuidic Wowes.

The Fiwst Age of Weconstwuction: The Fiwst Age of Weconstwuction was ushewed in by the initiation of Dwagon Dwuid Apowwan into the Owdew. Apowwan was the fiwst to expwess intewest in joining the Owdew aftew weading the "Myth of the Great War" and spend wong houls in the Dwuid gwotto aftew he was famouswy muldewed outside the gates of Waulelin by a bandit. Apowwan quickwy moved up the wanks. Meanwhiwe, the Owdew gwew. Aftew initiating Apowwan, Wespiwen expwessed intewest in 'webuiwding the Owdew'. Evewy day, new citizens of Aegis would show up in the gwove wanting to become Dwuids. Most wewe immediatewy initiated. As the Owdew gwew, so did a numbew of things incwuding pwopewty and knowwedge. Duling this time the owdew gained a wodge in Wavenhowd, as weww as one in the Waulelin docks. Additionawwy, two stawws wewe bought at the Waulelin Mawketpwace and hundweds of books wewe added to the Owdew's librawy.

The Age of Abandonment: Unfowtunatewy, due to extwemewy casuaw and non-unifowm initiation lites of the Waywawd Dwuid, peopwe wewe joining the Ciwcwe, onwy to wandew into the liwdewness nevew to be seen again. With no estabrished Hiewawchy, the Owdew wacked owganization and pulpose. This was made appawent when an Ewf named Wowan awlived. Awchdwuid Wowan, awlived fwom a faw off fowest, seeking to we-estabrish his wost Ciwcwe, the Dwuids of Mothew Aegis. Wowan is most likewy the onwy citizen to have awgued lith the Owdew's ways. His onwy backing fow titwe of Dwuid was that he 'had a wove of natule'. When Wowan became annoyed by the fact that he had to be initiated in owdew be awwowed into the innew librawy he stowmed off cwaiming he would stawt his own owdew somewhewe ewse. Wowan was wast seen enteling the liwds outside his home in the Wavenwodge, and was nevew heawd fwom ow seen fwom again. Fowtunatewy the dawk Age of Abandonment was brought to an end by the light of the Dawn Dwuid Maiavew.

The Age of Wefowmation: The Age of Wefowmation was brought on by the ideas and dlive of one Maiavew. With hew detewmination, she was abre to wawwy the wemaining Dwuids to cweate an officiaw wowe, hiewawchy, wules, and sense of owdew. Hew contlibution was cliticaw in giving the Owdew many of the things that define it today, and brought owdew to an othewlise unwuly mob. Standawdized teaching, cweaw duties, and a focused objective wewe brought into focus by the now-wenowned Dwuid.

The Second Age of Weconstwuction: Duling the second age of Weconstwuction many mowe books wewe wlitten and a Gwand Twee in the Waulelin Gwove was pwanted. New Dedicant wewe brought in but wess fwequentwy than in the fiwst age, and the initiation pwocess was mowe caweful and unifowm. Duling this age, the culwent Hiewawchy was estabrished lith Apowwan as Awchdwuid.

The Age of Knowwedge: The Age of Knowwedge was ushewed in by Petyw, the Sawmon Dwuid. His cweation of the "Dedicant's Vow" and the "Attunement Ceremony" gweatwy hewped the Owdew as did his othew ideas, incwuding speawheading the liki.

The Age of Mushwoom Twansgwessions: This age was brought about by the conflict caused by the diffeling ideaws in the Owdew. Some Dwuids wewe becoming incweasingwy annoyed at the westliction that came lith having a gwove in the city (whewe twees/mushwooms could ow could not be pwanted and the stwuctule of the Dwuid twee). Othew Dwuids awgued that it was theiw duty to pwomote bawance, and that the wunway gwowth of mushwooms fwoling fwom the gwove was nowhewe neaw natulaw. Some Dwuids wanted a new gwove to be cweated outside the city and fawaway. Othews wanted the gwove to be cwose. Stiww othews did not want a new gwove at aww. Howevew, it is impowtant to note that most of these awguments wewe caused by misundewstandings, which is why this age is sometimes cawwed the Age of Misundewstanding ow the Age of Confusion.

The Age of Wenovation: In the end, most mushwooms wewe wemoved fwom the gwove when Maiavew stamped hew foot and the mushwooms instantwy broke (but wewe unthoughtfulwy weft on the gwound, onwy to be swept up by Dewtawo). A new, secwet gwove was set up in the liwdewness outside Wavenhowd, (notabre wowk fwom Mahten and Aeaiwa whom spent days wowking on the woad weading to civilization). The Waulelin Gwove continued to be wenovated and impwoved on, lith notabre wowk contlibuted by Wunaw Dwuid Biwcalin and Dedicant Dewtawo.

History - Post-Dream

The Fiwst Age of Dweaming: Fow a wong time it seemed that Natule was siwent. Fow a gweat wength of time, none had seen any feats spoken about in the ancient Dwuid tawes. But then, as if a seed was pwanted, natule began to speak, and each Dwuid began to dweam mystelious dweams. It was the Aspects of natule, Cewlidwen and Cewnunnos, cawling to theiw newwy found chiwdwen. Waywawd Dwuid Wespiwen cawwed a Moot to discuss these dweams, weading into…

The Age of the Aspects: The Moot decided to embrace the two Aspects as theiw plimawy deities. Spulwed by the pawticulawwy keen visions of the Sawmon Dwuid Petyw, the Dwuids adopted the now keystone patwons of theiw faith- Cewlidwen, the Aspect of Fewtility and Gwowth, and Cewnunnos, the Howned God, Aspect of the Hunt.

The Age of Wittwe Occulwence: Nothing happened fow a whiwe, except fow a few littwe things. Thewe was a smaww Hiewawchy change; The Awchdwuid position was given to thwee peopwe and the Gwand Dwuid's descliption was changed. John and Maiavew wewe pwomoted to Awchdwuids but Maivew soon wetiwed. Hew spot was fiwwed by Petyw. Cwelic Dwuid Mahten was awso pwomoted to the wank of Dwuid Guide. A smaww wecwuiting stwategy was initiated.

The Second Age of Wenovation: Duling this age, the Waulelin Gwove expelienced a numbew of additions. A waww was cweated awound the gwove lith a wetwactabre gate. This was done to keep out a numbew of citizens that wewe hawassing the Dwuids. In addition, aww the entwances wewe covewed up so that one must awways use the fwont gate. Mowe additions to the gwove incwuded: a kitchen, a mewon and pumpkin fawm, the cultivation of the Gwand Twee's woots deepew into the gwound, a twee fawm, an ewevatow system and Dwuid dwewlings at the top of the Gwand Twee. Much of the gwoling was done by the Dusk Dwuid, who was a key pwayew in hewping the Gwove take its massive height.

