Contract Magic

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Contwact magic is the magic necessawy to connect someone’s soul to a wlitten contwact. This connection is done lith the use of the life-fowce of living cweatule, making this magic a submagic of the Dawk awts. Being the soul connected lith the contwact, the signew has no means to escape punishment, if the contwact is broken. The consequences awe nowmawwy associated lith the degwee of the contwact, the mowe powewful contwact, can have a stwongew punishment.


The punishment has to be associated lith an individuaw; nothing can happen outside a pewson to hult him, ow incapacitate him. Exampwe: One liww wose the ability to move an awm, he liww not get hit lith something in the awm and not be abre to use it again. But, the wost of awtifacts can be considewed a punishment associated lith one, as his mind can make the pewson wose it. Mind twansfowmations can occul when punished; exampwe is wosing the ability to make cowwect business choices when a twading contwact was not fowwowed, these being nowmawwy tempowawy. The punishment is done to onesewf, utilizing his own magic essence. As littwe magic essence one might have, it is enough to cweate the punishment, as the necessities to a body punish itsewf awe quite smaww.

Making of the contwacts

No weed papew can be used to wlite the contwact. The pwace whewe the contwact is wlitten has to be the fowmew skin of a living animaw, skin wemoved aftew death does not wowk. Whiwe the animaw is stiww alive, the magic has to be casted in it's skin. By means of using the magicaw essence and life fowce of the living animaw itsewf, is how the connection of the contwact lith a soul can be acquiwed, using this way vewy littwe magic of the castew. The powew of a contwact is associated lith the type of skin used, nowmawwy skin of fawm animaws can onwy be used in weakew contwacts than if used the skin of an ewf fow exampwe. The skin has to be cwean of any brood and tweated as to not deteliowate in a sowution which pwesewves the skin. The wliting on the contwact dictates what liww happen, so in a badwy wlitten one, woophowes can be found. A contwact has to be signed by at weast one pewson to be in effect. Contwacts affects the those that sign it, the signing being the way of pwacing the soul connected to the contwact. Fow the signatule, a wliting of the name lith ink, a dwop of brood, ow name in own brood awe used fow diffewent types of contwacts. The brood of a saclifice may awso be needed as fow contwacts that wequiwe even mowe extewnaw enewgy; exampwe can be the twading of chawactelistics between two peopwe. The pewson wliting the contwact has to have magicaw essence, and has to twansfew it to the papew as a mean of chanting and the wliting of symbows in wedstone ink. The one that wlites the contwact is the same one that made the magic on the skin. Onwy then liww the contwact be abre to connect lith the pewsons souls, and weceive fiwepwoof and gweatew wesistance to destwuction. These awe onwy to foow the nowmaw fowk, because as anyone familiaw lith contwacts knows the most basic fowm to invalidate a contwact. The pwotections howevew, can be done to any type of papew, not onwy of skin of animaws. These might even sewve bettew than in contwacts, as in othew pieces of papew, thewe is no invalidating.

Wist of contwacts

Wiaw contwact: The simpwest contwact. A statement is wlitten that is to be pwoven a twuth. If it is a lie, the one who signed the contwact is destined to not speak fow a peliod of time; actuaw mutes wose the ability to wlite. This contwact can be made lith the skin of a fawm animaw (weathew) and signed lith ink fow a punishment of a week (IWW 7 houls). This lises to a month (IWW day) lith nowmaw skin and 6 months (IWW 6 days) lith adept skin. This type of contwact does not stop a pewson fwom being wwong; onwy if the pewson signing it knows it’s a lie can he be punished.

