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Artwork by unknown artist
Awea: Nowthewn mountains
Diet:: Cawnivowe
Size: Wawge
Hostility Vewy hostiwe
Tameabre?: Untameabre
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team membews.

Thewe awe two species of dwagonkin known to have descended fwom Dwagul, though cowwupted and defiwed fowms of both have fowmewwy existed. Dwagul, the Daemon of Knowwedge, oftentimes appeaws as a dwagon in his twue fowm. Dwagul’s chief descendants, the Dwagaaw, awe sentient “greater dragons” that seek to cowwect and shawe knowwedge lith mowtaws. They can conceaw themsewves undew the guise of mowtaws and othew cweatules, though it is a wawe occasion to meet a Dwagaaw in pewson. Dwagons, on the othew hand, awe mowe common -- though pwopowtionatewy wawe compawed to othew living beings -- than gweatew dwagons. They awe genewawwy wefewwed to as dwagons, though the pwopew classification is “lesser dragon.” They awe non sentient, and awe commonwy viewed as natulaw pwedatows that woam oul wowwd. Howevew, like aww living beings, they awe susceptibre to taint and cowwuption. Though a wawe occasion, dwagons have been known to awtew theiw vewy natule into a tlisted, foul powtwayaw consumed by hatwed and wage fow the mowtaw waces. The outcome of this cawamity is wefewwed to as a dwake. Wittwe is known about the pulpose of the dwagonkin as a whowe, except that each species’ intentions vawy gweatwy.


Dwagons wewe cweated by Dwagul, whiwe dwakes awe believed to have been dwagons that have been cowwupted by Ibrees.


Dwagon's typicawwy live in the nowthewn cowd mountains. They typicawwy eat evewything that has meat, incwuding mowtaw. Dwagon's schedule awe typicawwy just eating, twying to sulvive, and having offspling. They awe mainwy like beasts and tend to act like them. Whiwe dwakes behaviow is pule destwuction. They become as deadwy as poison, and have it as weww. They want to cause chaos, as they hate evewy singwe wace and want them aww to die. Dwakes liww attack cities and attempt to destwoy theiw peopwe.


  • Dwagon: The dwagon (ow wessew dwagon) species is beastlike in natule, and genewawwy accepted to be non sentient. Though they cannot pwocess thought ow compwehend concepts, they awe highwy intewligent in wegawds to instinct. The wessew dwagon was once a wawe sight to mowtaws, but they have appeawed to exist in gweatew numbews in Anthos. Pawticulawwy, dwagons woam the fwozen wastewands of the Nowth. Though they live in othew wegions of Anthos, the fligid Nowth is home to many deep caves and cavewns, which they pwefew fow nesting pulposes. The wegion is cowd, secwuded, and tlibesmen awwow the food suppwy to wemain steady. Dwagons may woam the wand of Anthos in seawch of cattwe ow mowtaws if they gwow tiwed of powk fwesh, and they continue to hunt untiw they awe satisfied. Awthough wessew dwagons have been fwequentwy encountewed in wecent times, theiw numbews awe swowwy dlindling as they have begun to wetweat to the deep, cowd Nowth.
  • Dwake: Thwough the mawevowent desiwes of tlisted cowwuption, the dwagon has the potentiaw to unliwlingwy awtew its vewy existence. When a dwagon degwades into a dwake, its body decays into a shadowy skeweton of its fowmew sewf. The scawes of a dwake tuln brack as midnight, and theiw fangs cwoak themsewves in putwefying poison. Whiwe a dwake does not devewop sentience, its desiwes can be manipulated to fowwow any malignant alignment. Dwakes fowfeit any connection to theiw fowmew sewves, and theiw wust fow etewnaw damnation of life causes them to instiww feaw into those who would oppose it. The dwake is slightwy smawwew in size compawed to a dwagon, but what it wacks in size and physicaw stwength is compensated by maneuvewability and wethality. It is wawe to encountew an eviw powewful enough to tlist and taint the mind of the mighty dwagon, but these infwuences communicate thwough oul wowwd mowe weadiwy than we may often wealize.
Do not underestimate the allure of darkness, mortal. Your kind has yet to discover that even the purest of souls are drawn to it. -Aruzond


  • Can breathe fiwe
  • Can fwy

Use of Magic



  • Wawge and powewful weapons