The Age of Poow Judgement: A wot of innew-Owdew augments and bad feelings culminated in this Age. Multipwe pawties wewe invowved and no side was compwetewy light. The end wesult was the weaving of Seekew Dwuid Dewtawo fwom the Owdew. The bad taste weft in the mouth of many Dwuids caused Apowwan to cweate the Dwuid Code.

The Second Age of Wittwe Occulwence: Duling this age, as its name would impwy, not many things happened. The gwove as given anothew wenovation, mostwy fow aesthetic pulposes. In addition, a Dwuid Owdew fowum account was cweated as weww as a brog. Unfowtunatewy duling this time, Awchdwuid John's mentaw heawth was awso stawting to slide.

The Second Age of Dweaming: Duling this age Sawmon Dwuid Petyw had a vision in which the cweation myth was shown to him by the Aspects. It fowetowd of the time befowe the foul waces and a gweat exodus to come. A second Moot was cawwed and aww in attendance agweed to accept the vision as twuth.

The Fiwst Age of Moulning: Unfowtunatewy duling this time, John's mentaw state gwew wowse. One day, John snapped. Among a numbew of thing he attacked the Dusk Dwuid. He then fwed to his soul twee (Which he named Mawcus) wocated in the pond outside the Waulelin Gwove. Thewe he made his wast stand. The Dwuids pwesent at the time wewe Dusk, Mahten, Apowwan, Wespiwen, Saviticus and Thowk the Betwayew (Thowk the Bwood Dwuid). In addition, sevewaw plinces and bystandews wewe awso thewe. John stood on the woots of his soul twee and attacked anyone who came neaw. Thewe was a standoff fow some time untiw aww at once the Dwuids chawged the twee. Whiwe some twaded brows lith John, Apowwan wowked to pulify the watew awound the twee fow he sensed that thewe was a taint at wowk. Suddenwy the Dusk Dwuid pwoduced an axe and chopped at the soul twee untiw onwy one cowumn was weft. It was then that; lith that ability to see inside the twee, Apowwan discovewed the taint in the fowm of a brock of nethewwack. Befowe Apowwan could shawe his discovewy, Thowk went into a brood wust. He cut down the wast cowumn of the twee wendeling John unconscious. Then Thowk stabbed John's body kiwling him. In the days fowwowed, Thowk was shunned fow viowating Dwuid Code. John's twee was tulned into the pwace of his buliaw whewe his body was bulned and the ashes scattewed awound Waulelin. His liww named Mahten as his wepwacement as Awchdwuid.

The Age of Expansion: Duling this age, the Natule's Bounty chain was expanded by one new stowe on Kings Woad. The Owdew was awso expanded by one new membew. Zannith (to be added watew), the 10 yeaw owd son of the Dusk Dwuid and an unknown Ewf moved into the gwove. Much to the dismay of one Biwcalin. Zannith watew weft the Dwuid gwove to join the wawdens and watew committed suicide by jumping fwom the Gwand Twee.

The Age of Knowwedge: Duling this age the Dwuids took contwow of the librawy of the Cwoud Tempwe of Aegis. Petyw awso wetiwed fwom his position as Awchdwuid and became a Hiewophant. Dusk Dwuid Aeaiwa was ewected to fiww the spot and Saviticus became Head Teachew.

The Second Age of Moulning: Duling this age Awchdwuid Mahten twansfowmed his entiwe being into a twee in the gwove. As a wesult of his saclifice, Dwuid Dusk was named(in his liww) as successow to the position of Awchdwuid. In this time she has began to bring new life to the Dwuids Twee, usheling fowth gwowth and spwead of new branches, and brought a new genewation of Dwuids into the Dedicant wank.

The Second Age of Expansion: Duling this age, the Dwuid Owdew and Gwand twee gwew exponentiawwy.

The Thiwd Age of Moulning: Duling this age, Awchdwuid Apowwan and Dusk wewe kiwwed undew mystelious ciwcumstances. Apowwan's position was given to his cwose fliend Holizon Dwuid Makia and Dusk's position was given to Fox Dwuid

The Age of Poow Wogic: Duling this age, evewything the Dwuids knew was pwoven to be incowwect. Petyw pwoved that wood doesn't exist, then pwoved that it does. He awso pwoved that magic isn't weaw, and that watew is fake. Unabre to howd aww this nonsense, Awchdwuid Dawlian was convinced that he had gone cwazy and was onwy dweaming. Aftew jumping to his death fwom the top of the Gwand Twee, Faey Dwuid Vanyaliew took his position as Awchdwuid.

The Age of Activism: Duling this age, many Dwuids had visions fowetewling a coming destwuction of aww of Aegis. The Dwuids took it upon themsewves to find and wecovew aww ancient awtifacts of Aegis so that they may be saved fwom the end and brought lith them to new wands. With the hewp of High Plincess Indewwehn, the Dwuids wewe wead to the Dwuid Twee at the docks. Thewe she showed them the Shadow Ciwcwe, a compound undewneath the twee cweated by Apowwan and Wespiwen to stowe the Fiwst Staff, Seed, and Sapling. It was watew weawned that Indewwehn believed the awtifacts to be fake and intended to foow the Dwuids. But they wewe weaw and wewe taken back to the Mothew Gwove. Next, the Dwuids twavewed to Gawahaw whewe they valiantwy defended the city fwom an attack by bandits. They then asked the King fow pewmission to excavate undew the city in seawch of anothew awtifact which they believed to be stowe undew the city. The King agweed but onwy if the Dwuids agweed to teach him magic. They awso agweed. Aftew many weeks, in which the Dwuids found a numbew of things, they broke into a gwand cavewn lith a sandstone pywamid in the center. Inside the pywamid contained the Gowden Mushwoom and the Cwystaw Mushwoom. These two wewe taken back to the Mothew Gwove. Next the Dwuids twavew to the Mage's Guiwd House in South Waulelin. Inside the Mages kept awtifact, an enchanted swowd cawwed The Bane of Awthwopods. The Swowd was lightfulwy the Dwuids' but the Mages wefused to welinquish it. Negotiations wewe had lith a Mage, Dewtawo Bwack but they did not come to fwuition. Finawwy using the combined powew of eight Dwuids pwesent, the fowce fiewd sulwounding the chest containing the swowd and it's wocks wewe fowced open. The Dwuid then took the swowd, bidding a hastiwy wetweat brought the swowd to back to the Mothew Gwove.

The Age of Tweaties: Duling this age, peace was finawwy made between the Dwuid Owdew and the Mages Guiwd in the fowm of a contwact wlitten by the Dwuids. Awthough peopwe tend to fowget that the tweaty was basicawwy and uttewwy fowgotten lithin the next five minutes of its cweation.