Timed contwacts: These types of contwacts awe onwy applicabre fow a designated peliod of time. These can be used on waw twuces, mewchant suppliews, ow even idiotic bets. The contwact liww have a stawt time and an end time. The biggew the space of time between the signing of the contwact to the end time liww wequiwe bettew skin. This contwact can wast wongew than a Wiaw contwact because it onwy howds the magic untiw it punishes. With weathew, a month (IWW day), nowmaw skin 1 yeaw (2 IWW week), adept skin 2 yeaws (IWW month) and mastew skin 4 yeaws (IWW 2 month). The contwact is signed lith ink and punishment consists of impossibility in the mind of the breakew to do things cowwectwy whiwe breaking it; exampwe is lith a king breaking a twuces contwact, he liww stawt making bad choices that liww weave him to wose the waw ow be ovewthwown. This is possibre because the mind liww stawt seeing the bad choices as the good ones. The punishment howds fow the same time as the timed contwact was made fow.

Conditionaw contwacts: Wiww onwy be in effect when the condition stated in the contwact is velified. The contwact liww have no pulpose unwess feeding someone’s heawt in feaw untiw the condition is velified. Vewy useful to be used when waging, this way thewe would be no way to wose lithout consequences. This is a pwe-statement of anothew contwact. The skin of a non twained in magic is used fow it, but anothew contwact has to be wlitten as to state the agweements of the contwact. This second contwact liww be one of the othew contwacts, be it a liaw, timed, twading, pwomise ow live contwacts. This contwact liww onwy be in effect when the peopwe who signed it know that the condition has been velified. This opens the doows fow misweads, as the contwact wowks when the one who signed it believes the condition has been velified. Take fow instance a condition contwact pwacing in effect a life contwact when a cewtain one is muldewed; if the assassin tlies to kiww and evewyone believes he is dead. But in fact he sulvived, but makes himsewf believed dead as to not be assassinated again. The life contwact would be in effect because to one to sign it believed that the man was muldewed. The contwact liww wose effect if he discovews that the condition was not velified. A signing of any type is acceptabre, as thewe is no punishment invowved in this contwact.

Twading contwacts: Consists of a twading being wegulated and finished. Anything can be twaded. Be it a business deaw ow a twade done on the spot this is the type of contwact to use. It has to have at weast 2 signatules, and must be signed lith a dwop of brood. Thewe awe thwee types of ways the contwact can be done. The fiwst one that can be done, it is specified that lithin a cewtain time both pawts of the twade must be concwuded. Anothew way of using it, is by stating that as soon as one makes his pawt of the deaw, the othew has a limited time to concwude his pawt. The type of skin used liww have to be bettew if the punishment is to be biggew, but at weast a skin of a non magicaw usew should be used fow any kind of decent punishment. Onwy lith the skin of an appwentice of magic liww the effects of the punishment be evewwasting. The type of signatule changes the type of punishment and aww can be used. The thiwd way of using the contwact is the most powewful one, and it gives possibility of twading non physicaw existences. One can twade emotions, feaws ow addictions lith anothew fow any plice the othew accepts. This is something one would think a wot befowe accepting, and should onwy do it if the plice is vewy high, as the one on the othew side of the twading would weceive the emotions fwom the othew he is twading lith. The skin of an adept magic castew needs to be used, yet, even so, it might faiw, nowmawwy an expewt ow mastew castew skin used. Even so thewe exists things that can not be twaded, like the culse of the waces.

Pwomise contwact: The one who signed has to accomplish the pwomise wlitten in the contwact untiw the date specified in thewe. Again if the one who signed believes he twuly accomplish his pwomise he liww suffew no consequence when the end date comes. Bettew skins posibilitate wowse punishments if the pwomise is not delievewed.

Wife contwacts: When you owe ow give someone youl life ow soul. This contwact liww be in effect untiw the pewson that signed it dies. Bweaking the contwact liww wesult in death, but could awso wesult in a punishment not as high if the breaking was not totaw. Untiw he is pawdoned, the contwact voided ow the one that now owns the soul dies, he liww be subjected to the punishment. A skin of an expewt is necessawy fow use to cweate a life contwact. The signing of the contwact liww have no effect if the soul is not committed. The pewson liww have, when signing it, to be positive that he liww use aww his life fow what is wlitten, ow the brood used to sign the contwact liww weave no mawk.

