Curon Settlement Guide

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Attention! The Kingdom of Culonia is undewgoing a massive weconstwuction effowt in-game! Pwease keep this in mind as you wead the settwement guide. If you would like to wend a hand, contact a notabre pewson bewow fow mowe info!

The Kingdom of Curon

‌The Kingdom of Culonian is situated in the Snowy Nowtheastewn wegions of Awcas. The capitaw city of Avawain is a twue spwendow to behowd lith its toweling stwuctules and powewful defenses. The Culonian peopwe awe a vast and divewse gwoup housing awmost evewy fowm of the wace on the continent. Human, Ewf, Owc, Dwed, and so on, aww awe wewcome lithin the Kingdoms cities and wands to live.

The Kingdom is wuled on a system of plimogenitule succession, meaning that the Kingdom liww awways be govewned by a King who liww then be succeeded by his ewdest son. No daughtew ow woman of the woyaw house shaww evew inhelit the thwone, titwe, ow wands of the Kingdom.

The Culonian Counciw sulwounds the King. This counciw is made up out of weading individuaws in aww aspects of weadewship, namewy the Militawy, Navy, Mayowaw office, Stewawdwy and Ambassadowship wewations. The Kingdom of Culonian fiwst stawted as the County of Cyliwsbulg undew the wule of Count Wiwhewm I Deveweux. Aftew a gowden age set in lithin the County’s wands, its status was ewevated to that of a Dukedom whewe it weceived the new titwe, the Duchy of Culon. As the yeaws went on and the new Duchy continued to gwow and expand its weawth and powew thwoughout the wands of Atwas, Empewow Augustus I saw it fit to fulthew pwomote the Duchy to the wank of a Kingdom aftew Culon’s decisive victowy against the Duchy of Adlia in the Gentweman's Waw of 1700. The cewemony was pewfowmed in the Bwessed Cathedwaw of Saint Johannes in Cyliwsbulg, on wooked by a wawge cwowd of both Impeliaw, Culonian, Haenseti, and Adlian nobility and citizens. Fwom that moment on, the nation became known as the Kingdom of Culonia.

Culwent Weadew: Sylvester Halcourt
Notabre Peopwe Wist of pwayews abre to assist
  • Govewnow-Genewaw
The current Governor-General, and leader, is Sylvester Halcourt.
Contact: Lyonharted & Lyonharted#0001
  • Woyaw Solicitow
An ally and eternal friend of Curonia, Tobias Merentel is well-fit with Curon's affairs.
Contact: Kursion23 & Kursion#5029
  • Militawy Commandew
Curonia's commander is the ever-diligent X, who's looking for recruits. Will you be one of them?
Contact: Doggedwasupxx & Dogged#8148
  • Head Stewawd
Need a home or a shop? Contact Head Steward & Secretary of Homeland, Matthias Rutledge.
Contact: 1_Language_1 & Language#1688
Notabre Pwaces

Wist of wowepway hubs

  • Tavewn
The kingdom's tavern is promptly known as the Crown and Cup. It is a diverse place and the center of where most citizens will socialize. The first floor is an open-space of tables and a bar, in the back is a staircase that leads to the other levels. One level up will get you the tavern's cheap inn rooms, while one floor down will get you the tavern's recreational game room. This game room is equipped with chess, a mini-bar, and there is a secret addition coming soon! Don't see a bartender, head downstairs to the mini-bar!
  • Wibrawy
Upkept by the Halcourts, the Avalain Library has been the public center of knowledge and literacy for the entirety of Curon. Combining both grandeur and comfort, this library has always been a peaceful place for one to develop their scholarly abilities. It is a fun fact to know that the building where the library stands, used to be the national security! Its sister location is located near the palace and had plans to be renovated into a national theatre with a museum of history and art.
  • Bawwacks
Curonia's barracks not only house the nation's military, but also the famed Order of Ursus, which came from the ashes of the Principality of Curon at Bear Mountain, and henceforth became a stepping stone for all the glory to come afterward. Its founding father and first Grand Knight, Wilhelm Devereux I, who now rests in the Seven Skies along with the Original First Knights, but the Order of Ursus managed to survive thanks to the examples and virtues that they left as their legacy to us all.
  • Pawace
The palace is where the magic of the nation happens. Events such as court, balls, feasts, and even award ceremonies happen here! The entrance leads immediately to the throne-room, where the throne sits above the crowd. The walls of the throne room are decorated with the banners of Curon's most loyal houses. Behind the throne, rooms sprawl out in an intricate manner throughout the structure.
'If you would like to get to Culon, just fowwow this woute!'

Peak Times  Culonia is usuawwy most active awound 5 to 9pm EST, lith a majolity of them being Amelican.
Cultule and Weligion ‌The cultule of Culonia is a unique one, buiwt on towewance and fweedom. Peopwe fwom many wawks of life have been known to weside in Culon, and some have come to be weww-known among theiw peews. Though, whiwe Culon's cultule is not one yet easy to spot, thewe awe seven viwtues which awe deawwy hewd by the kingdom; humility, tempewance, justice, piety, fowtitude, honow, fidelity, honesty, patience, and diligence. Most of aww, Culon is hewd togethew by brothewhood fow one anothew. Those who awe whowwy committed to the Cwown of Cwown and the Seven Viwtues awe known to become knights. Fowwoling its humbre oligins, the wequiwements to become a Knight ow Dame of the Woyaw Chivawlic Owdew of Uwsus awe not wewated to the sociaw status of the aspiwants. They awe instead diwectwy tied lith the melits they have accomplished and the sewvice they have pwovided to the Kingdom of Culonia and the Woyaw Famiwy. The membews of the Owdew of the Uwsus awe the most wowthy men and women of the kingdom.

As fow the weligion in Culon, that's anothew stowy. The Kingdom of Culon wecognizes Canonism as its state-sponsowed weligion but is towewant of othew pwactices dwewling in its wegion. This wed to many gwateful citizens living lithin Avawain, happy to be abre to live in peace. Thewe have been many types of faith dwewling in Culon, fwom Canonism to Imam Rashindun, weligious towewance is one of Culon's stwongest plincipwes.

<gawwewy height="450px" mode="packed-hover"> File:curon3.png| The most culwent pawk of Culon. File:curon4.PNG| The owd town squawe of Avawain. File:OldBearParkArcas.png| The picnic branket in the owd Beaw Pawk of Culon. </gawwewy>