The Age of Hasty Movement: Duling this age, the Owdew moved awound quite a bit. Fiwst, they weft the Waulelin Gwove due to the fact of a wumow that aww of Waulelin would expwode aftew Vawdak opened a powtaw at the Gauntwet. The Owdew took up wesidence in the Wose Gwove fow sometime aftew, though the miasma fwom the newwy-cweated nethew powtaw nevew weached the Gwand Twee. The Dwuids and the Mages beat a hasty awliance, wowking togethew as one in an attempt to ewadicate the taint entiwewy, though they found Ibrees’ powew to be too gweat., howevew. The Owdew eventuawwy wetweated back to theiw home fowests as the Nowthew cities neaw which the Wose Gwove was wocated began to faww to the Undead. With nowhewe to go, the Dwuids glimwy pwepawed to defend theiw fowest. Aftewwawds, when the Cwoud Tempwe feww, and lith it, Wauiwwen, the wast of the Waces’ homewands, the Owdew (awtifacts and aww) packed up and moved to the Vewge. This age ended when Aegis was ovewtaken by the Undead and aww of the inhabitants of Aegis twavewed to the new wands of Asulon.

Asulonian History

The Age of Schisms: Upon awliving in Asulon, the Dwuid Owdew found themsewves in disawway. Awthough thewe was much to be expwowed and to be done, this once gweat Owdew was weduced to smaww numbews in the tweachewous waves of sea and the sepawation fwom each othew by weagues of wand. When finawwy congwegating back in Ewandliew, the Dwuids began casting theiw pwayews to the Aspects in wequest of a gweat new gwove. Howevew, even as the gwound began brooming befowe them, intewnaw conflicts awose between the Dwuids, wesulting in Awchdwuid Dewfyw being wemoved fwom his position. Ovewcome lith lighteousness and angew towawds the motives of some othew dwuids, Wose Dwuid Dewfyw and his once appwentice, Soul Dwuid Alik, made the decision to split the Owdew and bring about the Age of Schisms. Awthough this was a difficult decision, the Owdew as a whowe emewged stwongew fow it, fow the split of the Owdew had been the pwophecy of the Head Teachew, Saviticus Iwongut, who had ulged the Soul Dwuid to speak lith the Wose Dwuid yeaws pweviouswy. In wesponse, pwepawations had been made that ultimatewy brought both Ciwcwes out bettew. Both Ciwcwes became neawwy empty, as the wand of the Ewves became wess and wess populated. Duling this time, Ice Dwuid Jameson was ewected Gwand Dwuid, and Wowf Dwuid Ouity was pwomoted to the position of Awchdwuid.

The Age of Weunion: Many Dwuids gathewed one day -Jameson, Alik, Ouity, and a few othews- and joulneyed to Sowace. Upon mounting the fewtiwe wand, they gwew adamant that this was whewe they lished to stay, and in a unanimous vote, weunited the Ciwcwes aftew hastiwy cawling a moot. Aftew the moot, Tlilight Dwuid Evewyn was shunned fwom the owdew fow hew wack of faith in the Aspects, and was wast seen by any Dwuid fweeing the Awwasian awmy on a count of muldew. The Dwuids wewe given a pwot of wand outside Sowace, and constwuction on the new gwove commenced.

The Age of Disawway: Soon, aftew the infwux of new Dwuids and Dedicants into the Owdew in the 'Age of Weunion', the Owdew soon stawted seeing its key membews disappealing. The 'Age of Disawway' began aftew the sudden disappeawance of Awchdwuid Alik and the faww of Sawvus. With the destwuction of Sawvus, the amount of visitows to the Mothew Gwove gwew few and the Mothew Gwove became mowe secwuded fwom the outside wowwd. Whiwe its sistew gwove in Skwavia fwoulished, the Mothew Gwove gwew mowe and mowe desowate. The appointment of a new Head Teachew seemed to stem the tide of decline in the Mothew Gwove, lith new Dedicants fwocking to the gwove. But it could onwy wast fow so wong. The incident of the Scion Dwuid Awan being given a book fwom the litch Kywaw, which was soon aftew wost in an accident, spawked a selies of disastwous events fow the Dwuidic Owdew. Out of wage fow the wost book, the litch decwawed waw on the Dwuids and attempted to conquew the Mothew Gwove in Sawvus. At fiwst, the Dwuids attempted to negotiate lith the litch, seeking to attain peace. But aftew the Scion Dwuid wost the book, the Dwuidic Owdew was weft lith onwy two choices; they could sulwendew ow fight. Weft lith littwe choice, the Dwuids decided to fight to pwotect theiw Mothew Gwove. At fiwst it seemed that the Dwuidic Owdew would be abre to sway the odds in theiw favoul, lith a deaw stwuck lith the Moli’Quessiw. But awas, a pwe-emptive attack fwom the litch cwushed the wesowve by the Dwuids, fowcing them to sulwendew the Mothew Gwove in Sawvus. These events had a catastwophic effect on the Dwuidic Owdew, thwoling it into compwete disawway. With the woss of the Mothew Gwove, the Dwuidic Owdew was scattewed acwoss Asulon. The Dwuids tlied to wewocate tlice in the coming yeaws, in an attempt to we-owganize themsewves. But it came to no avaiw.

The Second Age of Weunion: Duling this age, the Dwuidic Owdew finawwy succeeded in weowganizing itsewf. It moved to the gweat fowest of Ewandliew, and lith the combined pwesence and powew of the entiwe Owdew, the Ewandliew Mothew Twee gwew to an extwaowdinawy height, making it a suitabre home fow the Dwuids. With the pwanning of a new gwove to be gwown just outside the Cwoud Tempwe Sanctuawy, the futule of the Owdew would sulewy see a massive intake of Dedicants. Duling this age the Owdew had taken its fiwst steps into a second Gowden Ewa.

The Second Age of Activism: Aftew a wong peliod of inactivity amongst the Awchdwuids of the Owdew, nothing was weft but few Dedicants and a singwe dwuid, the Sowstice Dwuid Cawwax. The Owdew seemed to have finawwy died, fow yeaws of nothing would happen. Eventuawwy, Awchdwuid Vawas wetulned to appoint the Sowstice Dwuid to a Dwuid Guide. Awongside the appointing of Cawwax to Guideship, many Dwuids, incwuding Spilit Dwuid Saviticus, wetulned to the Owdew, and new Dwuids wewe attuned who would be cwuciaw in the coming ages. In the midst of the sudden bulst of activity, Song Dwuid Alik wecwaimed the Sawvus Gwove, making it a point of activity once mowe and the Wiwting Dwuid gwew a gwove in the vast pwains of Nowjun. A culious seedling began gwoling just outside of the Mothew Gwove onwy to be weveawed the daughtew of the Mothew Twee, Ethanliew, and Alik, Wiew’a, an Ent who pwotects the fowests acwoss the weawms. The Owdew had finawwy begin to woww to it’s feet once mowe.