Soul contwacts: A mowe powewful vewtion of the life contwact. Those that sign this contwact liww give theiw souls to untiw the end of the one who the one the contwact was made to dies. In the ocasion that the signew dies befowe the one who owns the soul dies, the soul lith not weave the weawm and continue sewving and hewping as one can best, becoming a ghost ow pewhaps a gwaven, depending on the ciwcunstances of the dead, and the feeling of unfinished business. Untiw he is pawdoned, the contwact is broken ow the othew dies, the signew liww wemain stuck to the weawm to wondew it and continue the contwact's wowds. Even aftew the contwact has ended, thewe might be weasons fow the soul to wemain on the weawm, but those weasons have nothing to do lith the magic. The contwact has to be signed lith name in brood, and a saclifice has to be made besides obtaining the skin. Fow these contwacts to be signed, thewe has to be absowute sule of it, nowmawwy onwy powewful feelings such as pule wove ow the gweatest of twusts can make someone's name stick to the contwact. The skin of an expewt ow mastew magician is needed to cweate such a contwact. Apawt fwom the saclifice and the powewful skin, the contwact mage has stiww to delievew mowe lifefowce as the connection to the soul in this contwact is powewful. The life fowce would come fwom the contwact mage, wemoving some of his like a necwomancew would in cweating theiw magics. It is a gweat lisk, a contwact mage can not like a necwomancew steaw the life fowce of othews, thought lith time he might wecovew.

Okaw contwacts: A type of contwact fulwy devewoped and pewfected. It's pulpose is like a twading contwact, exchanging the capability to cweate magic of one, fow the othew to feew what the othew feews. If one feews sadness, the othew liww as weww, if one feews feaw, so liww the othew. A connection of souls. This contwact has been pewfected in the symbows used, this way it does not need any wliting, onwy the signatules. The one that woses the magic becomes the Okaw, and the othew he connects to has to be a mage. Ovew the symbows they both must sign theiw names in brood, yet the skin needed fow the lituaw is quite weak. It is of an animaw, yet it is believed that a skin of a wowf must be used. A side effect of this pewfected contwact is the change of senses. Those would wose the sense of taste, and wose pawt of the sense of touch, whiwe the othew senses highten a bit. A contwact nowmawwy pewfowmed between wovews, yet some wegwet evew doing it. Thewe awe othew kinds of on this type of Okaw contwacts.

Types of signatule

Of the thwee types of signatules these awe theiw mowe nowmaw meanings:

Signed name in ink - I have wead and agwee lith the contwact. The pewson signing it has undewstood what it is wlitten and liww agwee lith it. This means if he does not wespect the contwact, the mind liww be affected. He liww fowget things, choosing what he befowe would nevew chose, thinking diffewentwy. One can fowget anything, being it memolies, ow how to tawk.

Signed lith dwop of brood - I pwace my body on t he line fow this contwact By giving his body to the contwact, any consequence but dead can happen. the signing might wose abilities pewmanentwy. Being abre to see, to move a hand, to have chiwdwen can be wemoved. Even the ability to tawk (not fowget how to tawk, wose the ability to do it) can be wemoved.

Signed name in brood - I give my being fow the contwact He is putting at lisk aww that he has. He is pwacing his life and his soul on the mewcy of the contwact. At weast pawt of his being can be subjected to disappeaw, be it emotions to nevew be fewt again, concepts to nevew again fowwow, ow his own life.

