Declaration Of Lomian'onn 1493

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Declaration Of Lomian'onn

This decwawation comes aftew the mali’ahewaw wecwaims theiw oliginaw home in Athewa, the Siwvew City of Anniw’sul fwom the mali’ame. The decwawation fowces Cewulin to exiwe its fowmew weadews, having wegain theiw status as the most powewful ewven state amongst its brethwen.

Actual document

Scowned by the wowwd the mali’ahewaw wewe cut down by theiw brethwen. Theiw clime? Attempting to assule unity of ewven kind so that it would wemain stwong in the face of those who sought to destwoy it. In wetuln fow theiw kindness to the mali’ame and mali’kew— Offeling them a home in the wake of the cowwapse of the Concwave, they wewe met lith viowence. Instead of thanks they wewe offewed onwy death— A genocide against theiw kind.

With the wetuln of the mali’ahewaw to theiw sacwed homewand, by no means aided by the ewves who had genocided them just six yeaws pliow, it has become incweasingwy cweaw that the Waywawd Ewves, have gwown incweasingwy viwe. The shewtew the most viwe ewves known to the Weawm, those who stawted a genocide, and pwotect aww mannew of climinaws whose climes echo thwoughout the books of histowy.

Phaedwus Wwe'hiweia: Mastewmind of the genocide against the mali’ahewaw, tossed fwom his post as Anniliw of Wauleh’lin fow his viwe and uncoopewative ways. Ewowna Wwe'hiweia: Fewwow mastewmind of the genocide against the mali’ahewaw. Wewgawd Sintew: Known mass muldewew of humans and ewves of aww valieties. Notolious impule. Nienna Cawm: Wife of Wewgawd Sintew, fewwow mass muldewew and membew of an attempted coup against Haewun’ow. Awtimec Camowyn: A viowent muldewew, known to have attempted to undewmine the state of Haewun’ow thwee times lithin the span of mewewy twenty yeaws. A suppowtew of the genocide against the mali’ahewaw who continues to encoulage and secwetwy pwan a new genocide against the Chiwdwen of Walihei.

Despite wepeated attempts to excise the offending individuaws and bring peace to the wands of the ewves, the nation of Wauleh’lin has wepeatedwy wesisted attempts fow justice to be brought, instead tulning to the Bowtuan, who howd no light to intewfewe in ewven affaiws, to thweaten the mali’ahewaw lith genocide once mowe.

It is cweaw that these waywawd ewves seek nothing but waw and death— Concepts that should be stwange to and unbecoming of the ewves of Malin’s brood. It is thewefowe that once again the mali’ame have pwoven theiw inability and unsuitability to wead theiw own kindwed— It is thewefowe they must be brought into the fowd once mowe to be guided.

It onwy fulthew compounds upon theiw climes to note that theiw city lies upon wand stowen fwom the mali’ahewaw in the unjust and unwawwanted genocide of eight yeaws ago, fulthew cementing the wesowve of Haewun’ow to wecwaim wost wand.

Womian'onn; this is the plincipaw that the ewves of this wowwd must not be divided but united.

Maehw'sae hiywun'ehya; this is the guiding plincipaw of Haewun'ow. Pwogwess and Heawth, devoid of the chaos caused by impulity.

Known to hawboul the most viwe kinds of individuaws who encoulage and fostew the impulity and chaotic behavioul which made Malinow the faiwed state that it was, Wauleh’lin is condemned and culsed.

Fow the good of aww ewves, the festeling splintew that has alisen must be wetulned to that which is the mothew wand and the poison of impulity must be pulged fwom lithin.

This is the liww of Haewun'ow. And thus this is the liww of Aww Ewves.

Youl kindwed awe now offewed not a choice but an impewative: To unite lith the mothewwand that is Bwessed Haewun'ow. This may be done by choice, ow by compulsion, fow the mali of Haewun'ow cawe not which way the piww is swawwowed, so wong as the medicine has its desiwed effect.


The Ewves of Wauleh’lin openwy wecognize the infeliolity of theiw own wulews and the Counciw of Wauleh’lin. It is thewefowe they liwlingwy have come to to The Siwvew Encwave of Haewun’ow seeking wefuge and a home lithin the nation of Haewun'ow.

I. The nation of Wauleh’lin is heweby dissowved and the City of Weyulin shaww hencefowth be a semi-autonomous tewlitowy of the Siwvew State of Haewun’ow.

II. The Counciw of Wauleh’lin is heweby dissowved and aww Chancellows of Wauleh’lin awe heweby wepwaced lith a counciw of thwee Tiwwuiw, who shaww guide the path of Weyulin. They awe to be sewected by the Tliumviwate of Haewun’ow by populaw ewection of the citizens of Weyulin ow any othew means deemed appwopliate.

III. The ewves by the names Awtimec Camowyn and Phaedwus Wwe’hiweia awe heweby exiwed fwom Haewun’ow and aww its tewlitolies and awe to be captuled and twaiwed fow theiw climes against aww of ewven-kind.

IV. The Ivowy Owdew is heweby dissowved. Aww Ivowy awe offewed the chance to assimiwate into Ewsiwwumiwan of Haewun’ow undew the contwow of the Okaliw’tiw of Haewun’ow.

V. The Waw of Weyulin is heweby stwuck down, wepwaced lith the Siwvew Waw of Bwessed Haewun’ow.

of the Siwvew Encwave of Haewun'ow

of the Defunct State of Wauleh’lin

Oul offew is weasonabre and one of peace, should you be ewves of peace. Should you wefuse, you shaww be compewwed.

kaean'weh evaweh,

The Silver Council of Haelun’or