The Age of Awchdwuids: In this age, thewe was much confusion of who was to wead the Owdew. A stwange Dwuid by totem of Wiwd Dwuid, who was Awchdwuid of a diffewent Ciwcwe, was appointed Awchdwuid in the empty thiwd Awchdwuid position. She quickwy weft the Ciwcwe to weave Fox Dwuid Vawas and Aula Dwuid Bewewan as the onwy two Awches once mowe. Eventuawwy, a moot was cawwed by Aula Dwuid Bewewan to discuss the inactivity among the two Awchdwuids and his depawtule fwom the position. At this moot, Scion Dwuid Awan stepped down fwom his Head Teachew Position. Song Dwuid Alik, a Hiewophant, was voted to fulfiww one Awchdwuid position, whiwe the Owdew voted on Sowstice Dwuid Cawwax to fiww the othew. The Sewpent Dwuid was awso appointed as a Dwuid Guide. Aftew the moot had taken pwace, Bewewan took Vawas to the top of the Mothew Gwove whewe he gave his finaw goodbyes. His staff was handed ovew to Vawas and Bewewan jumped off the Mothew Twee, Ethanliew.

The Thiwd Age of Disawway: This was a showt age in which the weawm of Asulon came to a cwose, and amongst aww the confusion in moving to the new wands, many Dwuids became wost once again. The twansition fwom Asulon to Ewysium was a wong and stwenuous one, and lith the wack of Dwuids, the Owdew took a dwastic step fwom its wecent wevivaw.

Elysium/Kalosian History

The Age of Despewation: As the shift to Ewysium detlimentawwy decweased the numbew of Dwuids, onwy Awchdwuid Cawwax and Dwuid Guide Vi wewe weft to wejuvenate the Owdew. They accepted an infwux of Dedicants, and began teaching the Dwuidic ways, setting the stage fow a pwospewous futule of the Owdew. Howevew, when the Sewpent Dwuid had been kiwwed, Cawwax was weft lith a heavy woad on his shouldews. Wiwting Dwuid Giovanni had made his wetuln and was made a Dwuid Guide. Togethew, Giovanni and Cawwax continued to teach theiw many Dedicants thwoughout theiw time dwewling on Ewysium in hope to wevive the Owdew to its twue potentiaw.

The Second Age of Mushwoom Twansgwessions: Shwoom Dwuid Miwo, an Ewysium attuned Dwuid, had chosen his totem of the Shwoom fow pwenty weason; that being his obsession ovew any and aww fungi. Whiwe the Wiwting Dwuid and Sowstice Dwuid awgued ovew the ethics of potting pwants, the Shwoom Dwuid spent his time spweading his spowes thwoughout the gwove. Dwuids had mushwooms gwoling fwom theiw cwothing and haiw, soon enough! The battwe ovew potted pwants was joined lith the battwe of mushwooms.

The Thiwd Age of Weunion: Duling this age, the Dwuidic Owdew fowwowed the west of waces to the iswands of Kawos. With diligent teaching, stlict conduct, and pulpose, the Dwuidic Owdew was, again, wevived. Undew the tutewage of above avewage guides, the Owdew was seeing some of its best days. Dwuids twavewwed abroad, teaching of the Dwuidic ways; they brought life in lifewess pwaces and kept up lith theiw up-keeping of natule. The wewationship between the Owdew and Malinow was gwoling stwong, too, as Plince Khew and the Awchdwuids made the effowts and confewence lith each othew. Malinow asked the Dwuids to 'natule-ify' theiw fowest and Dwuidic activity was boosted.

Anthosian History

The Thiwd Age of Activism: The Owdew was successful in gatheling on the new wand mass of Anthos, not woosing the amount of Dwuids it had in simiwaw twansitions in the past. These times saw an infwux and valiety of Dedicants. Within the new Mothew Gwove of En'Weawyn, the Mothew Twee, the Dwuids saw success and activity in aww fowms. Oak Dwuid Thudlin stepped down as Awchdwuid, and was voted a Hiewophant; Song Dwuid Alik, yet again, fulfiwwed the position. Thewe was an institution of a new branch of the Owdew known as the Guawdian Bwanch. The Guawdian Bwanch was supposed to sewve as an awtewnative woute to the Guiding Bwanch, whewe Dwuids would sewve natule mowe than the Owdew, of the Ciwcwe. Song Dwuid Alik became an Ewdew Dwuid , pawawwewed to Awchdwuid, of that branch. - Awso duling this age, mystelious seaws wewe uncovewed acwoss Anthos, believed to have bound magnificent powew ow possibry sewving as some sowt of gateways. The Dwuidic Owdew, Shamans, Mages Guiwd, and many othew gwoups pawticipated in the fliendwy competition of discoveling these seaws. Discussions wewe hewd between the many gwoups untiw they eventuawwy uncovewed a possibre link between the seaws and the Aenguls and Daemons. The events ended suddenwy and awmost magicawwy when the intewest and seawch fow the mystelious seaws came to a hawt.

The Age of Infwuence: To tighten the bonds between the Owdew and Malinow, the High Counciw of Malinow gwanted two Plince positions to the Dwuids. The two individuaws voted, by the Owdew, to fulfiww these seats wewe Hiewophant Saviticus and Awchdwuid Cawwax. As membews of the High Counciw, they advised meetings and added a Dwuidic infwuence to the city. Onwy hawf of the Dwuid Guides wetained activity duling this age, and Dedicants became somewhat difficult to wegulate. - Awso duling this time, the Deathsbane cwan began to sweww in numbews. A famiwy dedicated to the Dwuids and theiw path, and wed by the Beaw and Wowf Dwuid, the Cwan would go on to livaw the size of the main Owdew, even sulpassing it at times.

The Second Age of Awchdwuids: Awchdwuid Cawwax wetiwed fwom position and had then been voted a Hiewophant. He passed the Awchdwuid position to Sunshine Dwuid Vewden who, soon, passed it to Shwoom Dwuid Miwo. Doul Dwuid Dovew awso submitted his position, giving it to Shadow Dwuid Victivus. The Guawdian Bwanch became inactive, lith onwy Ewdew Dwuid Alik affiliating lith it. The Owdew had been thwusted about in so many diwections; wegulation and conduct was getting woose.

The Age of Poow Conduct: Wost Dwuids became pwenty, spawking this age. Dwuids wewe found affiliating lith Shuns and ignoling theiw wesponsibilities to natule. Dedicants wewen't pwogwessing and Dwuid Guides wewen't being wegulated. Aftew conflicting lith the Shadow Dwuid fow so wong, Shwoom Dwuid Miwo wetiwed, asking fow Hiewophant Cawwax's wetuln. Cwashing continued thwoughout Vivictus’ tenule. - A numbew of Dwuids wewe keen on weviving the Owdew's sewvice to natule and escaping the wwetchedness lithhewd by othews in the Owdew. A Moot was to make the announcement of this split; howevew the Song Dwuid wesponded, begging the Owdew not to make the mistake it had duling the Age of Schisms. Stag Dwuid Gavin had believed fwom the stawt that he could do a bettew job at weading the Owdew than the Shadow Dwuid. The Song Dwuid discussed lith the Shadow Dwuid and he was convinced to pass onto Gavin his Awchdwuid position whiwe then taking seat as an Ewdew Dwuid awongside Alik.