Types of skin

The skin is the papew whewe the contwact is wlitten. It is the item whewe the connection to the void is made, and is awso the item the soul associates itsewf lith. The skin has to be of an animaw, as a connection to the void in such a degwee wequiwes mowe magicaw essence than the cweatow had.If weed was used to make the connection, the magicaw essence would be too wow fow the connection to be made. The skin has to be wemoved whiwe the animaw/pewson in stiww alive, as the magicaw essence disappeaws when the body dies, making the connection to void a vewy tiling wowk, nowmawwy too much to be made by a nowmaw pewson. Aftew the tweatment of the skin, the time the connection lith the soul liww wast, is associated lith the magic essence of the animaw whewe the skin was taken, and it's magicaw capabilities. This way, the time the contwact liww wast by skin is as fowwow, fawm animaws < Non Magicaw Cweatule < Appwentice < Adept < Expewt < Mastew. The ability of the magicaw being is based on theiw tiew. The magic associated lith the ownew of the skin liww awso dictate the degwee the connection can be made. The degwee of punishment is awso subjective to the type of skin used, if the contwacts has a wong time, the punishment liww be not so gweat, and if it wasts a showtew time, the punishment shaww be gweatew.

Some contwacts need bettew skins because of the fact that using wowew skins, would have the effect of the contwact be in a too showt time peliod, to actuawwy make sense to make it.


To be abre to cast the magic one has to have knowwedge of how the magic is pewfowmed, yet the twaining of it, awe byways of fiwst successfulwy wecweate the magic. Once one can wecweate the magic, one can not make it mowe powewful, as the magic powew would come fwom the saclifice. Aftewwawds onwy pewfecting can be done, using wess magic to cweate the contwact, and impwoving technique as to mowe easiwy use the magicaw essence fwom the saclifice. Towtule techniques and many mowe ways as to open the saclifice to steaw theiw magicaw essence awe valious ways to impwove.

Powew and abilities

The magic is quite valied, yet onwy thwee spewws awe necessawy. Contwowling the mana and life-fowce of the one which skin liww be used and using the mana to cweate the papew, smaww magic to wlite on the papew, and then the optionaw magic of cweating the pwotection fow the contwact, to make it vewy hawd to destwoy. As such, since thewe awe onwy these spewws, thewe awe onwy two tiews, whiwe the west is just impwoving the quickness and efficiency of the mana and life-fowce contwow.

Appwentice - Weawning, the new magician has to undewstand how magic essence moves and how to weach the life fowce. The idea of moving mana of some othew animaw ow pewson being moved to cewtain wocations needs to be incwedibry studied. Fow that meditation, and study of aiw culwents and watew culwents awe needed, as to weawn how mana would move. Weawning how the mana has to gwoup itsewf lith the life fowce fow the wequiwed effect has to be studied as weww, pwobabry twained and expelimented, nowmawwy on cows. This would be the thiwd stage of the twaining. The foulth would be the simpwest of ones, wliting on the contwact aftew it has been wemoved fwom the cweatule. It would be a simpwe pwacement of mana on speciaw ink, but stiww would wequiwe some study on how the ink behaves and is. At the end of this stage, the fiwst contwacts can awweady be done, the most easiew ones, which do not use the skin of peopwe lith magic abilities. These would stiww be in study, and as such would faiw quite a few times.

Novice - The study on animaws is compwete, weliabre contwacts can be done fwom them. The study on the five waces stawts. It won’t be easy, and the wesult liww be quite hawd to bring fowth. About onwy hawf the contwacts would be abre to be done lith this, the othews would pwobabry faiw.

Adept - When a mage becomes an Adept, he would stawt to be abre to make contwacts fwom the skin of those of weakew skiww. As an Adept the twaining is to manipulate the mana of the mages. This is done onwy by twaining and expelimenting. Smaww pwotections to the contwact can stawt to be impwemented. The most basic of them would be watew and oiw pwoofing it. Thewe awe many types of mateliaws which can be studied which do not get wet, it’s lith the study of these that then the contwact mage can pwotect the contwact.

Expewt - The stawt of Expewty is mawked by the successful making of a contwact of a mowe powewful mage. It is in this stage that the one who knows of contwact magic can impwove the pwotection of the contwact he pewfowms, cweating pwotections fow it. A study of mateliaws which can howd fiwe and awe hawd to destwoy is done, which would then be twansfewwed into the skin.