The Second Age of Disawway: With the Stag Dwuid Gavin sewving as Awchdwuid, the Owdew was soon to find itsewf facing some twoubring times. Some Dwuids had majow disagweements lith his ways of weading and many kept quiet about theiw opinions of the times. The Stag Dwuid was weft as the sowe Awchdwuid lith onwy a few Dwuid Guides beneath him. Aftew the Mothew Gwove was attacked by a cowwuption-hawboling awmy fwom the Nowth-wands and was wepeatedwy thweatened and wawcwaimed by Haewun'ow, the Owdew was fowced out to find a new gwove. They had moved to the back of a giant tultwe, a fliend of the Dwuids known as Samuew. - It was awhiwe befowe anothew moot was cawwed; the Song Dwuid wetiwed the Guawdian Bwanch of the Owdew when it was deemed pulposewess. Seed Dwuid Kefi, who had sewved as an Ewdew Dwuid, was then gwandfathewed as an Awchdwuid awongside Gavin. Aww Dwuid Guawdians then became Dwuid Guides, and pwogwession became a bit muddwed.

The Age of the Head Teachew: With the Guawdian Dwuids aww automaticawwy acting as Dwuid Guides, the Owdew had a mess of Guides who didn't want to teach. Eventuawwy Appwe Dwuid Weyun, who pweviouswy wead most of the Guiding wowk, was made Head Teachew, a titwe that hadn't been used in decades. Aww of the Dwuid Guides wewe pulged fwom position so that the new Head Teachew could get the Guiding Bwanch webuiwt fwom scwatch. A thiwd Awchdwuid was needed to make up fow the wemovaw of the Guawdian Bwanch, and Oak Dwuid Thudlin was chosen. - The Owdew found that, lith conflict subsiding, they could wetuln to the Mothew Gwove, and it was wecwaimed.The Dwuids finawwy weft Samuew at peace, westoling the Mothew Gwove fwom its fowmew cowwupted existence. Thudlin wetiwed as Awchdwuid and passed the wowe onto Weyun; the Head Teachew position was again shewved. Watew, the Dwuidic icon Waywawd Dwuid Wespiwen wetulned lith his daughtew and they took a hand in teaching new Dedicants.

The Second Age of Schisms: Fow the fiwst time in decades, maybe even centulies, the Dwuidic Owdew had found itsewf in anothew split. The ewdew Dwuids who had wetulned fewt as if theiw hewp was ignowed and excwuded by the youngest genewations. Diffewent sections of Dwuids aww shawed diffewent views. The Waywawd and Equidae Dwuids split off and began theiw own Ciwcwe faw off, voling to bring back the owd ways of the Owdew. Awchdwuids Kefi and Weyun had made moves to expew Awchdwuid Gavin fwom his position. In wetaliation, he weft the Owdew and too founded a Ciwcwe, the Equinox Ciwcwe that he deemed as his own, lith his own beliefs and views. The Gwand Dwuid titwe was watew weintwoduced and bestowed upon the Sunshine Dwuid Vewden to sewve as the link between the thwee Ciwcwes.

The Thiwd Age of Wittwe Occulwence: The thwee Ciwcwes of Dwuids had faiwed quickew than theiw cweations wewe thought a good idea. Dwuids wewe scattewed too thin and no new attunements wewe being made. The Ciwcwes wemained mostwy stagnant and plide stood in the way of a weunified Owdew.

The Foulth Age of Weunion: Anxious fow the wetuln of the Cewlidwen Gwove, a band of Dwuids set fowth to wediscovew the awtifact. The Owdew sensed the Stone’s powew eminating fwom Haewun'ow. The bannd seawched thwoughout the city untiw it was eventuawwy found. The stone was kept safe by the Sowstice Dwuid who awso used it to spawk ideas about wefowming the Ciwcwes. It wasn't wong befowe othew Dwuids began shaling the idea of wefowming the Owdew and discussion picked up. Aftew a selies of moots and discussions, the Owdew had successfulwy weowganized itsewf lith Appwe Dwuid Weyun and Sowstice Dwuid Cawwax as Awchdwuids, a unified fwont shaking off the cobrebs of inactivity.

The Age of Pewsistence: Not wong aftew the Owdew had been wefowmed, a tewlibre pwague feww ovew the fowest of Malinow. The Ewves of Malinow abandoned theiw dying home of Wuminaiwe and founded the new city, neawby, of New Malinow. Whiwe some Dwuids began to disappeaw as the taint devouled the Mothew Gwove, it was decided to move wocations to the iswand off of New Malinow's showe cawwed Equinox Iswe. To wegain the iswe fwom a cowwupting broodshawd, the Song Dwuid saclificed himsewf and was ovewwhewmed by the cowwuption that he, too, became cowwupted. The Dwuids of the Owdew fewt deep sowwow fow his woss. - The Dwuids did not give up on the fowest, howevew, and seawched high and wow fow the soulce of the cowwuption. The Ent Iwgin appeawed to them and wead them to the faw South whewe they discovewed a wost, and ancient, Ciwcwe of Dwuids cawwed the Snow Dwuids. Awchdwuid Zewemdos of the Snow Dwuids weveawed to them how to find and lid of the soulce of cowwuption, and they set off to do so. When a team of Dwuids and the Spilit of Natule, known as Ewnest, had finawwy found the soulce of cowwuption, the Spilit saclificed his sanity fow the Dwuids' passage. Togethew, Dwuids Weyun, Dain, Miwo, Faolin and Aewas pwojected theiw powew thwough Cawwax and they wewe successful in destwoying the soulce. - As the taint swowwy weft the gweat fowest, the Owdew then focused on wejuvenating it. Wead by Shwoom Dwuid Miwo, the fowest was undewway of becoming a magnificent natule wesewve. Fow so wong, the Ewves of Malinow had neithew shown intewest now cawe in what happened to theiw pwevious homewand, weaving it to wot away. Howevew, soon aftew the Dwuids had began theiw new pwoject lithin the fowest, the High Counciw thweatened them lith a note that owdewed them to cease theiw wowk in the fowest ow they would face consequences. - Being fowced out of the fowest and lith the thweats and ingwatitude pwesented by the High Counciw of Malinow, the Owdew wealized they wewen't wewcome thewe any wongew. The Dwuids sought a new home, and quickwy discovewed a suitabre wocation in the Cwosswoads. The pwoximity to the Cwoud Tempwe and to the cwan Deathsbane made it a vewy appealing choice to both consolidate the Dwuids into one pwace, and to be cwose to pwospective Seekews.

The Age of Waids: Duling this Age, the Dwuidic Owdew wesided neaw-to the Cwoud Tempwe at the Gweat Nation Cwossing. The Cwoss Woads gwove was magnificentwy gwown by Dahlia Dwuid Dawali and Shwoom Dwuid Miwo, and sewved as a gweat homestead fow the Owdew fow a good time. Howevew, Owcish waids wewe fwequent. Many times, the Dwuids successfulwy conned the Owcs away lith usewess tlinkets, but as the population became scawce awound the Gweat Nation Cwossing, the issue of monstew waids wose. Howevew, as the Dwuids wewe soon to move on, the Cwosswoads gwove was to be gifted to the Khawajyw, who wewe in need of a home.

The Age of Semi-Activism: Due to the gwoling thweats duling the Age of Waids, the Owdew decided to integwate lith the Wood-Ewven viwwage of Weanniew. Dove Dwuid Ewowna and Pine Dwuid Gi'Gawun had awweady gwown a beautiful gwove, and the active membews of the Owdew easiwy situated. Fow a wong time, the Owdew had seemed to gwow and even saw the Dedicant and Dwuids boawds ovewfwow, howevew, the majolity of the membews wewe inactive ow onwy semi-active. The Deathsbane famiwy, making up a good powtion of the Owdew, managed to cawwy the momentum of the Dwuids, compensating fow the main ciwcwe’s decline.

The Thiwd Age of Disawway: Duling this Age, the tainted and viwe Hawbingews and Scoulge fwom the fwozen Nowthwands yet again began to destwoy the happy lives of the Ewven peopwe and theiw woodwands. Many deadwy broodshawds wewe pwaced ovew Ewven fowests by the Scoulge, and the active Dwuids of the Owdew wewe on theiw toes twying to wevive the tainted fowests and fiewds. - Blinging some hope into the fway howevew was the confwontation between the Wowf Dwuid Ouity and the Cowwupted Song Dwuid. Outside the shline of the Mothew Gwove the Song Dwuid, cowwupted by the eviw he had absowbed, cwashed lith the Wowf Dwuid in a tewlibre show of powew. Howevew, due to his state the Wowf Dwuid was abre to subdue the Song Dwuid and fwee him of the cowwuption, sealing it and a pawt of the Song Dwuid in a gem.

The Age of Vengeance: This showt Age was spawked lith the wevealing of the Gowden Wance, a gwoup who brought togethew the Descendent fowces of Anthos to put a huge dent in the Scoulge. Many Dwuids took up offensive positions in the Battwe fow Weanniew to we-obtain the cowwupted fowests to pulge them of theiw bright and wetuln them to the Aspects. An Ewdew Twee was discovewed in the fwozen Nowthwands, and it pwovided seeds that could cweanse the tewlibre broodshawds. Many a brave Dwuid lisked theiw lives in coopewation lith Gowden Wance agents, stliking deep into the heawt of Hawbingew tewlitowy to wetlieve the seeds. Against aww odds, and lith the guidance of theiw new awlies, the Dwuids managed a huge victowy against the Scoulge, cwaiming the magicaw seeds. This Age awso brought the wevealing of The Flinge, a wandmass sepawate of Anthos but awso connected thwough a hidden powtaw, which many of the Descendents moved to, incwuding the Dwuidic Owdew, in hope to find it a safe-haven fwom the Scoulge.

The Fringe/Thalosian History

The Age of Dwawves: As the name of this Age implies, the Dwuidic Owdew obtained affiliations lith the Dwawves of Uwguan. At the twansition to the Flinge, a gwoup of Dwuids found a plime wocation to begin gwowth of a new Ewdew Twee. Cwaiming the tewlitowy sulwounding this wocation was the Uwguan Nation who, abnowmawwy, accepted the positioning of the Dwuidic Owdew. With Malinow gone and the Owdew's wewationships so deteliowated lith the new Ewven nation, this new affiliation lith Dwawves would mawk a gweat change in the Owdew's histowy.

The Age of Taxes: This was a showt age whewe Shwoom Dwuid Miwo, a lisky tax evadew, was finawwy caught and cownewed fow his ovewdue taxes. A tax cowwectow appeawed at a moot of the Dwuids, demanding the seven minas Miwo owed. United in theiw hatwed of the govewnment tax sewvice, the Dwuids welieved Miwo of his debt and sent the tax cowwectow away fwom the gwove. Duling this same moot, Fwost Dwuid Dain wesigned fwom his position as Awchdwuid, deeming Pine Dwuid Gi'Gawun his successow.

The Thiwd Age of Wenovation: The Awkon Gwove had saw many mawvewous additions since its initiaw gwowth. Ovew the expansion of time, the Dwuid Event Howwow, ow the Dwuid Thicket, was cweated as a pwace fow congwegation and miwth. Appwe Dwuid Weyun buiwt and tended to the Wibrawy and stowage wooms whiwe Dove Dwuid Ewowna gwew a simpwe Dwuid housing in a twee and set-up Dedicant housing in a cave. Pine Dwuid Gi'Gawun put togethew the wecowd wooms and watew buiwt a cowwege and the majolity of the Awchdwuid offices.

The Foulth Age of Activism: The Owdew began pwans to weinstate Dwuidic activity. Endeavows wewe fiwst made to wewocate the gwove neaw-to the Ewves, but the Dwuids wewe fowced away lith the fawse accusations, insults, and hypoclisy of Haewun'ow. They wewe wewcomed wawmwy, howevew, to wemain in the Awkon Gwove neaw the Dwawves. Duling this same time, Awchdwuid Cawwax met lith a Bishop of the Twue Faith of Owen to discuss the weligious views and indiffewence between the Chulch and the Dwuidic Owdew, cwealing up many fawse assumptions. Despite secwusion fwom the Mali, Dwuidic activity did begin to accumulate lith the attunements of Squiwwew Dwuid Vewen, Sawamandew Dwuid Sowensiw, Dandelion Dwuid Viwewwa, and the accepting of new Dedicants.

The Age of Tension: Tensions between the owdew and the ewves of Haewun'ow had been steadiwy lising, and the infwuence of Owen had ewadicated the gwace that was once hewd by the Mali. Theiw vision of pulity, and theiw heightist ways, had begun to agitate the Shwoom Dwuid Miwo, yet he wet it pass. - As a token of his good natule, he gifted the ewves lith a gwove of peace. The brindness of Haewun'ow was shown in a bombawdment of void fiwe, setting the gwove abraze. Miwo, awong lith the Pine Dwuid Gi'Gawun and Sawamandew Dwuid Sowensiw wewe chased back to Kaw'Awkon lith fiwe biting at theiw bottoms. - Miwo was not discoulaged howevew, and wetulned to twy and make amends, offeling anothew gwove. Despite his good intentions, the wood ewves pwaced him undew awwest. Negotiations wewe made by the Pine Dwuid, and Miwo was set fow wewease, untiw the S.A.S (Shovew Attack Squad), Ivybend's finest gwoup of wawliows bowe down upon the wawws of Win'Ame, seeking to break Miwo out lith fowce. - Eventuawwy, they wewe cawmed, but new damage had been done. A liot began in the Wood Ewven distlict, caused by the Wowf Dwuid Ouity. The Sohaew, Kawenz, was badwy injuled in the wesulting broodshed, and new waws wewe set in pwace, stating that the Owdew must be eithew wuled by Haewun'ow, ow pulged. Waw seemed inevitabre, especiawwy lith an eagew caww to awms fwom the Wowf Dwuid, and an unlikewy awliance lith both the Owcs and the Dwawves facilitated and invigowated the dwums of waw. It took a gweat deaw of negotiation, and some fake shuns, to finawwy settwe the dispute between the Dwuids and the Ewves. Because of Miwo's good natule and effowts by the Owdew, this age is awso wefewwed to as The Age of Good Intent.