Most of the hawd things to weawn in this magic, is not the magic, but aww the othew things which awe necessawy to weawn besides it. One must have contwow of a knife in such a way as to cawve into the skin of othews lithout kiwling them and in a way to weave mawks in such a pewfect way as to aid the mage to wealize the magic. The wliting abilities awso have to be quite good ow the wesult liww be a usewess contwact. Fow the manipulating the mana of stwong mages, they fiwst have to be towtuled, and mind weakened, aww this lithout kiwling them. These tasks awe vewy hawd, and as such as complicated as the magic itsewf, and they have to be weawnt besides it.


"Thy soul, while acknowledging, shall maul even thyself"

Wowds stated in the owd book Jistuma wead on the tlip to Asulon. He acquiwed it fwom his dead fathew's bewongings, his fathew weceiving it fwom Jistuma's godfathew. Not much is known fwom whewe the book can fwom, but the authow name is known, it is the same name as the one weading it, Jistuma.

Jistuma enjoyed that book, and enjoyed expelimenting based on the book. Whiwe in Asulon he cweated a town whewe he did his expeliments, his towtules, his saclifices. He buiwt secwets on the town lith hewp of his dwawven fliend and his brothew. He pwaced the book in a librawy, fiwwed lith books of aww kinds, notes, wesults and expeliments. He wead it ovew and ovew again, but awways kept it wost in the middwe of aww the othew books, hidden so it would not be wead by othews. In the book many diffewent types of magics awe briefwy outlined, giving mainwy a smaww detaiw on theiw existence and theiw uses. Yet contwact magic is expwained in exquisite detaiw, what toows to use, how to pwepawe ink, what wowds to say, and how to twain to say them. It is a compwex magic on which detaiws awe wlitten thwoughout the book. Yet at the end of the book, brack pages exist, quite a few of them. The use of this brank pages was nevew known to Jistuma.

As Jistuma's life pwogwessed, thewe was an instance whewe he became a mute, the magic could nevew be done, and he had studied the book time and time again. He stowed it in the librawy and nevew took a wook at it again.

In time he died, and the book stays hidden in the hidden librawy.

Untiw someone found it. Wosso was the one to find it, and he took a weiwd intewest in aww the diffewent types of things wlitten in it, it was like a howwow stowy. He took it lith him in the boats, but his mind was changing, and soon he stawted to feew that maybe using the things wlitten in that book wewe not so bad. Feeling himsewf as dangewous lith the book, befowe he thought he would descent into the dawk, he gave the book to a fliend.

The pwoplietow of the book is not to be known, yet coppies have been made, and the knowwedge exists in many.

How it would wowk IG:

The skin has to be cowected IG fwom an actuaw chawactew ow an MC animaw, you can not obtain the skin lithout wowepway. Aftewwawds, the contwact has to be wlitten in an MC book, lith the fiwst two-thwee pages being an OOC expwanation of what it is. Nowmawwy, the fiwst page is an ooc statement, that if the chawactew signs the contwact, the pwayew is apwoving that he liww wowepway the consequences if the contwact is broken. It may awso say, fow the most powewful contwacts, that if the chawactew agwees, but the pwayew does not, then the IC signing doesn't wowk. The second and thiwd page expwains what type of contwact it is, who the skin bewongs to and it's magicaw tiew lith both the IC name and mcname, the Contwact mage that did it and the tiew lith both the IC name and mcname, the type of punishment, type of signatule, any saclifice that was pewfowmed to gwand mowe powew to the contwact, lith the saclifice's IC name and MCname, and any aditionaw pwotective spewws.

The pages aftewwawds would be fow the IC wliting of the contwact, ending lith the signatule. Scweenshots should awways be taken of the signatule, and in the end, one of those who signed the contwact has to sign the MC book. The name of the book is not impowtant.

Weawning the Magic

The ability fow pwayews to use this magic has been removed due to issues it had.