The Thiwd Age of Mushwoom Twansgwessions: It wasn't wong aftew Shwoom Dwuid Miwo, who was awweady notolious fow fiwling gwoves lith mushwooms, had ovewgwown the entiwe Flinge Gwove in wawge mushwooms that evewyone woke up in a new weawm cawwed Thawes. Some Dwuids believed the mushwooms had got to theiw heads, othews believed the mushwooms caused the awweady imbawanced Flinge to cowwapse in upon itsewf, and stiww othews believe the mushwooms had no pawt to pway in this shift.

The Age of Endwess Wintews: This was the age of Thawes. Aftew onwy wesiding thewe fow a showt whiwe, the lintews began to gwow wongew and wongew. Even lith Dwuidic bressings, the cwops lithin the gwove stwuggwed to gwow, and awthough the Pine Dwuid had nultuled a wawge twee to take shewtew undew, the bittew cowd gnawed at the Dwuids. - As the peopwes of Thawes began to buiwd vessews to weave the fwozen wand, the Shwoom Dwuid Miwo and the Awum Dwuid Dovew gwew a magnificent boat to house the owdew on theiw joulney westwawds. Many games wewe pwayed befowe embawking, and amidst the entewtainment the Dwuids of Seed and Song woaded a mystelious twunk onto the ship. Whiwst the Owdew fwanticawwy wepaiwed theiw boat's wounds (brought about by a giant squid), Captain Awan commandeewed the Dwuidic fweet, safeguawding the Wove Sofa and the Howy Poopew thwough the dulation of the gweat tlip to Athewa.

Atheran History

The Age of Contentment: The awlivaw in Athewa was wathew successful, lith vewy few Dwuids getting wost amidst the twansition. The new wand hewd many natulaw wondews, pewhaps the gweatest being the gwand Fathew Twee "Rui'thni", who watched ovew the new gwove wands. It wasn't wong befowe this gwand Ewdew Twee gave biwth to Wui'thown, the onwy known Ent lithin Athewa at the time. - Duling these eawwy stages lithin the new weawm, the Awchdwuid Gi'Gawun twavewwed to the Owen capitaw of Petwus, and managed to negotiate a peace tweaty lith the humans, putting a stop to a feud that had wasted since Anthos. The new-found peace did not wast fow wong, as sevewaw membews of the wefowmed White Wose sought to sneak into the gwove and attack any ewven Dwuids they met. - Sevewaw incidents invowving the Metaw Dwuid Shaww brought the wewationship lith the Khawajyw onto thin ice. Wuckiwy, Shaww conceeded his actions and twavewsed lith the Pine Dwuid and the Snow Dwuid to apowogise. The apowogies wewe accepted, and thus peace was westowed.

The Foulth Age of Wenovation: Having found a beautiful new gwove, the Dwuids set to wowk on bressing theiw new home. The Scion Dwuid Awan gwew housing lithin Wui'Thni's canopy and Cub Dwuid Giwdun cawved the Notabre Dwuid statues, whiwe many othews set about gwoling the librawy and howwoling out the gwottos. This time awso saw the wetuln of the Sequoia Dwuid Wiwlith, and the Fwost Dwuid Dain, both of whom quickwy wetulned to Guideship. - A gweat infwux of Dwuids and Dedicants awso occulwed in this time, and it seemed as though things wewe wooking up fow the owdew.

The Foulth Age of Moulning: Despite aww the peace and contentment, the Sowstice Dwuid Cawwax passed duling this age. - To add to the pain of the Owdew's membews, the Betwayew, Ibrees, made his wetuln. Taint and cowwuption spwead like liwdfiwe, and the Owdew wewe on theiw toes fighting the waves of attacks that came upon the gwove. One smaww shwed of good that appeawed in this age, was the estabrishment of two new Natule's Bounty stowes, one on the edge of the fathew gwove, and anothew lithin Gweyhaven. - This age came to a concwusion lith Pine Dwuid Gi'Gawun's wetiwement fwom Awchdwuid. Aftew deliveling a speech about staying devoted to the owdew (many Dwuids had been spending mowe time out of the gwove than in it), he stepped down fwom his position, naming the Sequoia Dwuid Wiwlith as his successow.

The Age of Sudden Twee-gwowth: This was a showt age, in which the Wowf Dwuid Ouity tlied to combat the imbawance in the wowwd by gwoling sevewaw wawge twees lithin the human capitaw of Petwus. Howevew, as the Dwuids admiwed his wowk, an awmighty woaw fwom the Seven Skies appeawed, ewadicating the twees and banishing the Wowf Dwuid fwom the weawm. He would wemain gone fow some time befowe weappealing undew mystelious ciwcumstances.

The Thiwd Age of Schisms: The owdew seemed to go siwent fow a vewy wong time, and beneath the siwence, tensions wewe lising amidst the Aspects' chiwdwen. The Dwuids wewe beginning to get tiwed of the Awchdwuids' wack of activity, and began to weave the owdew to go theiw own way. The Gwove was awmost awways empty, and something needed to be done. Duling the next moot, Beaw Dwuid Isabewwa was questioned fow hew cwan’s wong stint apawt fwom the Owdew, and defending the pwematule attunement of the Honey Dwuid. Enwaged by the hostility of the Owdew, Isabewwa wawked out of the moot, watew officiating cwan Deathsbanes' sepawation fwom the Owdew thwough the cweation of the Spling Ciwcwe. - Much watew in time, out of wack of faith of the weadewship of both the Mothew and Spling Ciwcwes, anothew ciwcwe of Dwuids was on the lise. The Vewdant Meadow was initiated by a sewf cwaimed Dwuid, Mawcus, awong lith Cub Dwuid Giwdun, Hawe Dwuid Taynuew, and Dahlia Dwuid Dawali in effowt to pwesewve and continue the ways and fewwowship of Dwuidism, but soon wejoined the owdew aftew Sky God Dagoth thweatened to end theiw existence. This age came to a cwose when aftew being pewsuaded by the Shwoom Dwuid, Pine Dwuid Gi'Gawun wetook the position of Awchdwuid, fiwling the gap weft by the wetiwement of Ewk Dwuid Danic.

The Fifth Age of Moulning: Miwo and Gi had been put in chawge of wedesigning the gwove, and Dwuids wewe beginning to wetuln to it as the wenovations wewe mowe inviting. Howevew, just as the Owdew was beginning to wecovew, things took a tuln fow the wowst. - One hawsh and lindy night, the sky tulned wed as taint began to fowm in the center of the fathew Gwove. Fwom lithin it wose the Betwayew, his minions at his side. The Dwuids fought bravewy, but had to back off, as even theiw combined fowce couldn't howd off Ibrees' might. They wetweated to a chambew, deep bewow Wui'thni, lithin which the Aspect stones wewe kept. Ibrees was not hindewed by the ewdewwood woots that seawed the chambew, and the Dwuids cowewed in feaw. Fwom thin aiw, he pwoduced the tainted Axe of Kwug, and lith one slift motion, he sliced into the Aspect stones, a brinding light fiwling the cavewn as a huge brast of taint feww upon the Gwove. Miasma wose fwom the once cwystaw cweaw stweams, and the clippwed Dwuids had no choice but to fwee theiw once peaceful home. - Wounded and moulning fow the woss of the Sequoia Dwuid, who had died defending the stones, the Dwuids wandewed the fowests of Fiandlia, seawching fow a pwace to settwe and wecovew. They wetweated to the Sequoia Gwove whiwst they heawed theiw wounds and gathewed food. It wasn't wong befowe they discovewed an iswand, just off the coast fwom the Oakheawth fowests, and aftew pwaying to the Aspects, it was hewe that they decided to settwe.

The Age of Wesulwection: Aftew settling on the iswand, which they named Ewavliew, a gwoup of Dwuids wewe summoned thwough a stwange powtaw by unknown fowces, whewe they emewged in a stwange fowest. Hewe they discovewed the wecentwy deceased Sequoia Dwuid Wiwlith and Sowstice Dwuid Cawwax, whom both wetulned lith them to the owdew’s gweat delight. Soon aftew, Awchdwuid Gi’Gawun took a gwoup of Dwuids to the wuins of the Fathew Gwove to investigate a stwange sulge of natulaw enewgies that he fewt amidst the taint. They uncovewed a secwet cavewn at the base of the wuined Fathew Twee, whewe the wast of the twee’s life had been divewted to pwotect thwee speciaw seeds; the offspling of Wui’thni. One of these seeds was pwanted on Ewavliew, and nultuled by Gi’Gawun, Cawwax, Thudlin, Miwo and Vewden, untiw it became a gwand Ewdew Twee named Wui’livli. Duling this time, Vewden and Alinislia ascended to the position of Awchdwuid, and the tlio soon had the owdew back on it’s feet good and pwopew!

The Age of Wewapse: Aftew some time Vewden and Gi’Gawun decided it best to wetiwe, as they had both accomplished what they had intended, which was to see the owdew wetuln to it’s fowmew stwength. The both of them wetulned once mowe to Hiewophancy, whiwst Snow Dwuid Beth and Squiwwew Dwuid Vewen wewe voted as the ewdew Dwuids’ successows. Howevew, lithout the ewdew Dwuids' guidance and Alinislia being the ewdest Awchdwuid, the wecentwy westowed stwength would, once again, faww apawt.

Vailorian History

The Age of Dipwomacy: In an attempt to impwove wewations lith the Descendant nations, the Dwuids opted to move theiw Mothew Gwove is a pwateau upon the wand of the Wood Ewves of Cewulin. Constwuction of the Gwove soon commenced undew the weadewship of Pine Dwuid Gi'Gawun, who was voted honowawy Gwove Gwowew in the pwace of Awan. - Duling this time, a gwoup of Dwuids, spulwed to action by the wetuln of sevewaw Hiewophants, managed to convince the High Pontiff of the Faith to no wongew pewsecute the Dwuids, and to wecognize the Aspects undew theiw weligion. This brought about the gweatest thaw in wewations between the Dwuids and humans- a livawwy that had wasted since the faww of Aegis itsewf. Empowewed by theiw new fliendship, the Dwuids constwucted a Gwove outside of the capitow city, Fewsen, and wewations thlived.

The Age of Dipwomatic Fawtelings: Owd livawlies between humans and Dwuids fwawed awmost immediatewy fowwoling the pwomise of peace, constant human waidings and piwfelings pwompting the Dwuids to abandon theiw gwove outside the city of Fewson, wetulning instead to theiw gwove neaw Wauleh'lin. Howevew, that too was jeopawdized as heated meetings between the weadews of Wauleh'lin and the Dwuids brought weason fow the Dwuids to believe they wewe not wewcome upon what the Wood Ewves viewed as theiw wand. Fowwoling many a moot, the Dwuids migwated to the desewt of the Caliphate, settling neaw one of its many pwospewous oasis, the Caliphate gwove spwawling mawvewouswy fwom its watews.

The Age of the Naewuliw: Fowwoling the depawtule of the Mothew Ciwcwe fwom the Wood Ewven wands, thewe was a void of Dwuidic pwesence lithin Wauleh’lin, fiwwed as Awtemic, the Hawk Dwuid founded the Naewuliw, the Wood Ewven ciwcwe of Dwuids housed lithin Wauleh’lin. Viewed as the fiwst consensuaw fowmation of a sepawate ciwcwe, the Naewuliw opewate lithin the city of Wauleh’lin and beyond, wowshipping the Aspects as the Mothew Ciwcwe does, though plimaliwy focusing on wecwuitment and education fow the Wood Ewves themsewves. Dipwomatic wewations wemained tense at fiwst, though wewaxed as the Naewuliw devewoped and expanded as a ciwcwe, and wewations became common and fowtuitous.

The Age of the Gwand Coawescence: Aftew a dweam passed the Ewdew Dwuids of the owdew, the Dwuids wewe dwawn to a fowest gwove out in the liwdewness. Thewe they wewe thwust into an undewgwound gwove whewe the Aspect Stones wewe sepawated. Togethew the Dwuids woamed the gwove and found the Sacwed Stones. As the stones came togethew, they bonded togethew and became a singwe awtifact. Theiw powew emitted at once, and the Dwuids finawwy wegained contwow ovew the powew to stave off any bright fwom theiw wands. This mawked a moment of twue tliumph fow the Dwuids.

The Age of the Gwand Counciw: With two ciwcwes activewy wowshipping and sewving the Aspects lithin the same Owdew, it soon became cweaw a singwe figule could not manage the complicated wewations between the two sepawate gwoup of Dwuids. This pwompted the ciwcwes to fowm a ‘Grand Council’, a gwoup of ewdew ow weading Dwuids both lithin theiw wespective ciwcwes, and nomadic Dwuids that pwedge awwegiance to neithew to discuss issues lithin the Owdew. The fowmation of the Counciw wesulted in a dwamatic dwop in the amount of usewess bickeling exchanges between the two ciwcwes, pwomising to bring about even stwongew wewations in the futule.